# $File: fonts,v 1.51 2022/08/16 11:16:39 christos Exp $
# fonts:  file(1) magic for font data
0	search/1	FONT		ASCII vfont text
0	short		0436		Berkeley vfont data
0	short		017001		byte-swapped Berkeley vfont data

# PostScript fonts (must precede "printer" entries), quinlan@yggdrasil.com
# Modified by:	Joerg Jenderek
# URL:		https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PostScript_fonts
#		http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/Adobe_Type_1
# Reference:	http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z
#		defs/p/pfb.trid.xml
# Note:		PFB stands for Printer Font Binary
0	string		%!PS-AdobeFont-1.	PostScript Type 1 font text
#!:mime	font/x-postscript-pfb
#!:ext	pfb
>20	string		>\0			(%s)
# http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pronom/fmt/525
6	string		%!PS-AdobeFont-1.
# skip DROID fmt-525-signature-id-816.pfb by checking for content after header
>24	ubyte		x			PostScript Type 1 font program data
#!:mime	application/octet-stream
!:mime	font/x-postscript-pfb
!:ext	pfb
# often followed by colon (3Ah) and space (20h) and font name like: DarkGardenMK LetterGothic
>>24	ubyte		=0x3A
>>>26	string		>\0			(%s)
# some times instead of colon %%CreationDate: and "font name" later
>>24	ubyte		!0x3A
# font name directive followed by def like: c0633bt_.pfb
>>>25	search/1247	/FontName\040/
# show font name in parentheses like: Frankfurt Lithos CharterBT-BoldItalic Courier10PitchBT-Bold
>>>>&0	regex		[A-Za-z0-9-]+		(%s)
# http://cd.textfiles.com/maxfonts/ATM/M/MIRROR__.PFB
6	string		%PS-AdobeFont-1.	PostScript Type 1 font program data
!:mime	font/x-postscript-pfb
!:ext	pfb
# font name like:  Times-Mirror
>25	string		>\0			(%s)
0	string		%!FontType1	PostScript Type 1 font program data
#!:mime	font/x-postscript-pfb
#!:ext	pfb
6	string		%!FontType1	PostScript Type 1 font program data
#!:mime	application/octet-stream
!:mime	font/x-postscript-pfb
!:ext	pfb
# font name like: CaslonOpenFace FetteFraktur Kaufmann Linotext MesozoicGothic Old-Town
>23	string		>\0			(%s)
# http://cd.textfiles.com/maxfonts/ATM/P/PLAYBI.PFB
230	string		%!FontType1	PostScript Type 1 font program data
!:mime	font/x-postscript-pfb
!:ext	pfb
# font name like: Playbill
>247	string		>\0			(%s)
0	string		%!PS-Adobe-3.0\ Resource-Font	PostScript Type 1 font text
#!:mime	font/x-postscript-pfb
#!:ext	pfb

# Summary:	PostScript Type 1 Printer Font Metrics
# URL:		https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PostScript_fonts
# Reference:	https://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/font/5178.PFM.pdf
# Modified by:	Joerg Jenderek
# Note:		moved from ./msdos magic
# dfVersion 256=0100h
0		uleshort	0x0100
# GRR: line above is too general as it catches also TrueType font,
# raw G3 data FAX, WhatsApp encrypted and Panorama database
# dfType 129=0081h
>66		uleshort	0x0081
# dfVertRes 300=012Ch not needed as additional test
#>>70		uleshort	0x012c
# dfHorizRes 300=012Ch
#>>>72		uleshort	0x012c
# dfDriverInfo points to postscript information section
>>(101.l)	string/c	Postscript	Printer Font Metrics
# above labeled "PFM data" by ./msdos (version 5.28) or "Adobe Printer Font Metrics" by TrID
!:mime	application/x-font-pfm
# AppleShare Print Server
#!:apple	ASPS????
!:ext	pfm
# dfCopyright 60 byte null padded Copyright string. uncomment it to get old looking
#>>>6		string		>\060		- %-.60s
# dfDriverInfo
>>>139		ulelong		>0
# often abbreviated and same as filename
>>>>(139.l)	string		x		%s
# dfSize
>>>2		ulelong		x		\b, %d bytes
# dfFace 210=D2h 9Eh
>>>105		ulelong		>0
# Windows font name
>>>>(105.l)	string		x		\b, %s
# dfItalic
>>>80		ubyte		1		italic
# dfUnderline
>>>81		ubyte		1		underline
# dfStrikeOut
>>>82		ubyte		1		strikeout
# dfWeight 400=0x0190 300=0x012c 500=0x01f4 600=0x0258 700=0x02bc
>>>83		uleshort	>699		bold
# dfPitchAndFamily 16 17 48 49 64 65
>>>90		ubyte		16		serif
>>>90		ubyte		17		serif proportional
#>>>90		ubyte		48		other
>>>90		ubyte		49		proportional
>>>90		ubyte		64		script
>>>90		ubyte		65		script proportional

