clevis-encrypt-http.1 1.7 KB

  1. .\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 1.19.1
  2. .\"
  3. .TH "CLEVIS\-ENCRYPT\-HTTP" "1" "Sepember 2017" "" ""
  4. .hy
  5. .SH NAME
  6. .PP
  7. clevis\-encrypt\-http \-\- Encrypts using a REST HTTP escrow server
  8. policy
  10. .PP
  11. \f[C]clevis\ encrypt\ http\f[] CONFIG < PT > JWE
  13. .PP
  14. The \f[C]clevis\ encrypt\ http\f[] command encrypts using a REST HTTP
  15. escrow server policy.
  16. Its only argument is the JSON configuration object.
  17. .PP
  18. When using the HTTP pin, we create a new, cryptographically\-strong,
  19. random key.
  20. This key is stored in a remote HTTP escrow server (using a simple PUT or
  21. POST).
  22. Then at decryption time, we attempt to fetch the key back again in order
  23. to decrypt our data.
  24. So, for our configuration we need to pass the URL to the key location:
  25. .IP
  26. .nf
  27. \f[C]
  28. $\ clevis\ encrypt\ http\ \[aq]{"url":"https://escrow.srv/1234"}\[aq]\ <\ PT\ >\ JWE
  29. \f[]
  30. .fi
  31. .PP
  32. To decrypt the data, simply provide the ciphertext (JWE):
  33. .IP
  34. .nf
  35. \f[C]
  36. $\ clevis\ decrypt\ <\ JWE\ >\ PT
  37. \f[]
  38. .fi
  39. .PP
  40. Notice that we did not pass any configuration during decryption.
  41. The decrypt command extracted the URL (and possibly other configuration)
  42. from the JWE object, fetched the encryption key from the escrow and
  43. performed decryption.
  44. .SH CONFIG
  45. .PP
  46. This command uses the following configuration properties:
  47. .IP \[bu] 2
  48. \f[C]url\f[] (string) : The URL where the key is stored (REQUIRED)
  49. .IP \[bu] 2
  50. \f[C]http\f[] (boolean) : Allow or disallow non\-TLS HTTP (default:
  51. false)
  52. .IP \[bu] 2
  53. \f[C]type\f[] (string) : The type of key to store (default:
  54. octet\-stream)
  55. .IP \[bu] 2
  56. \f[C]method\f[] (string) : The HTTP method to use (default: PUT)
  57. .SH SEE ALSO
  58. .PP
  59. \f[C]clevis\-decrypt\f[](1)
  61. Nathaniel McCallum <>.