@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+aoetools (11-1.2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Non-maintainer upload.
+ * Apply patch from Nelson A. de Oliveira to fix missing dependency on
+ lsb-base (closes: #403294)
+ -- Andrew Pollock <apollock@debian.org> Sat, 16 Dec 2006 10:37:05 -0800
+aoetools (11-1.1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Non-maintainer upload.
+ * Have the init script opportunistically modprobe aoe, and exit out
+ if $INTERFACES == none before checking for /dev/etherd, so that the
+ PACKAGE installs cleanly on unconfigured systems; patch from
+ Steve Langasek. (Closes: #391345)
+ -- Steinar H. Gunderson <sesse@debian.org> Tue, 31 Oct 2006 14:25:41 +0100
aoetools (11-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release: