clevis-luks-unlock.1.adoc 638 B

  2. =====================
  3. :doctype: manpage
  4. == NAME
  5. clevis-luks-unlock - Unlocks a LUKS device bound with a Clevis policy
  6. == SYNOPSIS
  7. *clevis luks unlock* -d DEV [-n NAME] [-t SLT]
  8. == OVERVIEW
  9. The *clevis luks unlock* command unlocks a LUKS device using its already
  10. provisioned Clevis policy. For example:
  11. $ clevis luks unlock -d /dev/sda
  12. == OPTIONS
  13. * *-d* _DEV_ :
  14. The LUKS device to unlock
  15. * *-n* _NAME_ :
  16. The name to give the unlocked device node
  17. * *-t* _SLT_ :
  18. Test the passphrase for the given slot without unlocking the device
  19. == SEE ALSO
  20. link:clevis-luks-bind.1.adoc[*clevis-luks-bind*(1)]