/* vim: set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab smarttab colorcolumn=80: */ /* * Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "hooks.h" #include "misc.h" #include "hsh.h" #include #include #include static bool jwk_hook(jose_cfg_t *cfg, json_t *jwk, jose_hook_jwk_kind_t kind, bool dflt) { for (const jose_hook_jwk_t *j = jose_hook_jwk_list(); j; j = j->next) { json_auto_t *upd = NULL; const char *key = NULL; json_t *val = NULL; size_t i = 0; if (j->kind != kind) continue; if (!j->prep.handles(cfg, jwk)) continue; upd = j->prep.execute(cfg, jwk); if (!json_is_object(upd)) return false; json_array_foreach(json_object_get(upd, "del"), i, val) { if (!json_object_get(jwk, json_string_value(val))) continue; if (json_object_del(jwk, json_string_value(val)) < 0) return false; } json_object_foreach(json_object_get(upd, "upd"), key, val) { json_t *src = json_object_get(jwk, key); if (src && !json_equal(src, val)) return false; if (json_object_set(jwk, key, val) < 0) return false; } return true; } return dflt; } bool jose_jwk_gen(jose_cfg_t *cfg, json_t *jwk) { const json_t *ko = NULL; const char *alg = NULL; const char *kty = NULL; const char *use = NULL; if (!jwk_hook(cfg, jwk, JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_PREP, true)) return false; if (!jwk_hook(cfg, jwk, JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_MAKE, false)) return false; if (json_unpack(jwk, "{s?s,s:s,s?s,s?o}", "alg", &alg, "kty", &kty, "use", &use, "key_ops", &ko) < 0) return false; for (const jose_hook_alg_t *a = jose_hook_alg_list(); a && alg && !use && !ko; a = a->next) { json_auto_t *ops = NULL; if (strcmp(alg, a->name) != 0) continue; ops = json_array(); if (!ops) return false; switch (a->kind) { case JOSE_HOOK_ALG_KIND_SIGN: if (json_array_append_new(ops, json_string("sign")) < 0) return false; if (json_array_append_new(ops, json_string("verify")) < 0) return false; break; case JOSE_HOOK_ALG_KIND_WRAP: if (json_array_append_new(ops, json_string("wrapKey")) < 0) return false; if (json_array_append_new(ops, json_string("unwrapKey")) < 0) return false; break; case JOSE_HOOK_ALG_KIND_ENCR: if (json_array_append_new(ops, json_string("encrypt")) < 0) return false; if (json_array_append_new(ops, json_string("decrypt")) < 0) return false; break; case JOSE_HOOK_ALG_KIND_EXCH: if (json_array_append_new(ops, json_string("deriveKey")) < 0) return false; break; default: break; } if (json_array_size(ops) > 0 && json_object_set(jwk, "key_ops", ops) < 0) return false; break; } for (const jose_hook_jwk_t *j = jose_hook_jwk_list(); j; j = j->next) { if (j->kind != JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_TYPE) continue; if (strcmp(j->type.kty, kty) == 0) { for (size_t i = 0; j->type.req[i]; i++) { if (!json_object_get(jwk, j->type.req[i])) return false; } return true; } } return false; } static bool jwk_clean(jose_cfg_t *cfg, json_t *jwk) { const jose_hook_jwk_t *type = NULL; const char *kty = NULL; bool sym = false; if (json_unpack(jwk, "{s:s}", "kty", &kty) == -1) return false; for (type = jose_hook_jwk_list(); type; type = type->next) { if (type->kind != JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_TYPE) continue; if (strcasecmp(kty, type->type.kty) == 0) break; } if (!type) return false; sym = !type->type.pub || !type->type.pub[0]; for (size_t i = 0; type->type.prv[i]; i++) { if (!json_object_get(jwk, type->type.prv[i])) continue; if (json_object_del(jwk, type->type.prv[i]) == -1) return false; } for (const jose_hook_jwk_t *o = jose_hook_jwk_list(); o; o = o->next) { json_t *arr = NULL; if (o->kind != JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_OPER) continue; if (!o->oper.prv && (!sym || !o->oper.pub)) continue; arr = json_object_get(jwk, "key_ops"); for (size_t i = 0; i < json_array_size(arr); i++) { const char *ko = NULL; ko = json_string_value(json_array_get(arr, i)); if (!ko) continue; if ((!o->oper.prv || strcmp(o->oper.prv, ko) != 0) && (!sym || !o->oper.pub || strcmp(o->oper.pub, ko) != 0)) continue; if (json_array_remove(arr, i--) == -1) return false; } } return true; } bool jose_jwk_pub(jose_cfg_t *cfg, json_t *jwk) { json_t *keys = NULL; if (json_is_array(jwk)) keys = jwk; else if (json_is_array(json_object_get(jwk, "keys"))) keys = json_object_get(jwk, "keys"); if (!keys) return jwk_clean(cfg, jwk); for (size_t i = 0; i < json_array_size(keys); i++) { if (!jwk_clean(cfg, json_array_get(keys, i))) return false; } return true; } bool jose_jwk_prm(jose_cfg_t *cfg, const json_t *jwk, bool req, const char *op) { const char *use = NULL; json_t *ko = NULL; if (!json_is_object(jwk)) return true; if (!op) return false; if (json_unpack((json_t *) jwk, "{s?s,s?o}", "use", &use, "key_ops", &ko) != 0) return false; if (!use && !ko) return !req; for (size_t i = 0; i < json_array_size(ko); i++) { json_t *v = json_array_get(ko, i); if (json_is_string(v) && strcmp(op, json_string_value(v)) == 0) return true; } for (const jose_hook_jwk_t *o = jose_hook_jwk_list(); use && o; o = o->next) { if (o->kind != JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_OPER) continue; if (!o->oper.use || strcmp(use, o->oper.use) != 0) continue; if (o->oper.pub && strcmp(op, o->oper.pub) == 0) return true; if (o->oper.prv && strcmp(op, o->oper.prv) == 0) return true; } return false; } static const jose_hook_jwk_t * find_type(const json_t *jwk) { const char *kty = NULL; if (json_unpack((json_t *) jwk, "{s:s}", "kty", &kty) < 0) return NULL; for (const jose_hook_jwk_t *t = jose_hook_jwk_list(); t; t = t->next) { if (t->kind != JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_TYPE) continue; if (strcasecmp(kty, t->type.kty) == 0) return t; } return NULL; } bool jose_jwk_eql(jose_cfg_t *cfg, const json_t *a, const json_t *b) { const jose_hook_jwk_t *type = NULL; type = find_type(a); if (!type) return false; if (!json_equal(json_object_get(a, "kty"), json_object_get(b, "kty"))) return false; for (size_t i = 0; type->type.req[i]; i++) { json_t *aa = json_object_get(a, type->type.req[i]); json_t *bb = json_object_get(b, type->type.req[i]); if (!aa || !bb || !json_equal(aa, bb)) return false; } return true; } static char * jwk_str(const json_t *jwk) { const jose_hook_jwk_t *type = NULL; json_auto_t *key = NULL; type = find_type(jwk); if (!type) return NULL; key = json_object(); if (!key) return NULL; if (json_object_set(key, "kty", json_object_get(jwk, "kty")) < 0) return NULL; for (size_t i = 0; type->type.req[i]; i++) { json_t *tmp = NULL; tmp = json_object_get(jwk, type->type.req[i]); if (!tmp) return NULL; if (json_object_set(key, type->type.req[i], tmp) < 0) return NULL; } return json_dumps(key, JSON_SORT_KEYS | JSON_COMPACT); } json_t * jose_jwk_thp(jose_cfg_t *cfg, const json_t *jwk, const char *hash) { json_t *thp = NULL; char *str = NULL; str = jwk_str(jwk); if (!str) return NULL; thp = hsh(cfg, hash, str, strlen(str)); zero(str, strlen(str)); free(str); return thp; } size_t jose_jwk_thp_buf(jose_cfg_t *cfg, const json_t *jwk, const char *alg, uint8_t *thp, size_t len) { char *str = NULL; if (!thp || len == 0) return hsh_buf(cfg, alg, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); str = jwk_str(jwk); if (!str) return SIZE_MAX; len = hsh_buf(cfg, alg, str, strlen(str), thp, len); zero(str, strlen(str)); free(str); return len; } json_t * jose_jwk_exc(jose_cfg_t *cfg, const json_t *prv, const json_t *pub) { const char *alga = NULL; const char *algb = NULL; const char *ktya = NULL; const char *ktyb = NULL; if (json_unpack((json_t *) prv, "{s:s,s?s}", "kty", &ktya, "alg", &alga) < 0) { jose_cfg_err(cfg, JOSE_CFG_ERR_JWK_INVALID, "Private JWK is invalid"); return NULL; } if (json_unpack((json_t *) pub, "{s:s,s?s}", "kty", &ktyb, "alg", &algb) < 0) { jose_cfg_err(cfg, JOSE_CFG_ERR_JWK_INVALID, "Public JWK is invalid"); return NULL; } if (strcmp(ktya, ktyb) != 0) { jose_cfg_err(cfg, JOSE_CFG_ERR_JWK_MISMATCH, "Public and private JWKs are different types"); return NULL; } if (alga && algb && strcmp(alga, algb) != 0) { jose_cfg_err(cfg, JOSE_CFG_ERR_JWK_MISMATCH, "Public and private JWKs have different algorithms"); return NULL; } for (const jose_hook_alg_t *a = jose_hook_alg_list(); !alga && !algb && a; a = a->next) { if (a->kind != JOSE_HOOK_ALG_KIND_EXCH) continue; alga = a->exch.sug(a, cfg, prv, pub); } if (!alga && !algb) { jose_cfg_err(cfg, JOSE_CFG_ERR_ALG_NOINFER, "Exchange algorithm cannot be inferred"); return NULL; } for (const jose_hook_alg_t *a = jose_hook_alg_list(); a; a = a->next) { if (a->kind != JOSE_HOOK_ALG_KIND_EXCH) continue; if (strcmp(alga ? alga : algb, a->name) != 0) continue; if (!jose_jwk_prm(cfg, prv, false, a->exch.prm)) { jose_cfg_err(cfg, JOSE_CFG_ERR_JWK_DENIED, "Private JWK cannot be used to derive keys"); return NULL; } if (!jose_jwk_prm(cfg, pub, false, a->exch.prm)) { jose_cfg_err(cfg, JOSE_CFG_ERR_JWK_DENIED, "Public JWK cannot be used to derive keys"); return NULL; } return a->exch.exc(a, cfg, prv, pub); } jose_cfg_err(cfg, JOSE_CFG_ERR_ALG_NOTSUP, "Exchange algorithm %s is unsupported", alga ? alga : algb); return NULL; } static void __attribute__((constructor)) constructor(void) { static const char *oct_req[] = { "k", NULL }; static const char *oct_prv[] = { "k", NULL }; static const char *rsa_req[] = { "e", "n", NULL }; static const char *rsa_pub[] = { "e", "n", NULL }; static const char *rsa_prv[] = { "p", "d", "q", "dp", "dq", "qi", "oth", NULL }; static const char *ec_req[] = { "crv", "x", "y", NULL }; static const char *ec_pub[] = { "x", "y", NULL }; static const char *ec_prv[] = { "d", NULL }; static jose_hook_jwk_t hooks[] = { { .kind = JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_TYPE, .type = { .kty = "oct", .req = oct_req, .prv = oct_prv } }, { .kind = JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_TYPE, .type = { .kty = "RSA", .req = rsa_req, .pub = rsa_pub, .prv = rsa_prv } }, { .kind = JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_TYPE, .type = { .kty = "EC", .req = ec_req, .pub = ec_pub, .prv = ec_prv } }, { .kind = JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_OPER, .oper = { .pub = "verify", .prv = "sign", .use = "sig" } }, { .kind = JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_OPER, .oper = { .pub = "encrypt", .prv = "decrypt", .use = "enc" } }, { .kind = JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_OPER, .oper = { .pub = "wrapKey", .prv = "unwrapKey", .use = "enc" } }, { .kind = JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_OPER, .oper = { .pub = "deriveKey" } }, { .kind = JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_OPER, .oper = { .pub = "deriveBits" } }, {} }; for (size_t i = 0; hooks[i].kind != JOSE_HOOK_JWK_KIND_NONE; i++) jose_hook_jwk_push(&hooks[i]); }