# X11 font files in SNF (Server Natural Format) format
# updated by Joerg Jenderek at Feb 2013 and Nov 2021
# http://computer-programming-forum.com/51-perl/8f22fb96d2e34bab.htm
# URL:		http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/SNF
# Reference:	https://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libXfont/tree/src/bitmap/snfstr.h
0	belong		00000004
# version2 same as version1 in struct _snfFontInfo
>104	belong		00000004		X11 SNF font data, MSB first
# GRR: line above is too general as it catches also DEGAS low-res bitmap like:
# http://cd.textfiles.com/geminiatari/FILES/GRAPHICS/ANIMAT/SPID_PAT/BIGSPID.PI1
!:mime	application/x-font-sfn
!:ext	snf
# GRR: line below is too general as it catches also Xbase index file t3-CHAR.NDX
0	lelong		00000004
>104	lelong		00000004		X11 SNF font data, LSB first
!:mime	application/x-font-sfn
# Reference:    http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/s/snf-x11-lsb.trid.xml
!:ext	snf

# X11 Bitmap Distribution Format, from Daniel Quinlan (quinlan@yggdrasil.com)
0	search/1	STARTFONT\ 		X11 BDF font text

# From: Joerg Jenderek
# URL: https://grub.gibibit.com/New_font_format
# Reference: util/grub-mkfont.c
#		include/grub/fontformat.h
0			string		FILE
>8			string		PFF2
# leng 4 only at the moment
>>4			ubelong		4
>>>12			string		NAME		GRUB2 font
!:mime			application/x-font-pf2
!:ext			pf2
# length of font_name
>>>>16			ubelong		>0
# font_name
>>>>>20			string		>\0		"%-s"

# X11 fonts, from Daniel Quinlan (quinlan@yggdrasil.com)
# PCF must come before SGI additions ("MIPSEL MIPS-II COFF" collides)
0	string		\001fcp			X11 Portable Compiled Font data,
>12	lelong		^0x08			bit: LSB,
>12	lelong		&0x08			bit: MSB,
>12	lelong		^0x04			byte: LSB first
>12	lelong		&0x04			byte: MSB first
0	string		D1.0\015		X11 Speedo font data

# FIGlet fonts and controlfiles
# From figmagic supplied with Figlet version 2.2
# "David E. O'Brien" <obrien@FreeBSD.ORG>
0	string		flf		FIGlet font
>3	string		>2a		version %-2.2s
0	string		flc		FIGlet controlfile
>3	string		>2a		version %-2.2s

# libGrx graphics lib fonts, from Albert Cahalan (acahalan@cs.uml.edu)
# Used with djgpp (DOS Gnu C++), sometimes Linux or Turbo C++
0	belong		0x14025919	libGrx font data,
>8	leshort		x		%dx
>10	leshort		x		\b%d
>40	string		x		%s
# Misc. DOS VGA fonts, from Albert Cahalan (acahalan@cs.uml.edu)
# Update:	Joerg Jenderek
# URL:		http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/CPI
# Reference:	http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/doc/rbinter/it/58/17.html
0	belong		0xff464f4e	DOS code page font data collection
!:mime	font/x-dos-cpi
!:ext	cpi
0	string		\x7fDRFONT	DR-DOS code page font data collection
!:mime	font/x-drdos-cpi
!:ext	cpi
7	belong		0x00454741	DOS code page font data
7	belong		0x00564944	DOS code page font data (from Linux?)
4098	string		DOSFONT		DOSFONT2 encrypted font data

