#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # $File: ruby,v 1.4 2010/07/08 20:24:13 christos Exp $ # ruby: file(1) magic for Ruby scripting language # URL: http://www.ruby-lang.org/ # From: Reuben Thomas # Ruby scripts 0 search/1/w #!\ /usr/bin/ruby Ruby script text executable !:mime text/x-ruby 0 search/1/w #!\ /usr/local/bin/ruby Ruby script text executable !:mime text/x-ruby 0 search/1 #!/usr/bin/env\ ruby Ruby script text executable !:mime text/x-ruby 0 search/1 #!\ /usr/bin/env\ ruby Ruby script text executable !:mime text/x-ruby # What looks like ruby, but does not have a shebang # (modules and such) # From: Lubomir Rintel 0 regex \^[\ \t]*require[\ \t]'[A-Za-z_/]+' >0 regex include\ [A-Z]|def\ [a-z]|\ do$ >>0 regex \^[\ \t]*end([\ \t]*[;#].*)?$ Ruby script text !:mime text/x-ruby 0 regex \^[\ \t]*(class|module)[\ \t][A-Z] >0 regex (modul|includ)e\ [A-Z]|def\ [a-z] >>0 regex \^[\ \t]*end([\ \t]*[;#].*)?$ Ruby module source text !:mime text/x-ruby