@@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
+Subject: Combined patch of all commits since the 5.29 release
+Origin: FILE5_29..FILE5_29-23-gc8ef8f4
+Upstream-Author: Christos Zoulas <christos@zoulas.com>
+Date: Sat Dec 10 14:21:29 2016 +0000
+--- a/ChangeLog
+@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
++2016-11-06 10:52 Christos Zoulas <christos@zoulas.com>
++ * Allow @@@ in extensions
++ * Add missing overflow check in der magic (Jonas Wagner)
+ 2016-10-25 10:40 Christos Zoulas <christos@zoulas.com>
+- * release 5.28
++ * release 5.29
+ 2016-10-24 11:20 Christos Zoulas <christos@zoulas.com>
+--- a/doc/magic.man
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+ .Nm magic
+ .Nd file command's magic pattern file
+-This manual page documents the format of the magic file as
++This manual page documents the format of magic files as
+ used by the
+ .Xr file __CSECTION__
+ command, version __VERSION__.
+@@ -17,13 +17,19 @@
+ among other tests,
+ a test for whether the file contains certain
+ .Dq "magic patterns" .
+-The file
+-.Pa __MAGIC__
+-specifies what patterns are to be tested for, what message or
++The database of these
++.Dq "magic patterns"
++is usually located in a binary file in
++.Pa __MAGIC__.mgc
++or a directory of source text magic pattern fragment files in
++.Pa __MAGIC__ .
++The database specifies what patterns are to be tested for, what message or
+ MIME type to print if a particular pattern is found,
+ and additional information to extract from the file.
+ .Pp
+-Each line of the file specifies a test to be performed.
++The format of the source fragment files that are used to build this database
++is as follows:
++Each line of a fragment file specifies a test to be performed.
+ A test compares the data starting at a particular offset
+ in the file with a byte value, a string or a numeric value.
+ If the test succeeds, a message is printed.
+--- a/magic/Magdir/audio
+@@ -469,6 +469,8 @@
+ >>20 byte&0xe 0xc \b, 7 channels
+ >>20 byte&0xe 0xe \b, 8 channels
+ # some common sample rates
++>>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x2ee000 \b, 192 kHz
++>>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x158880 \b, 88.2 kHz
+ >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x0ac440 \b, 44.1 kHz
+ >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x0bb800 \b, 48 kHz
+ >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x07d000 \b, 32 kHz
+--- a/magic/Magdir/console
+@@ -617,6 +617,52 @@
+ >0x218 belong 0x5D1C9EA3 Nintendo Wii disc image (WBFS format):
+ >>0x200 use nintendo-gcn-disc-common
++# Type: Nintendo GameCube/Wii disc image (CISO format)
++# NOTE: This is NOT the same as Compact ISO or PSP CISO,
++# though it has the same magic number.
++0 string CISO
++# Other fields are used to determine what type of CISO this is:
++# - 0x04 == 0x00200000: GameCube/Wii CISO (block_size)
++# - 0x10 == 0x00000800: PSP CISO (ISO-9660 sector size)
++# - None of the above: Compact ISO.
++>4 lelong 0x200000
++>>8 byte 1
++>>>0x801C belong 0xC2339F3D Nintendo GameCube disc image (CISO format):
++>>>>0x8000 use nintendo-gcn-disc-common
++>>>0x8018 belong 0x5D1C9EA3 Nintendo Wii disc image (CISO format):
++>>>>0x8000 use nintendo-gcn-disc-common
++# Type: Nintendo GameCube/Wii disc image (GCZ format)
++# Due to zlib compression, we can't get the actual disc information.