# From: Joerg Jenderek
# URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/GEM_bitmap_font
# Reference: http://cd.textfiles.com/ataricompendium/BOOK/HTML/APPENDC.HTM#cnt
# usual case with lightening mask and skewing mask 5555h~UU
#62	ulelong		0x55555555
# skip cl8m8ocofedso.testfile by looking for face size lower/equal 72
#>2	uleshort	<73
#>>0	use		gdos-font
#62	ulelong		0
# skip ISO 9660 CD-ROM ./filesystem by looking for low positive face size
#>2	uleshort	>2
# skip DOS 2.0 backup id file ./msdos by looking for face size lower/equal 72
#>>2	uleshort	<73
# skip MS oem.hlp, some Windows ICO ./msdos by looking for valid long name like WYE
#>>>4	ulelong		>0x001F1f1F
# skip Microsoft WinWord 2.0 ./msdos by looking for positive offset to font data
#>>>>76	ulelong		>83
#>>>>>0	use		gdos-font
0	name		gdos-font
>0	uleshort	x		GEM GDOS font
!:mime	application/x-font-gdos
# also .eps found like AA070GEP.EPS AI360GEP.EPS
!:ext	fnt/gtf
# font name like Big&Tall, Celtic #s, Courier, University Bold, WYE
>4	string		x		%.32s
# face size in points 3-72 SLSS03CG.FNT H1CELT72.FNT
>2	uleshort	x		%u
# face ID (must be unique)
>0	uleshort	x		\b, ID %#4.4x
# lowest character index in face (4 but usually 32 for disk-loaded fonts)
#>36	uleshort	!32		\b, unusual character index %u
# width of the widest character like 0 8 10 12 16 24 32
#>50	uleshort	x		\b, %u char width
# width of the widest character cell like 8 11 12 14 15 16 33 67
#>52	uleshort	x		\b, %u cell width
# thickening size in pixel like 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#>58	uleshort	x		\b, %u thick
# lightening mask to eliminate pixels, usually 5555h
>62	uleshort	!0x5555		\b, lightening mask %#x
# skewing mask to determine when to perform additional rotation when skewing, usually 5555h
>64	uleshort	!0x5555		\b, skewing mask %#x
# offset to optional horizontal offset table 0 58h~88 5eh 252h
#>68	ulelong		x		\b, %#x horizontal table offset
# offset of character offset table 54h for many *.GFT 55h 58h 5Eh 120h 1D4h 202h 220h
#>72	ulelong		x		\b, %#x coffset
# offset to font data like 116h 118h 158 20Ah 20Eh
>76	ulelong		x		\b, %#x foffset
# form width in bytes like 58 67 156 190 227 317 345
#>80	uleshort	x		\b, %u fwidth
# form height in bytes like 4 8 11 17 26 56 70 90 120 146 150
#>82	uleshort	x		\b, %u fheight
# pointer to the next font like 0 10000h 20000h 30000h 40000h 60000h 80000h E0000h D0000h 
#>84	ulelong		x		\b, %#x noffset

# downloadable fonts for browser (prints type) anthon@mnt.org
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3073
0	string		PFR1		Portable Font Resource font data (new)
>102	string		>0		\b: %s
0	string		PFR0		Portable Font Resource font data (old)
>4	beshort		>0		version %d

