/* vim: set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab smarttab colorcolumn=80: */ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. * Author: Nathaniel McCallum * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_UDP 65507 #define UERR ((uid_t) -1) #define GERR ((gid_t) -1) typedef struct { ssize_t used; char data[MAX_UDP]; } pkt_t; enum { PIPE_RD = 0, PIPE_WR = 1 }; struct context { UDisksClient *clt; GMainLoop *loop; GList *lst; int sock; }; static const luksmeta_uuid_t CLEVIS_LUKS_UUID = { 0xcb, 0x6e, 0x89, 0x04, 0x81, 0xff, 0x40, 0xda, 0xa8, 0x4a, 0x07, 0xab, 0x9a, 0xb5, 0x71, 0x5e }; static void remove_path(GList **lst, const char *path) { GList *i = NULL; while ((i = g_list_find_custom(*lst, path, (GCompareFunc) g_strcmp0))) { *lst = g_list_remove(*lst, i->data); g_free(i->data); } } static gboolean idle(gpointer misc) { struct context *ctx = misc; GVariant *options = NULL; options = g_variant_new_parsed("@a{sv} { %s: }", "auth.no_user_interaction"); if (!options) goto error; g_variant_ref_sink(options); for (GList *i = ctx->lst; i; i = i->next) { UDisksEncrypted *enc = NULL; const char *path = i->data; UDisksObject *uobj = NULL; UDisksBlock *block = NULL; const char *dev = NULL; pkt_t pkt = {}; uobj = udisks_client_peek_object(ctx->clt, path); if (!uobj) continue; enc = udisks_object_peek_encrypted(uobj); if (!enc) continue; block = udisks_object_peek_block(uobj); if (!block) continue; dev = udisks_block_get_device(block); if (!dev) continue; pkt.used = strlen(dev) + 1; if ((size_t) pkt.used > sizeof(pkt.data)) continue; strcpy(pkt.data, dev); if (send(ctx->sock, pkt.data, pkt.used, 0) != pkt.used) { g_main_loop_quit(ctx->loop); break; } memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt)); pkt.used = recv(ctx->sock, pkt.data, sizeof(pkt.data), 0); if (pkt.used == 0) continue; else if (pkt.used < 0 || (size_t) pkt.used >= sizeof(pkt.data)) { g_main_loop_quit(ctx->loop); break; } /* NOTE: pkt.data is now implicitly NULL terminated regardless of * whether or not the plaintext inside the JWE was terminated. */ udisks_encrypted_call_unlock_sync(enc, pkt.data, options, NULL, NULL, NULL); memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt)); } error: g_list_free_full(ctx->lst, g_free); g_variant_unref(options); ctx->lst = NULL; return FALSE; } static void oadd(GDBusObjectManager *mgr, GDBusObject *obj, gpointer misc) { struct context *ctx = misc; UDisksObject *uobj = NULL; const char *path = NULL; const char *back = NULL; UDisksBlock *ct = NULL; UDisksBlock *pt = NULL; GList *tmp = NULL; char *ptmp = NULL; path = g_dbus_object_get_object_path(obj); if (!path) return; uobj = udisks_client_peek_object(ctx->clt, path); if (!uobj) return; ct = udisks_object_peek_block(uobj); if (!ct) return; back = udisks_block_get_crypto_backing_device(ct); if (back) remove_path(&ctx->lst, back); if (!udisks_block_get_hint_auto(ct)) return; if (!udisks_object_peek_encrypted(uobj)) return; pt = udisks_client_get_cleartext_block(ctx->clt, ct); if (pt) { g_object_unref(pt); return; } ptmp = g_strdup(path); if (!ptmp) return; tmp = g_list_prepend(ctx->lst, ptmp); if (!tmp) { g_free(ptmp); return; } ctx->lst = tmp; g_idle_add(idle, ctx); } static void orem(GDBusObjectManager *mgr, GDBusObject *obj, gpointer misc) { struct context *ctx = misc; remove_path(&ctx->lst, g_dbus_object_get_object_path(obj)); } static gboolean sockerr(gint fd, GIOCondition cond, gpointer misc) { struct context *ctx = misc; close(fd); g_main_loop_quit(ctx->loop); return FALSE; } static int child_main(int sock) { struct context ctx = { .sock = sock }; int exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE; GDBusObjectManager *mgr = NULL; gulong id = 0; ctx.loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); if (!ctx.loop) goto error; ctx.clt = udisks_client_new_sync(NULL, NULL); if (!ctx.clt) goto