++0 lelong 0xB10BC001
++>4 lelong 0 Nintendo GameCube disc image (GCZ format)
++>4 lelong 1 Nintendo Wii disc image (GCZ format)
++>4 lelong >1 Nintendo GameCube/Wii disc image (GCZ format)
++# Type: Nintendo GameCube/Wii disc image (WDF format)
++0 string WII\001DISC
++>8 belong 1
++# WDFv1
++>>0x54 belong 0xC2339F3D Nintendo GameCube disc image (WDFv1 format):
++>>>0x38 use nintendo-gcn-disc-common
++>>0x58 belong 0x5D1C9EA3 Nintendo Wii disc image (WDFv1 format):
++>>>0x38 use nintendo-gcn-disc-common
++>8 belong 2
++# WDFv2
++>>(12.L+0x1C) belong 0xC2339F3D Nintendo GameCube disc image (WDFv2 format):
++>>>(12.L) use nintendo-gcn-disc-common
++>>(12.L+0x18) belong 0x5D1C9EA3 Nintendo Wii disc image (WDFv2 format):
++>>>(12.L) use nintendo-gcn-disc-common
++# Type: Nintendo GameCube/Wii disc image (WIA format)
++0 string WIA\001 Nintendo
++>0x48 belong 0 GameCube/Wii
++>0x48 belong 1 GameCube
++>0x48 belong 2 Wii
++>0x48 belong >2 GameCube/Wii
++>0x48 belong x disc image (WIA format):
++>>0x58 use nintendo-gcn-disc-common
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Nintendo 3DS file formats.
+ #
+@@ -750,3 +796,17 @@
+ #
+ 0 string g\ GCE Vectrex ROM image
+ >0x11 string >\0 \b: "%.16s"
++# amiibo: file(1) magic for Nintendo amiibo NFC dumps.
++# From: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com>
++# Reference: https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Amiibo
++0x00 byte 0x04
++>0x0A beshort 0x0FE0
++>>0x0C belong 0xF110FFEE
++>>>0x208 beshort 0x0100
++>>>>0x020A byte 0x0F
++>>>>>0x020C bequad 0x000000045F000000
++>>>>>>0x5B byte 0x02
++>>>>>>>0x54 belong x Nintendo amiibo NFC dump - amiibo ID: %08X-
++>>>>>>>0x58 belong x \b%08X
+--- a/magic/Magdir/filesystems
+@@ -1949,7 +1949,19 @@
+ >0 use cdrom
+ # .cso files
+-0 string CISO Compressed ISO CD image
++# Reference: http://pismotec.com/ciso/ciso.h
++# NOTE: There are two other formats with the same magic but
++# completely incompatible specifications:
++# - GameCube/Wii CISO: https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin/blob/master/Source/Core/DiscIO/CISOBlob.h
++# - PSP CISO: https://github.com/jamie/ciso/blob/master/ciso.h
++0 string CISO
++# Other fields are used to determine what type of CISO this is:
++# - 0x04 == 0x00200000: GameCube/Wii CISO (block_size)
++# - 0x10 == 0x00000800: PSP CISO (ISO-9660 sector size)
++# - None of the above: Compact ISO.
++>4 lelong !0
++>>4 lelong !0x200000
++>>>0x10 lelong !0x800 Compressed ISO CD image
+ # cramfs filesystem - russell@coker.com.au
+ 0 lelong 0x28cd3d45 Linux Compressed ROM File System data, little endian
+--- a/magic/Magdir/fonts
+@@ -100,9 +100,11 @@
+ # X11 fonts, from Daniel Quinlan (quinlan@yggdrasil.com)
+ # PCF must come before SGI additions ("MIPSEL MIPS-II COFF" collides)
+-0 string \001fcp X11 Portable Compiled Font data
+->12 byte 0x02 \b, LSB first
+->12 byte 0x0a \b, MSB first
++0 string \001fcp X11 Portable Compiled Font data,
++>12 lelong ^0x08 bit: LSB,
++>12 lelong &0x08 bit: MSB,
++>12 lelong ^0x04 byte: LSB first
++>12 lelong &0x04 byte: MSB first
+ 0 string D1.0\015 X11 Speedo font data
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+--- /dev/null
+@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
++# $File: images,v 1.118 2016/11/08 02:58:21 christos Exp $
++# gpu: file(1) magic for GPU input files
++# Standard Portable Intermediate Representation (SPIR)
++# Documentation: https://www.khronos.org/spir
++# Typical file extension: .spv
++0 belong 0x07230203 Khronos SPIR-V binary, big-endian
++>4 belong x \b, version 0x%08x
++>8 belong x \b, generator 0x%08x
++0 lelong 0x07230203 Khronos SPIR-V binary, little-endian
++>4 lelong x \b, version 0x%08x
++>8 lelong x \b, generator 0x%08x
+--- a/magic/Magdir/icc
+@@ -11,41 +11,204 @@
+ # http://www.color.org/specification/ICC1v43_2010-12.pdf
+ #
+ # for Specification ICC.1:2010 (Profile version
++# URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/ICC_profile
++# Reference: http://www.color.org/iccmax/ICC.2-2016-7.pdf
++# Update: Joerg Jenderek
+ #
+ # Bytes 36 to 39 contain a generic profile file signature of "acsp";
+ # bytes 40 to 43 "may be used to identify the primary platform/operating
+ # system framework for which the profile was created".
