cherry-pick.FILE5_24-26-ge92eb5c.python-mime.patch 804 B

  1. Subject: bump the strength so that we beat the generic script magic
  2. Origin: FILE5_24-26-ge92eb5c
  3. Upstream-Author: Christos Zoulas <>
  4. Date: Tue Sep 8 13:59:44 2015 +0000
  5. --- a/magic/Magdir/python
  6. +++ b/magic/Magdir/python
  7. @@ -26,12 +26,16 @@
  8. 0 belong 0xee0c0d0a python 3.4 byte-compiled
  9. 0 search/1/w #!\ /usr/bin/python Python script text executable
  10. +!:strength + 10
  11. !:mime text/x-python
  12. 0 search/1/w #!\ /usr/local/bin/python Python script text executable
  13. +!:strength + 10
  14. !:mime text/x-python
  15. 0 search/1 #!/usr/bin/env\ python Python script text executable
  16. +!:strength + 10
  17. !:mime text/x-python
  18. -0 search/1 #!\ /usr/bin/env\ python Python script text executable
  19. +0 search/10 #!\ /usr/bin/env\ python Python script text executable
  20. +!:strength + 10
  21. !:mime text/x-python