# $File: sendmail,v 1.12 2022/10/31 13:22:26 christos Exp $
# sendmail:  file(1) magic for sendmail config files
# XXX - byte order?
# Update: Joerg Jenderek
# GRR: this test is too general as it catches also
# READ.ME.FIRST.AWP Sendmail frozen configuration
# - version ====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|===
# Email_23_f217153422.ts Sendmail frozen configuration
# - version \330jK\354
0	byte	046
# https://www.sendmail.com/sm/open_source/docs/older_release_notes/
# freezed configuration file (dbm format?) created from sendmail.cf with -bz
# by older sendmail. til version 8.6 support for frozen configuration files is removed
# valid version numbers look like "7.14.4" and should be similar to output of commands
# "sendmail -d0 -bt < /dev/null |grep -i Version" or "egrep '^DZ' /etc/sendmail.cf"
>16	regex/s	=^[0-78][0-9.]{4}	Sendmail frozen configuration
# normally only /etc/sendmail.fc or /var/adm/sendmail/sendmail.fc
!:ext fc
>>16	string	>\0			- version %s
0	short	0x271c
# look for valid version number
>16	regex/s	=^[0-78][0-9.]{4}	Sendmail frozen configuration
!:ext fc
>>16	string	>\0			- version %s

# sendmail:  file(1) magic for sendmail m4(1) files
# From Hendrik Scholz <hendrik@scholz.net>
# i.e. files in /usr/share/sendmail/cf/
0   string  divert(-1)\n    sendmail m4 text file