+ #
+-# There are other fields that might be worth dumping as well.
++# check and display ICC/ICM color profile
++0 name color-profile
++>36 string acsp
++# skip ASCII like Cognacspirit.txt by month <= 12
++>>26 ubeshort <13
++# platform/operating system. Only 5 mentioned
+ # This appears to be what's used for Apple ColorSync profiles.
+ # Instead of adding that, Apple just changed the generic "acsp" entry
+ # to be for "ColorSync ICC Color Profile" rather than "Kodak Color
+ # Management System, ICC Profile".
+ # Yes, it's "APPL", not "AAPL"; see the spec.
+-36 string acspAPPL ColorSync ICC Profile
+-!:mime application/vnd.iccprofile
++>>>40 string APPL ColorSync
+ # Microsoft ICM color profile
+-36 string acspMSFT Microsoft ICM Color Profile
+-!:mime application/vnd.iccprofile
++>>>40 string MSFT Microsoft
+ # Yes, that's a blank after "SGI".
+-36 string acspSGI\ SGI ICC Profile
+-!:mime application/vnd.iccprofile
++>>>40 string SGI\ SGI
+ # XXX - is this what's used for the Sun KCMS or not? The standard file
+ # uses just "acsp" for that, but Apple's file uses it for "ColorSync",
+ # and there *is* an identified "primary platform" value of SUNW.
+-36 string acspSUNW Sun KCMS ICC Profile
++>>>40 string SUNW Sun KCMS
++# 5th platform
++>>>40 string TGNT Taligent
++# remaing "l" "e" of "color profile" printed later to avoid error
++>>>40 string x color profi
++#>>>40 string x (%.4s)
+ !:mime application/vnd.iccprofile
++# for "ICM" extension only versions 2.x and for Kodak "CC" 2.0 is found
++>>>8 ubyte =2
++# do not use empty message text to a avoid error like
++# icc, 82: Warning: Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a EXTENSION type
++# file.exe: could not find any valid magic files!
++>>>>9 ubyte !0 \ble
++!:ext icc/icm
++# minor version
++>>>>9 ubyte =0 \bl
++# Kodak colour management system
++>>>>>4 string =KCMS \be
++!:ext icc/icm/cc
++>>>>>4 string !KCMS \be
++!:ext icc/icm
++>>>8 ubyte !2 \ble
++!:ext icc
++# Profile version major.4bit-minor.sub1.sub2 like (04300000h)
++>>>8 ubyte x %u
++>>>9 ubyte/16 x \b.%u
++# reserved and shall be null but 205.205 in umx1220u.icm
++>>>10 ubyte >0 \b.%u
++>>>>11 ubyte >0 \b.%u
++# preferred colour management module like appl CCMS KCMS Lino UCCM "Win " "FF "
++# skip space like in brmsl08f.icm and null like in brmsl09f.icm, brmsl07f.icm
++>>>4 string >\ \b, type %.2s
++>>>>6 string >\ \b%.1s
++>>>>>7 string >\ \b%.1s
++# colour space "XYZ " "Lab " "RGB " CMYK GRAY ...
