1516148912.aoetools-36-9-g4ef4274.change-shell-script-interpreter-from-bin-bash-to-bin-sh.patch 680 B

  1. Subject: Change shell script interpreter from /bin/bash to /bin/sh
  2. Origin: aoetools-36-9-g4ef4274 <https://github.com/OpenAoE/aoetools/commit/aoetools-36-9-g4ef4274>
  3. Upstream-Author: Sergio Prado <sergio.prado@e-labworks.com>
  4. Date: Tue Jan 16 22:28:32 2018 -0200
  5. Forwarded: not-needed (cherry-picked)
  6. This will make the script more portable, making it possible to run on
  7. systems that do not have bash.
  8. Signed-off-by: Sergio Prado <sergio.prado@e-labworks.com>
  9. --- a/aoe-stat.in
  10. +++ b/aoe-stat.in
  11. @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
  12. -#! /bin/bash
  13. +#! /bin/sh
  14. # aoe-stat - collate and present information about AoE storage
  15. # Copyright 2012, CORAID, Inc., and licensed under GPL v.2.