# True Type fonts
# Modified by: Joerg Jenderek
# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TrueType
# Reference: https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TrueType-Reference-Manual/
# sfnt version "typ1" used by some Apple, but no example found
0	string	typ1
>0	use		sfnt-font
>0	use		sfnt-names
# sfnt version "true" used by some Apple
0	string	true
>0	use		sfnt-font
>0	use		sfnt-names
# GRR: below test is too general
# sfnt version often 0x00010000
0	string	\000\001\000\000
>0	use		sfnt-font
>0	use		sfnt-names
#	validate and display sfnt font data like number of tables
0	name		sfnt-font
# file 5.30 version assumes 00FFh as maximal number of tables
#>4	ubeshort	<0x0100		
# maximal 27 tables found like in Skia.ttf
# 46 different table names mentioned on Apple specification
# skip 1st sequence of DOS 2 backup with path separator (\~92 or /~47) misinterpreted as table number
>4	ubeshort	<47		
# skip bad examples with garbage table names like in a5.show HYPERC MAC
# tag names consist of up to four characters padded with spaces at end like
# BASE DSIG OS/2 Zapf acnt glyf cvt vmtx xref ...
>>12	regex/4l	\^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z][A-Za-z/][A-Za-z2\ ]	
#>>>0	ubelong	x	\b, sfnt version %#x
>>>0	ubelong	!0x4f54544f	TrueType
!:mime	font/sfnt
!:apple	????tfil
# .ttf for TrueType font
# EUDC.tte created by privat character editor %WINDIR%\system32\eudcedit.exe
!:ext	ttf/tte
# sfnt version 4F54544Fh~OTTO
>>>0	ubelong	=0x4f54544f	OpenType
!:mime	font/otf
!:apple	????OTTO
!:ext	otf
>>>0	ubelong	x		Font data
# DSIG=44454947h table name implies a digitally signed font
# search range = number of tables * 16 =< maximal number of tables * 16 = 27 * 16 = 432
>>>12	search/432	DSIG		\b, digitally signed
>>>4	ubeshort	x		\b, %d tables
# minimal 9 tables found like in NISC18030.ttf
#>>>4	ubeshort	<10		TMIN
#>>>4	ubeshort	>24		TBIG
# table directory entries
>>>12	string		x		\b, 1st "%4.4s"

#	search and display 1st name in sfnt font which is often copyright text
#	does not work inside font collections
0	name		sfnt-names
# search for naming table
>12	search/432/s	name		
# biggest offset 0x0100bd28 like Windows10 Fonts\simsunb.ttf
#>>>>&8	ubelong		>0x0100bd27	BIGGEST OFFSET
>>&8	ubelong		>0x00100000	
# offset of name table
>>>&-4	ubelong		x		\b, name offset %#x
# GRR: pointer to name table only works if offset ~< FILE_BYTES_MAX = 100000h defined in src\file.h
>>&8	ubelong		<0x00100000	
>>>&-16	ubelong		x		
# name table
>>>>(&8.L)	ubequad	x		
# invalid format selector 
#>>>>>&-8	ubeshort	!0	\b, invalid selector %x
# minimal 3 name records found like in c:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR\tessdata\pdf.ttf
# maximal 1227 name records found like in Apple Chancery.ttf
#>>>>>&-6	ubeshort	<0x4	mincount
#>>>>>&-6	ubeshort	>130	maxcount
>>>>>&-6	ubeshort	x	\b, %d names
# offset to start of string storage from start of table
#>>>>>&-4	ubeshort	x	\b, record offset %d
# 1st name record
# string offset from start of storage area 
#>>>>>&8		ubeshort	x	\b, string offset %d
# string length
#>>>>>&6		ubeshort	x	\b, string length %d
# minimal name string 7 like in c:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\addons\webinterface.default\lib\video-js\font\VideoJS.ttf
# also found 0 like in SWZCONLN.TTF
#>>>>>&6		ubeshort	<8	MIN STRING
# maximal name string 806 like in c:\Windows\Fonts\palabi.ttf
#>>>>>&6		ubeshort	>805	MAX STRING
# platform identifier: 0~Apple Unicode, 1~Macintosh, 3~Microsoft
#>>>>>&-2	ubeshort	>3	BAD PLATFORM
>>>>>&-2	ubeshort	0	\b, Unicode
>>>>>&-2	ubeshort	1	\b, Macintosh
>>>>>&-2	ubeshort	3	\b, Microsoft
# languageID (0~english Macintosh, 0409h~english Microsoft, ...)
>>>>>&2		ubeshort	>0	\b, language %#x
# name identifiers
# often 0~copyright, 1~font, 2~font subfamily, 5~version, 13~license, 19~sample, ...
>>>>>&4		ubeshort	>0	\b, type %d string
# platform specific encoding:
# 0~undefined character set, 1~UGL set with Unicode, 3~Unicode 2.0 BMP only, 4~Unicode 2.0
#>>>>>&0		ubeshort	x	\b, %d encoding
>>>>>&0		ubeshort	0	
# handle only name string offset 0 because do not know how to add 2 relative offsets
>>>>>>&6		ubeshort	0	
>>>>>>>&(&-14.S-18)	ubyte		!0	
# GRR: instead 806 only first MAXstring = 96 characters are displayed as defined in src\file.h
# often copyright string that starts like \251 2006 The Monotype Corporation
>>>>>>>>&-1		string		x	\b, %-11.96s
# test for unicode string
>>>>>>>&(&-14.S-18)	ubyte		0	
>>>>>>>>&0		lestring16	x	\b, %-11.96s
# unicode encoding
>>>>>&0		ubeshort	>0	
>>>>>>&6		ubeshort	0	
>>>>>>>&(&-14.S-17)	lestring16	x	\b, %-11.96s