++>>>16 string x \b, %.3s
++>>>19 string >\ \b%.1s
++# Profile Connection Space (PCS) field usually "XYZ " or "Lab " but sometimes
++# null or CMYK like in ISOcoated_v2_to_PSOcoated_v3_DeviceLink.icc
++>>>20 string >\0 \b/%.3s
++>>>>23 string >\ \b%.1s
++# eleven device classes
++>>>12 string x \b-%.4s device
++# skip 00001964h in hpf69000.icc or 0h in XRDC50Q.ICM or " ROT" in brmsl05f.icm
++>>>52 string >\
++# skip "none" model like in "Trinitron Compatible 9300K G2.2.icm"
++>>>>52 ubelong !0x6e6f6e65
++# device manufacturer field like "HP " "IBM " EPSO
++>>>>>48 string x \b, %.2s
++>>>>>50 string >\ \b%.1s
++>>>>>51 string >\ \b%.1s
++# model like "ADI " "A265" and skip 20000404h in IS330.icm for RICOH RUSSIAN-SC
++>>>>>52 string >\ \ \b/%.3s
++>>>>>>55 string >\ \b%.1s
++>>>>>52 string x model
++# creator (often same as manufacture) like HP SONY XROX or null like in A925A.icm
++>>>80 string >\0 by %.2s
++>>>>82 string >\ \b%.1s
++>>>>>83 string >\ \b%.1s
++# profile size
++>>>0 ubelong x \b, %u bytes
++# skip invalid date 0 like in linearSRGB.icc
++>>>24 ubequad !0
++# datetime dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss
++>>>>28 ubeshort x \b, %u
++# month <= 12
++>>>>26 ubeshort x \b-%u
++# year
++>>>>24 ubeshort x \b-%u
++# do not display midnight time like in CNHP8308.ICC
++>>>>30 ubequad&0xFFffFFffFFff0000 !0
++# hour <= 24
++>>>>>30 ubeshort x %u
++# minutes <= 59
++>>>>>32 ubeshort x \b:%.2u
++# seconds <= 59
++>>>>>34 ubeshort x \b:%.2u
++# vendor specific flags like 2 in HPCLJ5.ICM
++>>>44 ubeshort >0 \b, 0x%x vendor flags
++# profile flags bits 0-2 of least 16 used by ICC
++#>>>44 ubelong >0 \b, 0x%x flags
++# icEmbeddedProfileTrue
++>>>44 ubelong &1 \b, embedded
++# icEmbeddedProfileFalse
++#>>>44 ubelong ^1 \b, not embedded
++# icUseWithEmbeddedDataOnly
++>>>44 ubelong &2 \b, dependently
++# icUseAnywhere
++#>>>44 ubelong ^2 \b, independently
++>>>44 ubelong &4 \b, MCS
++#>>>44 ubelong ^4 \b, no MCS
++# vendor specific device attributes 1~srgb.icc
++# E000D00h~CNB7QEDA.ICM C000A00h~CNB5FCAA.ICM 01040401h~CNB25PE3.ICM
++>>>56 ubelong >0 \b, 0x%x vendor attribute
++# ICC device attributes bits 0-7 used
++#>>>60 ubelong x \b, 0x%x attribute
++# http://www.color.org/icc34.h
++>>>60 ubelong &0x01 \b, transparent
++#>>>60 ubelong ^0x01 \b, reflective
++>>>60 ubelong &0x02 \b, matte
++#>>>60 ubelong ^0x02 \b, glossy
++>>>60 ubelong &0x04 \b, negative
++#>>>60 ubelong ^0x04 \b, positive
++>>>60 ubelong &0x08 \b, black&white
++#>>>60 ubelong ^0x08 \b, colour
++>>>60 ubelong &0x10 \b, non-paper
++#>>>60 ubelong ^0x10 \b, paper
++>>>60 ubelong &0x20 \b, non-textured
++#>>>60 ubelong ^0x20 \b, textured
++>>>60 ubelong &0x40 \b, non-isotropic
++#>>>60 ubelong ^0x40 \b, isotropic
++>>>60 ubelong &0x80 \b, self-luminous
++#>>>60 ubelong ^0x80 \b, non-self-luminous
++# rendering intent 0-3 but 7AEA5027h in EE051__1.ICM 6CB1BCh in EE061__1.ICM
++>>>64 ubelong >3 \b, 0x%x rendering intent
++#>>>64 ubelong =0 \b, perceptual
++>>>64 ubelong =1 \b, relative colorimetric
++>>>64 ubelong =2 \b, saturation
++>>>64 ubelong =3 \b, absolute colorimetric
++# PCS illuminant (3*s15Fixed16Numbers) often 0000f6d6 00010000 0000d32d
++>>>71 ubequad !0xd6000100000000d3 \b, PCS
++# usually X~0.9642*65536=63189.8112~63190=F6D5h ; but also found
++# often F6D6 in gt5000r.icm, F6B8 in kodakce.icm, F6CA in RSWOP.icm
++>>>>68 ubelong !0x0000f6d5 X=0x%x
++# usually Y=1.0~00010000h but Y=0 in brmsl07f.icm
++>>>>72 ubelong !0x00010000 Y=0x%x
++# usually Z~0.8249*65536=54060.6464~54061=D32Dh ; but also found
++# D2F7 in hp1200c.icm, often D32C in A925A.icm, D309 in RSWOP.icm , D2F8 in kodak_dc.icm
++>>>>76 ubelong !0x0000d32d Z=0x%x
++# Profile ID. MD5 fingerprinting method as defined in Internet RFC 1321.