error; mgr = udisks_client_get_object_manager(ctx.clt); if (!mgr) goto error; id = g_signal_connect(mgr, "object-added", G_CALLBACK(oadd), &ctx); if (id == 0) goto error; id = g_signal_connect(mgr, "object-removed", G_CALLBACK(orem), &ctx); if (id == 0) goto error; id = g_unix_fd_add(sock, G_IO_ERR, sockerr, &ctx); if (id == 0) goto error; g_main_loop_run(ctx.loop); exit_status = EXIT_SUCCESS; error: g_list_free_full(ctx.lst, g_free); g_main_loop_unref(ctx.loop); g_object_unref(ctx.clt); close(sock); return exit_status; } /* * ========================================================================== * Caution, code below this point runs with euid = 0! * ========================================================================== */ static int pair[2] = { -1, -1 }; pid_t pid = 0; static void safeclose(int *fd) { if (*fd >= 0) close(*fd); *fd = -1; } static void on_signal(int sig) { if (sig == SIGCHLD) { if (wait(NULL) != pid) return; pid = -1; } safeclose(&pair[0]); } static ssize_t recover_key(const pkt_t *jwe, char *out, size_t max, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { int push[2] = { -1, -1 }; int pull[2] = { -1, -1 }; ssize_t bytes = 0; pid_t chld = 0; if (pipe(push) != 0) goto error; if (pipe(pull) != 0) goto error; chld = fork(); if (chld < 0) goto error; if (chld == 0) { char *const env[] = { "PATH=" BINDIR, NULL }; int r = 0; if (setgid(gid) != 0 || setegid(gid) != 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; if (setuid(uid) != 0 || seteuid(uid) != 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; r = dup2(push[PIPE_RD], STDIN_FILENO); if (r != STDIN_FILENO) return EXIT_FAILURE; r = dup2(pull[PIPE_WR], STDOUT_FILENO); if (r != STDOUT_FILENO) return EXIT_FAILURE; safeclose(&push[PIPE_RD]); safeclose(&push[PIPE_WR]); safeclose(&pull[PIPE_RD]); safeclose(&pull[PIPE_WR]); execle(BINDIR "/clevis", "clevis", "decrypt", NULL, env); return EXIT_FAILURE; } safeclose(&push[PIPE_RD]); safeclose(&pull[PIPE_WR]); bytes = write(push[PIPE_WR], jwe->data, jwe->used); safeclose(&push[PIPE_WR]); if (bytes < 0 || bytes != jwe->used) { errno = errno == 0 ? EIO : errno; kill(chld, SIGTERM); goto error; } bytes = 0; for (ssize_t block = 1; block > 0; bytes += block) { block = read(pull[PIPE_RD], &out[bytes], max - bytes); if (block < 0) { kill(chld, SIGTERM); goto error; } } safeclose(&pull[PIPE_RD]); return bytes; error: safeclose(&push[PIPE_RD]); safeclose(&push[PIPE_WR]); safeclose(&pull[PIPE_RD]); safeclose(&pull[PIPE_WR]); return -errno; } static bool log_attempt(int log, struct crypt_device *cd, bool success) { const char *uuid = NULL; char msg[4096] = {}; char *dev = NULL; int r = 0; uuid = crypt_get_uuid(cd); if (!uuid) return false; dev = audit_encode_nv_string("device", crypt_get_device_name(cd), 0); if (!dev) return false; r = snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "op=recovered-key-for uuid=%s %s", uuid, dev); free(dev); if (r < 0 || r == sizeof(msg)) return false; return audit_log_user_message(log, AUDIT_USER_DEVICE, msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, success) > 0; } static const char *sopts = "hu:g:"; static const struct option lopts[] = { { "help", no_argument, .val = 'h' }, { "user", required_argument, .val = 'u' }, { "group", required_argument, .val = 'g' }, {} }; static uid_t usr2uid(const char *usr) { const struct passwd *tmp = getpwnam(usr); return tmp ? tmp->pw_uid : UERR; } static gid_t grp2gid(const char *grp) { const struct group *tmp = getgrnam(grp); return tmp ? tmp->gr_gid : GERR; } int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) { const int slotlen = crypt_keyslot_max(CRYPT_LUKS1); gid_t recg = grp2gid(CLEVIS_GROUP); /* Recovery group */ uid_t recu = usr2uid(CLEVIS_USER); /* Recovery user */ gid_t unlg = getgid(); /* Unlock group */ uid_t unlu = getuid(); /* Unlock user */ int log = -1; if (recu == UERR) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid user name '%s'!