0	string		\007\001\001\000Copyright\ (c)\ 199	Adobe Multiple Master font
0	string		\012\001\001\000Copyright\ (c)\ 199	Adobe Multiple Master font

# TrueType/OpenType font collections (.ttc)
# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenType
# https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/otff.htm
# Modified by: Joerg Jenderek
# Note:	container for TrueType, OpenType font
0	string		ttcf
# skip ASCII text
>4	ubyte		0		
# sfnt version often 0x00010000 of 1st table is TrueType
>>(12.L)	ubelong	!0x4f54544f	TrueType
!:mime	font/ttf
!:apple	????tfil
!:ext	ttc
# sfnt version 4F54544Fh~OTTO of 1st table is OpenType font 
>>(12.L)	ubelong	=0x4f54544f	OpenType
!:mime	font/otf
!:apple	????OTTO
# no example found for otc
!:ext	ttc/otc
>>4	ubyte		x		font collection data
#!:mime	font/collection
# TCC version
>>4	belong		0x00010000	\b, 1.0
>>4	belong		0x00020000	\b, 2.0
>>8	ubelong		>0		\b, %d fonts
# array offset size = fonts * offsetsize = fonts * 4
>>(8.L*4) ubequad	x		
# 0x44454947 = 'DSIG'
>>>&4	belong		0x44534947	\b, digitally signed
# offset to 1st font
>>12	ubelong		x		\b, at %#x
# point to 1st font that starts with sfnt version
>>(12.L) use		sfnt-font

# Opentype font data from Avi Bercovich
0	string		OTTO		OpenType font data
!:mime application/vnd.ms-opentype

# From: Alex Myczko <alex@aiei.ch>
0	string		SplineFontDB:	Spline Font Database
!:mime application/vnd.font-fontforge-sfd
>14	string		x		version %s

0x40	string		\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0
>0x22	string		LP		Embedded OpenType (EOT)
# workaround until there's lepstring16
# >>0x52	lepstring16/h	>\0		\b, %s family
>>0x52	short	!0
>>>0x54	lestring16	x		\b, %s family
!:mime application/vnd.ms-fontobject

# Web Open Font Format (.woff)
0	name		woff
>4	belong		0x00010000	\b, TrueType
>4	belong		0x4F54544F	\b, CFF
>4	belong		0x74727565	\b, TrueType
>4	default		x
>>4	belong		x		\b, flavor %d
>8	belong		x		\b, length %d
#>12	beshort		x		\b, numTables %d
#>14	beshort		x		\b, reserved %d
#>16	belong		x		\b, totalSfntSize %d

# https://www.w3.org/TR/WOFF/
0	string		wOFF	Web Open Font Format
!:mime font/woff
>0	use		woff
>20	beshort		x	\b, version %d
>22	beshort		x	\b.%d
# https://www.w3.org/TR/WOFF2/
0	string		wOF2	Web Open Font Format (Version 2)
!:mime font/woff2
!:ext	woff2
>0	use		woff
#>20	belong		x	\b, totalCompressedSize %d
>24	beshort		x	\b, version %d
>26	beshort		x	\b.%d