++>>>84 ubequad >0 \b, 0x%llx MD5
++# reserved in older versions should be zero but also found CDCDCDCDCDCDCDCD
++#>>100 ubequad x \b 0x%llx reserved
++# tag table
++# 6 <= tags count <= 43
++#>>>128 ubelong >43 \b, %u tags
++>>>128 ubelong x
++# shall contain the profileDescriptionTag "desc" , copyrightTag "cprt"
++# search range = tags count * 12 -8=< maximal tag count * 12 -8= 43 * 12 -8= 508
++>>>>132 search/508 cprt
++# but no copyright tag in linearSRGB.icc
++# beneath /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/
++# Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.framework/Versions/A/Resources
++>>>>132 default x \b, no copyright tag
++# 1st tag
++#>>>132 string x \b, 1st tag %.4s
++#>>>136 ubelong x 0x%x offset
++#>>>140 ubelong x 0x%x len
++# 2nd tag,...
++# look also for profileDescriptionTag "desc"
++>>>132 search/508 desc
++# look further for TextDescriptionType "desc" signature
++>>>>(&0.L) string =desc
++>>>>>&4 pstring/l x "%s"
++# look alternative for multiLocalizedUnicodeType "mluc" signature like in VideoPAL.icc
++>>>>(&0.L) string =mluc
++>>>>>&(&8.L) ubequad x
++>>>>>>&4 bestring16 x '%s'
+ # Any other profile.
+ # XXX - should we use "acsp\0\0\0\0" for "no primary platform" profiles,
+ # and use "acsp" for everything else and dump the "primary platform"
+ # string in those cases?
+-36 string acsp ICC Profile
+-!:mime application/vnd.iccprofile
++36 string acsp
++>0 use color-profile
+--- a/magic/Magdir/images
+@@ -41,7 +41,11 @@
+ >>>>>>3 uleshort 0
+ >>>>>>>0 use tga-image
+ # Color Map
+->>>>>1 ubyte >0
++>>>>>1 belong&0xfff7ffff 0x01010000
++>>>>>>0 use tga-image
++>>>>>1 belong&0xfff7ffff 0x00020000
++>>>>>>0 use tga-image
++>>>>>1 belong&0xfff7ffff 0x00030000
+ >>>>>>0 use tga-image
+ # display tga bitmap image information
+ 0 name tga-image
+@@ -418,6 +422,7 @@
+ #
+ 0 string \x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a PNG image data
+ !:mime image/png
++!:strength +10
+ >16 belong x \b, %d x
+ >20 belong x %d,
+ >24 byte x %d-bit
+@@ -1451,3 +1456,12 @@
+ >0x10 string GVRT Sega GVR image:
+ >>0x10 use sega-gvr-image-header
+ >>0x08 belong x \b, global index = %u
++# Light Field Picture
++# Documentation: http://optics.miloush.net/lytro/TheFileFormat.aspx
++# Typical file extensions: .lfp .lfr .lfx
++0 belong 0x894C4650
++>4 belong 0x0D0A1A0A
++>12 belong 0x00000000 Lytro Light Field Picture
++>8 belong x \b, version %d
+--- a/magic/Magdir/make
+@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
+ # $File: make,v 1.2 2015/08/25 07:34:06 christos Exp $
+ # make: file(1) magic for makefiles
+ #
++# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_(software)
+ 0 regex/100l \^CFLAGS makefile script text
+ !:mime text/x-makefile
+ 0 regex/100l \^VPATH makefile script text
+@@ -10,12 +11,19 @@
+ !:mime text/x-makefile
+ 0 regex/100l \^all: makefile script text