\n", CLEVIS_USER); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (recg == GERR) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid group name '%s'!\n", CLEVIS_GROUP); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (geteuid() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Root privileges required!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (int c; (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, sopts, lopts, NULL)) >= 0; ) { switch (c) { case 'u': if (getuid() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "You can only specify the user as root!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } unlu = usr2uid(optarg); if (unlu == 0 || unlu == UERR) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid user name '%s'!\n", optarg); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; case 'g': if (getuid() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "You can only specify the group as root!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } unlg = grp2gid(optarg); if (unlg == 0 || unlg == GERR) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid group name '%s'!\n", optarg); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: clevis-luks-udisks2 [-u USER -g GROUP]\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (unlu == 0 || unlg == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Either run as SETUID=root or use -u/-g!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, pair) == -1) return EXIT_FAILURE; pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { safeclose(&pair[0]); safeclose(&pair[1]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (pid == 0) { int status = EXIT_FAILURE; safeclose(&pair[0]); if (setgid(unlg) == 0 && setegid(unlg) == 0 && setuid(unlu) == 0 && seteuid(unlu) == 0) status = child_main(pair[1]); safeclose(&pair[1]); return status; } safeclose(&pair[1]); signal(SIGHUP, on_signal); signal(SIGINT, on_signal); signal(SIGPIPE, on_signal); signal(SIGTERM, on_signal); signal(SIGUSR1, on_signal); signal(SIGUSR2, on_signal); signal(SIGCHLD, on_signal); if (setgid(0) == -1 || setegid(0) == -1 || setuid(0) == -1 || seteuid(0) == -1) goto error; log = audit_open(); if (log < 0) goto error; for (pkt_t req = {}, jwe = {}, key = {}; ; key = (pkt_t) {}) { struct crypt_device *cd = NULL; luksmeta_uuid_t uuid = {}; int r = 0; /* Receive a request. Ensure that it is null terminated. */ req.used = recv(pair[0], req.data, sizeof(req.data), 0); if (req.used < 1 || req.data[req.used - 1]) break; r = crypt_init(&cd, req.data); if (r < 0) goto next; r = crypt_load(cd, CRYPT_LUKS1, NULL); if (r < 0) goto next; for (uint8_t s = 0; s < slotlen && key.used <= 0; s++) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\tSLOT\t%hhu\n", req.data, s); switch (crypt_keyslot_status(cd, s)) { case CRYPT_SLOT_ACTIVE: case CRYPT_SLOT_ACTIVE_LAST: break; default: continue; } jwe.used = luksmeta_load(cd, s, uuid, jwe.data, sizeof(jwe.data)); if (jwe.used <= 0) continue; if (memcmp(uuid, CLEVIS_LUKS_UUID, sizeof(uuid)) != 0) continue; fprintf(stderr, "%s\tMETA\t%s\n", req.data, strerror(jwe.used < 0 ? -jwe.used : 0)); /* Recover the key from the JWE. */ key.used = recover_key(&jwe, key.data, sizeof(key.data), recu, recg); fprintf(stderr, "%s\tRCVR\t%s (%zd)\n", req.data, strerror(key.used < 0 ? -key.used : 0), key.used); } if (key.used < 0) key.used = 0; /* Don't return the key unless auditing succeeds. */ if (!log_attempt(log, cd, key.used > 0)) memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); next: crypt_free(cd); /* Send the key as a reply. */ if (send(pair[0], key.data, key.used, 0) != key.used) break; } error: safeclose(&log); safeclose(&pair[0]); if (pid != -1) { kill(pid, SIGTERM); waitpid(pid, NULL, 0); } return EXIT_FAILURE; }