1674400026.FILE5_44-29-g1e4b7389.increase-strength-to-beat-targa-fc-stegerman.patch 707 B

  1. Subject: Increase strength to beat targa (FC Stegerman)
  2. Origin: FILE5_44-29-g1e4b7389 <https://github.com/file/file/commit/FILE5_44-29-g1e4b7389>
  3. Upstream-Author: Christos Zoulas <christos@zoulas.com>
  4. Date: Sun Jan 22 15:07:06 2023 +0000
  5. --- a/magic/Magdir/android
  6. +++ b/magic/Magdir/android
  7. @@ -180,7 +180,9 @@
  8. # In include/androidfw/ResourceTypes.h:
  9. # RES_XML_TYPE = 0x0003 followed by the size of the header (ResXMLTree_header),
  10. # which is 8 bytes (2 bytes type + 2 bytes header size + 4 bytes size).
  11. +# The strength is increased to avoid misidentifying as Targa image data
  12. 0 lelong 0x00080003 Android binary XML
  13. +!:strength +1
  14. # Android cryptfs footer
  15. # From https://android.googlesource.com/\