+ !:mime text/x-makefile
+-0 regex/100l \^\.PRECIOUS makefile script text
++0 regex/100l \^\\.PRECIOUS makefile script text
+ !:mime text/x-makefile
+-0 regex/100l \^\.BEGIN BSD makefile script text
++# Update: Joerg Jenderek
++# Reference: https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?make(1)
++# exclude grub-core\lib\libgcrypt\mpi\Makefile.am with "#BEGIN_ASM_LIST"
++# by additional escaping point character
++0 regex/100l \^\\.BEGIN BSD makefile script text with "%s"
++!:mime text/x-makefile
++!:ext /mk
++# exclude MS Windows help file CoNtenT with ":include FOOBAR.CNT"
++# and NSIS script with "!include" by additional escaping point character
++0 regex/100l \^\\.include BSD makefile script text with "%s"
+ !:mime text/x-makefile
+-0 regex/100l \^\.include BSD makefile script text
+-!:mime text/x-makefile
++!:ext /mk
+ 0 regex/100l \^SUBDIRS automake makefile script text
+ !:mime text/x-makefile
+--- a/magic/Magdir/msdos
+@@ -565,10 +565,23 @@
+ 0 string/b PO^Q` Microsoft Word 6.0 Document
+ !:mime application/msword
+ #
+-0 string/b \376\067\0\043 Microsoft Office Document
++4 long 0
++>0 belong 0xfe320000 Microsoft Word for Macintosh 1.0
+ !:mime application/msword
+-0 string/b \333\245-\0\0\0 Microsoft Office Document
++!:ext mcw
++>0 belong 0xfe340000 Microsoft Word for Macintosh 3.0
+ !:mime application/msword
++!:ext mcw
++>0 belong 0xfe37001c Microsoft Word for Macintosh 4.0
++!:mime application/msword
++!:ext mcw
++>0 belong 0xfe370023 Microsoft Word for Macintosh 5.0
++!:mime application/msword
++!:ext mcw
++0 string/b \333\245-\0\0\0 Microsoft Word 2.0 Document
++!:mime application/msword
++!:ext doc
+ 512 string/b \354\245\301 Microsoft Word Document
+ !:mime application/msword
+@@ -1106,3 +1119,40 @@
+ 0 string MIOPEN Mallard BASIC Jetsam data
+ 0 string Jetsam0 Mallard BASIC Jetsam index data
++# DOS backup 2.0 to 3.2
++# backupid.@@@
++# plausibility check for date
++0x3 ushort >1979
++>0x5 ubyte-1 <31
++>>0x6 ubyte-1 <12
++# actually 121 nul bytes
++>>>0x7 string \0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0
++>>>>0x1 ubyte x DOS 2.0 backup id file, sequence %d
++!:ext @@@
++>>>>0x0 ubyte 0xff \b, last disk
++# backed up file
++# plausibility check for file name length
++0x53 ubyte-1 <80
++# actually 54 nul bytes
++>0x54 string \0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0
++>>0x5 string x DOS 2.0 backed up file %s,
++>>0 ubyte 0xff complete file
++>>0 ubyte !0xff
++>>>1 ushort x split file, sequence %d
++# DOS backup 3.3 to 5.x
++# CONTROL.nnn files
++0 string \x8bBACKUP\x20
++# actually 128 nul bytes
++>0xa string \0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0
++>>0x9 ubyte x DOS 3.3 backup control file, sequence %d
++>>0x8a ubyte 0xff \b, last disk
++# NB: The BACKUP.nnn files consist of the files backed up,
++# concatenated.
