filesystems 5.2 KB

  1. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. # filesystems: file(1) magic for different filesystems
  3. #
  4. 0 string \366\366\366\366 PC formatted floppy with no filesystem
  5. # Sun disk labels
  6. # From /usr/include/sun/dklabel.h:
  7. 0774 beshort 0xdabe Sun disk label
  8. >0 string x '%s
  9. >>31 string >\0 \b%s
  10. >>>63 string >\0 \b%s
  11. >>>>95 string >\0 \b%s
  12. >0 string x \b'
  13. >0734 short >0 %d rpm,
  14. >0736 short >0 %d phys cys,
  15. >0740 short >0 %d alts/cyl,
  16. >0746 short >0 %d interleave,
  17. >0750 short >0 %d data cyls,
  18. >0752 short >0 %d alt cyls,
  19. >0754 short >0 %d heads/partition,
  20. >0756 short >0 %d sectors/track,
  21. >0764 long >0 start cyl %ld,
  22. >0770 long x %ld blocks
  23. # Is there a boot block written 1 sector in?
  24. >512 belong&077777777 0600407 \b, boot block present
  25. # Moved to linux.
  26. #0x1FE leshort 0xAA55 x86 boot sector
  27. #>2 string OSBS \b, OS/BS MBR
  28. #>0x8C string Invalid\ partition\ table \b, MS-DOS MBR
  29. #>0 string \0\0\0\0 \b, extended partition table
  30. #>0 leshort 0x3CEB \b, system
  31. #>>3 string >\0 %s
  32. #>>0x36 string FAT \b, %s
  33. #>>>0x39 string 12 (%s bit)
  34. #>>>0x39 string 16 (%s bit)
  35. #>0x52 string FAT32 \b, FAT (32 bit)
  36. #>>>43 string >NO\ NAME label: %.11s,
  37. #>>>43 string <NO\ NAME label: %.11s,
  38. #>>>43 string NO\ NAME unlabeled,
  39. #>>>19 leshort >0 %d sectors
  40. #>>>19 leshort 0
  41. #>>>>32 lelong x %d sectors
  42. #>0x200 lelong 0x82564557 \b, BSD disklabel
  43. # Minix filesystems - Juan Céspedes <>
  44. 0x410 leshort 0x137f Minix filesystem
  45. 0x410 leshort 0x138f Minix filesystem, 30 char names
  46. 0x410 leshort 0x2468 Minix filesystem, version 2
  47. 0x410 leshort 0x2478 Minix filesystem, version 2, 30 char names
  48. # romfs filesystems - Juan Céspedes <>
  49. 0 string -rom1fs-\0 romfs filesystem, version 1
  50. >8 belong x %d bytes,
  51. >16 string x named %s.
  52. # netboot image - Juan Céspedes <>
  53. 0 lelong 0x1b031336L Netboot image,
  54. >4 lelong&0xFFFFFF00 0
  55. >>4 lelong&0x100 0x000 mode 2
  56. >>4 lelong&0x100 0x100 mode 3
  57. >4 lelong&0xFFFFFF00 !0 unknown mode
  58. 0x18b string OS/2 OS/2 Boot Manager
  59. 9564 lelong 0x00011954 Unix Fast File system (little-endian),
  60. >8404 string x last mounted on %s,
  61. #>9504 ledate x last checked at %s,
  62. >8224 ledate x last written at %s,
  63. >8401 byte x clean flag %d,
  64. >8228 lelong x number of blocks %d,
  65. >8232 lelong x number of data blocks %d,
  66. >8236 lelong x number of cylinder groups %d,
  67. >8240 lelong x block size %d,
  68. >8244 lelong x fragment size %d,
  69. >8252 lelong x minimum percentage of free blocks %d,
  70. >8256 lelong x rotational delay %dms,
  71. >8260 lelong x disk rotational speed %drps,
  72. >8320 lelong 0 TIME optimization
  73. >8320 lelong 1 SPACE optimization
  74. 9564 belong 0x00011954 Unix Fast File system (big-endian),
  75. >8404 string x last mounted on %s,
  76. #>9504 bedate x last checked at %s,
  77. >8224 bedate x last written at %s,
  78. >8401 byte x clean flag %d,
  79. >8228 belong x number of blocks %d,
  80. >8232 belong x number of data blocks %d,
  81. >8236 belong x number of cylinder groups %d,
  82. >8240 belong x block size %d,
  83. >8244 belong x fragment size %d,
  84. >8252 belong x minimum percentage of free blocks %d,
  85. >8256 belong x rotational delay %dms,
  86. >8260 belong x disk rotational speed %drps,
  87. >8320 belong 0 TIME optimization
  88. >8320 belong 1 SPACE optimization
  89. # ext2/ext3 filesystems - Andreas Dilger <>
  90. 0x438 leshort 0xEF53 Linux
  91. >0x44c lelong x rev %d
  92. >0x43e leshort x \b.%d
  93. >0x45c lelong ^0x0000004 ext2 filesystem data
  94. >>0x43a leshort ^0x0000001 (mounted or unclean)
  95. >0x45c lelong &0x0000004 ext3 filesystem data
  96. >>0x460 lelong &0x0000004 (needs journal recovery)
  97. >0x43a leshort &0x0000002 (errors)
  98. >0x460 lelong &0x0000001 (compressed)
  99. #>0x460 lelong &0x0000002 (filetype)
  100. #>0x464 lelong &0x0000001 (sparse_super)
  101. >0x464 lelong &0x0000002 (large files)
  102. # SGI disk labels - Nathan Scott <>
  103. 0 belong 0x0BE5A941 SGI disk label (volume header)
  104. # SGI XFS filesystem - Nathan Scott <>
  105. 0 belong 0x58465342 SGI XFS filesystem data
  106. >0x4 belong x (blksz=%d,
  107. >0x68 beshort x inosz=%d,
  108. >0x64 beshort ^0x2004 v1 dirs)
  109. >0x64 beshort &0x2004 v2 dirs)
  110. # cramfs filesystem -
  111. 0 lelong 0x28cd3d45 Linux Compressed ROM File System data, little endian
  112. >4 lelong x size %d
  113. >8 lelong &1 version #2
  114. >8 lelong &2 sorted_dirs
  115. >8 lelong &4 hole_support
  116. >32 lelong x CRC 0x%x,
  117. >36 lelong x edition %d,
  118. >40 lelong x %d blocks,
  119. >44 lelong x %d files
  120. 0 belong 0x28cd3d45 Linux Compressed ROM File System data, big endian
  121. >4 belong x size %d
  122. >8 belong &1 version #2
  123. >8 belong &2 sorted_dirs
  124. >8 belong &4 hole_support
  125. >32 belong x CRC 0x%x,
  126. >36 belong x edition %d,
  127. >40 belong x %d blocks,
  128. >44 belong x %d files
  129. # reiserfs -
  130. 0x10034 string ReIsErFs ReiserFS V3.5
  131. 0x10034 string ReIsEr2Fs ReiserFS V3.6
  132. >0x1002c leshort x block size %d
  133. >0x10032 leshort &2 (mounted or unclean)
  134. >0x10000 lelong x num blocks %d
  135. >0x10040 lelong =1 tea hash
  136. >0x10040 lelong =2 yura hash
  137. >0x10040 lelong =3 r5 hash
  138. # JFFS -
  139. 0 lelong 0x34383931 Linux Journalled Flash File system, little endian
  140. 0 belong 0x34383931 Linux Journalled Flash File system, big endian