/* vim: set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab smarttab colorcolumn=80: */ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. * Author: Nathaniel McCallum * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional permission under GPLv3 section 7: * * In the following paragraph, "GPL" means the GNU General Public * License, version 3 or any later version, and "Non-GPL Code" means * code that is governed neither by the GPL nor a license * compatible with the GPL. * * You may link the code of this Program with Non-GPL Code and convey * linked combinations including the two, provided that such Non-GPL * Code only links to the code of this Program through those well * defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION found in * the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline * functions from the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting * work to be covered by the GPL. Only the copyright holders of this * Program may make changes or additions to the list of Approved * Interfaces. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include "sss.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BIGNUM_auto __attribute__((cleanup(BN_cleanup))) BIGNUM #define BN_CTX_auto __attribute__((cleanup(BN_CTX_cleanup))) BN_CTX static BIGNUM * bn_decode(const uint8_t buf[], size_t len) { return BN_bin2bn(buf, len, NULL); } static BIGNUM * bn_decode_json(const json_t *json) { uint8_t *buf = NULL; BIGNUM *bn = NULL; size_t len; len = jose_b64_dec(json, NULL, 0); if (len == SIZE_MAX) return NULL; buf = malloc(len); if (!buf) return NULL; if (jose_b64_dec(json, buf, len) != len) { free(buf); return NULL; } bn = bn_decode(buf, len); free(buf); return bn; } static bool bn_encode(const BIGNUM *bn, uint8_t buf[], size_t len) { int bytes = 0; if (!bn) return false; if (len == 0) len = BN_num_bytes(bn); bytes = BN_num_bytes(bn); if (bytes < 0 || bytes > (int) len) return false; memset(buf, 0, len); return BN_bn2bin(bn, &buf[len - bytes]) > 0; } static json_t * bn_encode_json(const BIGNUM *bn, size_t len) { uint8_t *buf = NULL; json_t *out = NULL; if (!bn) return NULL; if (len == 0) len = BN_num_bytes(bn); if ((int) len < BN_num_bytes(bn)) return NULL; buf = malloc(len); if (!buf) return NULL; if (!bn_encode(bn, buf, len)) { free(buf); return NULL; } out = jose_b64_enc(buf, len); free(buf); return out; } static void BN_CTX_cleanup(BN_CTX **ctx) { if (ctx) BN_CTX_free(*ctx); } static void BN_cleanup(BIGNUM **bnp) { if (bnp) BN_clear_free(*bnp); } json_t * sss_generate(size_t key_bytes, size_t threshold) { BIGNUM_auto *p = NULL; BIGNUM_auto *e = NULL; json_t *sss = NULL; if (key_bytes == 0 || threshold < 1) return NULL; p = BN_new(); e = BN_new(); if (!p || !e) goto error; if (!BN_generate_prime_ex(p, key_bytes * 8, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; sss = json_pack("{s:i,s:[],s:o}", "t", threshold, "e", "p", bn_encode_json(p, key_bytes)); if (!sss) goto error; for (size_t i = 0; i < threshold; i++) { if (BN_rand_range(e, p) <= 0) goto error; if (json_array_append_new(json_object_get(sss, "e"), bn_encode_json(e, key_bytes))) goto error; } return sss; error: json_decref(sss); return NULL; } uint8_t * sss_point(const json_t *sss, size_t *len) { BN_CTX_auto *ctx = NULL; BIGNUM_auto *tmp = NULL; BIGNUM_auto *xx = NULL; BIGNUM_auto *yy = NULL; BIGNUM_auto *pp = NULL; uint8_t *key = NULL; json_t *e = NULL; json_t *p = NULL; json_int_t t = 0; if (json_unpack((json_t *) sss, "{s:I,s:o,s:o}", "t", &t, "p", &p, "e", &e) != 0) return NULL; ctx = BN_CTX_new(); pp = bn_decode_json(p); xx = BN_new(); yy = BN_new(); tmp = BN_new(); if (!ctx || !pp || !xx || !yy || !tmp) return NULL; if (BN_rand_range(xx, pp) <= 0) return NULL; if (BN_set_word(yy, 0) <= 0) return NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < json_array_size(e); i++) { BIGNUM_auto *ee = NULL; ee = bn_decode_json(json_array_get(e, i)); if (!ee) return NULL; if (BN_cmp(pp, ee) <= 0) return NULL; /* y += e[i] * x^i */ if (BN_set_word(tmp, i) <= 0) return NULL; if (BN_mod_exp(tmp, xx, tmp, pp, ctx) <= 0) return NULL; if (BN_mod_mul(tmp, ee, tmp, pp, ctx) <= 0) return NULL; if (BN_mod_add(yy, yy, tmp, pp, ctx) <= 0) return NULL; } *len = jose_b64_dec(p, NULL, 0); if (*len == SIZE_MAX) return NULL; key = malloc(*len * 2); if (!key) return NULL; if (!bn_encode(xx, key, *len) || !bn_encode(yy, &key[*len], *len)) { memset(key, 0, *len * 2); free(key); return NULL; } *len *= 2; return key; } json_t * sss_recover(const json_t *p, size_t npnts, const uint8_t *pnts[]) { BN_CTX_auto *ctx = BN_CTX_new(); BIGNUM_auto *pp = bn_decode_json(p); BIGNUM_auto *acc = BN_new(); BIGNUM_auto *tmp = BN_new(); BIGNUM_auto *k = BN_new(); size_t len = 0; if (!ctx || !pp || !acc || !tmp || !k) return NULL; if (BN_set_word(k, 0) <= 0) return NULL; len = jose_b64_dec(p, NULL, 0); if (len == SIZE_MAX) return NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < npnts; i++) { BIGNUM_auto *xo = NULL; /* Outer X */ BIGNUM_auto *yo = NULL; /* Outer Y */ xo = bn_decode(pnts[i], len); yo = bn_decode(&pnts[i][len], len); if (!xo || !yo) return NULL; if (BN_one(acc) <= 0) return NULL; for (size_t j = 0; j < npnts; j++) { BIGNUM_auto *xi = NULL; /* Inner X */ if (i == j) continue; xi = bn_decode(pnts[j], len); if (!xi) return NULL; /* acc *= (0 - xi) / (xo - xi) */ if (BN_set_word(tmp, 0) <= 0) return NULL; if (BN_mod_sub(tmp, tmp, xi, pp, ctx) <= 0) return NULL; if (BN_mod_mul(acc, acc, tmp, pp, ctx) <= 0) return NULL; if (BN_mod_sub(tmp, xo, xi, pp, ctx) <= 0) return NULL; if (BN_mod_inverse(tmp, tmp, pp, ctx) != tmp) return NULL; if (BN_mod_mul(acc, acc, tmp, pp, ctx) <= 0) return NULL; } /* k += acc * y[i] */ if (BN_mod_mul(acc, acc, yo, pp, ctx) <= 0) return NULL; if (BN_mod_add(k, k, acc, pp, ctx) <= 0) return NULL; } return bn_encode_json(k, len); } enum { PIPE_RD = 0, PIPE_WR = 1 }; FILE * call(char *const argv[], const void *buf, size_t len, pid_t *pid) { int dump[2] = { -1, -1 }; int load[2] = { -1, -1 }; FILE *out = NULL; ssize_t wr = 0; *pid = 0; if (pipe2(dump, O_CLOEXEC) < 0) goto error; if (pipe2(load, O_CLOEXEC) < 0) goto error; *pid = fork(); if (*pid < 0) goto error; if (*pid == 0) { if (dup2(dump[PIPE_RD], STDIN_FILENO) < 0 || dup2(load[PIPE_WR], STDOUT_FILENO) < 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); execvp(argv[0], argv); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (const uint8_t *tmp = buf; len > 0; tmp += wr, len -= wr) { wr = write(dump[PIPE_WR], tmp, len); if (wr < 0) goto error; } out = fdopen(load[PIPE_RD], "r"); if (!out) goto error; close(dump[PIPE_RD]); close(dump[PIPE_WR]); close(load[PIPE_WR]); return out; error: close(dump[PIPE_RD]); close(dump[PIPE_WR]); close(load[PIPE_RD]); close(load[PIPE_WR]); if (*pid > 0) { kill(*pid, SIGTERM); waitpid(*pid, NULL, 0); *pid = 0; } return NULL; }