+--- a/magic/Magdir/msx
+@@ -245,18 +245,18 @@
+ 0x4000 string/b AB
+ >0x4002 uleshort >0x400F
+ >>0x400A string \0\0\0\0\0\0 MSX ROM with nonstandard page order
+->>0x4002 uleshort x \b, init=0x%04x
+->>0x4004 uleshort >0 \b, stahdl=0x%04x
+->>0x4006 uleshort >0 \b, devhdl=0x%04x
+->>0x4008 uleshort >0 \b, bas=0x%04x
++>>>0x4002 uleshort x \b, init=0x%04x
++>>>0x4004 uleshort >0 \b, stahdl=0x%04x
++>>>0x4006 uleshort >0 \b, devhdl=0x%04x
++>>>0x4008 uleshort >0 \b, bas=0x%04x
+ 0x8000 string/b AB
+ >0x8002 uleshort >0x400F
+ >>0x800A string \0\0\0\0\0\0 MSX ROM with nonstandard page order
+->>0x8002 uleshort x \b, init=0x%04x
+->>0x8004 uleshort >0 \b, stahdl=0x%04x
+->>0x8006 uleshort >0 \b, devhdl=0x%04x
+->>0x8008 uleshort >0 \b, bas=0x%04x
++>>>0x8002 uleshort x \b, init=0x%04x
++>>>0x8004 uleshort >0 \b, stahdl=0x%04x
++>>>0x8006 uleshort >0 \b, devhdl=0x%04x
++>>>0x8008 uleshort >0 \b, bas=0x%04x
+ 0x3C000 string/b AB
+--- a/magic/Magdir/sgml
+@@ -46,6 +46,12 @@
+ !:mime text/html
+ !:strength + 5
++# SVG document
++# https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/single-page.html
++0 search/4096/cWbt \<!doctype\ svg SVG XML document
++!:mime image/svg+xml
++!:strength + 5
+ 0 search/4096/cwt \<head\> HTML document text
+ !:mime text/html
+ !:strength + 5
+--- /dev/null
+@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
++# $File: map,v 1.4 2015/08/10 05:18:27 christos Exp $
++# yara: file(1) magic for http://virustotal.github.io/yara/
++0 string YARA
++>4 lelong >2047
++>8 byte <20 YARA 3.x compiled rule set
++# version
++>>8 clear
++>>8 byte 6 created with version 3.3.0
++>>8 byte 8 created with version 3.4.0
++>>8 byte 11 created with version 3.5.0
++>>8 default x
++>>>8 byte x development version 0x%02x
+--- a/magic/Makefile.am
+@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/gnumeric \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/graphviz \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/gringotts \
+@@ -285,6 +286,7 @@
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/xilinx \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/xwindows \
+--- a/src/apprentice.c
+@@ -2291,7 +2291,7 @@
+ return parse_extra(ms, me, line,
+ CAST(off_t, offsetof(struct magic, ext)),
+- sizeof(m->ext), "EXTENSION", ",!+-/", 0);
++ sizeof(m->ext), "EXTENSION", ",!+-/@", 0);
+ }
+ /*
+--- a/src/cdf.c
+@@ -530,6 +530,9 @@
+ scn->sst_dirlen = len;
+ scn->sst_ss = ss;
++ if (sid == CDF_SECID_END_OF_CHAIN || len == 0)
++ return cdf_zero_stream(scn);
+ if (scn->sst_len == (size_t)-1)
+ goto out;
+--- a/src/der.c
+@@ -159,31 +159,49 @@
+ return tag;
+ }
++ * Read the length of a DER tag from the input.
++ *
++ * `c` is the input, `p` is an output parameter that specifies how much of the
++ * input we consumed, and `l` is the maximum input length.
++ *
++ * Returns the length, or DER_BAD if the end of the input is reached or the
++ * length exceeds the remaining input.
++ */
+ static uint32_t
+ getlength(const uint8_t *c, size_t *p, size_t l)
+ {
+ uint8_t digits, i;
+ size_t len;
++ int is_onebyte_result;
+ if (*p >= l)
+ return DER_BAD;
+- digits = c[(*p)++];
++ /*
++ * Digits can either be 0b0 followed by the result, or 0b1
++ * followed by the number of digits of the result. In either case,
++ * we verify that we can read so many bytes from the input.
++ */
++ is_onebyte_result = (c[*p] & 0x80) == 0;
++ digits = c[(*p)++] & 0x7f;
++ if (*p + digits >= l)
++ return DER_BAD;
+- if ((digits & 0x80) == 0)
++ if (is_onebyte_result)
+ return digits;
+- digits &= 0x7f;
++ /*
++ * Decode len. We've already verified that we're allowed to read
++ * `digits` bytes.
++ */
+ len = 0;
+- if (*p + digits >= l)
+- return DER_BAD;
+ for (i = 0; i < digits; i++)
+ len = (len << 8) | c[(*p)++];
+ if (*p + len >= l)
+ return DER_BAD;
+- return len;
++ return len;
+ }
+ static const char *
+--- a/src/funcs.c
+@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
+ ms->o.buf = buf;
+ return 0;
+ out:
+- file_error(ms, errno, "vasprintf failed");
++ fprintf(stderr, "vasprintf failed (%s)", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }