@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+Subject: Fix potential DoS issue with p2c header
+ID: CVE-2023-50967
+Origin: v12-3-g4ee7708 <https://github.com/latchset/jose/commit/v12-3-g4ee7708>
+Upstream-Author: Sergio Correia <scorreia@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon Apr 1 12:10:54 2024 +0100
+ Unbounded p2c headers may be used to cause an application that accept
+ PBES algorithms to spend a lot of resources running PBKDF2 with a very
+ high number of iterations.
+ Limit the maximum number of iterations to to 32768.
+ Fixes: CVE-2023-50967
+ Signed-off-by: Sergio Correia <scorreia@redhat.com>
+--- a/lib/openssl/pbes2.c
++++ b/lib/openssl/pbes2.c
+@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #define NAMES "PBES2-HS256+A128KW", "PBES2-HS384+A192KW", "PBES2-HS512+A256KW"
++#define P2C_MIN_ITERATIONS 1000
++#define P2C_MAX_ITERATIONS 32768
+ static json_t *
+ pbkdf2(const char *alg, jose_cfg_t *cfg, const json_t *jwk, int iter,
+@@ -170,7 +172,7 @@
+ json_auto_t *hdr = NULL;
+ const char *aes = NULL;
+ json_t *h = NULL;
+- int p2c = 10000;
++ int p2c = P2C_MAX_ITERATIONS;
+ size_t stl = 0;
+ if (!json_object_get(cek, "k") && !jose_jwk_gen(cfg, cek))
+@@ -203,7 +205,7 @@
+ json_object_set_new(h, "p2c", json_integer(p2c)) < 0)
+ return false;
+- if (p2c < 1000)
++ if (p2c < P2C_MIN_ITERATIONS || p2c > P2C_MAX_ITERATIONS)
+ return false;
+ if (json_object_set_new(h, "p2s", jose_b64_enc(st, stl)) == -1)
+@@ -245,6 +247,9 @@
+ if (json_unpack(hdr, "{s:I}", "p2c", &p2c) == -1)
+ return false;
++ if (p2c > P2C_MAX_ITERATIONS)
++ return false;
+ stl = jose_b64_dec(json_object_get(hdr, "p2s"), NULL, 0);
+ if (stl < 8 || stl > sizeof(st))
+ return false;
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/cve-2023-50967/cve-2023-50967.jwe
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/cve-2023-50967/cve-2023-50967.jwk
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+--- a/tests/jose-jwe-dec
++++ b/tests/jose-jwe-dec
+@@ -53,3 +53,8 @@
+ test "`jose jwe dec -i $prfx.13.jweg -k $prfx.13.1.jwk`" == "`cat $prfx.13.pt`"
+ test "`jose jwe dec -i $prfx.13.jweg -k $prfx.13.2.jwk`" == "`cat $prfx.13.pt`"
+ test "`jose jwe dec -i $prfx.13.jweg -k $prfx.13.3.jwk`" == "`cat $prfx.13.pt`"
++# CVE-2023-50967 - test originally from https://github.com/P3ngu1nW/CVE_Request/blob/main/latch-jose.md
++# This test is expected to fail quickly on patched systems.
++! test "$(jose jwe dec -i $prfx.jwe -k $prfx.jwk)"
+--- a/tests/Makefile.am
++++ b/tests/Makefile.am
+@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
+ LDFLAGS += $(top_builddir)/lib/libjose.la @jansson_LIBS@
+ EXTRA_DIST = vectors
+-AM_TESTS_ENVIRONMENT=PATH=$(top_builddir)/cmd:$(PATH) VECTORS=$(top_srcdir)/tests/vectors
++AM_TESTS_ENVIRONMENT=PATH=$(top_builddir)/cmd:$(PATH) VECTORS=$(top_srcdir)/tests/vectors CVE_2023_50967=$(top_srcdir)/tests/cve-2023-50967
+ TESTS = $(dist_check_SCRIPTS) $(check_PROGRAMS)
+ check_PROGRAMS = \