/* vim: set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab smarttab colorcolumn=80: */ /* * Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <jose/io.h> #include "misc.h" #include <string.h> typedef struct { jose_io_t io; void **buf; size_t *len; } io_malloc_t; typedef struct { jose_io_t io; uint8_t *buf; size_t max; size_t *len; } io_buffer_t; typedef struct { jose_io_t io; FILE *file; } io_file_t; typedef struct { jose_io_t io; bool all; size_t nnexts; jose_io_t *nexts[]; } io_plex_t; void jose_io_auto(jose_io_t **io) { if (!io || !*io) return; jose_io_decref(*io); *io = NULL; } jose_io_t * jose_io_incref(jose_io_t *io) { if (!io) return NULL; io->refs++; return io; } void jose_io_decref(jose_io_t *io) { if (!io) return; if (io->refs-- == 1) io->free(io); } static bool malloc_feed(jose_io_t *io, const void *in, size_t len) { io_malloc_t *i = containerof(io, io_malloc_t, io); uint8_t *tmp = NULL; if (len == 0) return true; tmp = realloc(*i->buf, *i->len + len); if (!tmp) return false; memcpy(&tmp[*i->len], in, len); *i->buf = tmp; *i->len += len; return true; } static bool malloc_done(jose_io_t *io) { return true; } static void malloc_free(jose_io_t *io) { io_malloc_t *i = containerof(io, io_malloc_t, io); if (i->buf && *i->buf && i->len) { zero(*i->buf, *i->len); free(*i->buf); *i->len = 0; } zero(i, sizeof(*i)); free(i); } jose_io_t * jose_io_malloc(jose_cfg_t *cfg, void **buf, size_t *len) { jose_io_auto_t *io = NULL; io_malloc_t *i = NULL; if (!buf || !len) return NULL; i = calloc(1, sizeof(*i)); if (!i) return NULL; io = jose_io_incref(&i->io); io->feed = malloc_feed; io->done = malloc_done; io->free = malloc_free; i->buf = buf; i->len = len; return jose_io_incref(io); } void * jose_io_malloc_steal(void **buf) { if (!buf) return NULL; void *out = *buf; *buf = NULL; return out; } static bool buffer_feed(jose_io_t *io, const void *in, size_t len) { io_buffer_t *i = containerof(io, io_buffer_t, io); if (len > i->max - *i->len) return false; memcpy(&i->buf[*i->len], in, len); *i->len += len; return true; } static bool buffer_done(jose_io_t *io) { return true; } static void buffer_free(jose_io_t *io) { io_buffer_t *i = containerof(io, io_buffer_t, io); zero(i, sizeof(*i)); free(i); } jose_io_t * jose_io_buffer(jose_cfg_t *cfg, void *buf, size_t *len) { jose_io_auto_t *io = NULL; io_buffer_t *i = NULL; if (!buf || !len) return NULL; i = calloc(1, sizeof(*i)); if (!i) return NULL; io = jose_io_incref(&i->io); io->feed = buffer_feed; io->done = buffer_done; io->free = buffer_free; i->buf = buf; i->max = *len; i->len = len; *len = 0; return jose_io_incref(io); } static bool file_feed(jose_io_t *io, const void *in, size_t len) { io_file_t *i = containerof(io, io_file_t, io); return fwrite(in, 1, len, i->file) == len; } static bool file_done(jose_io_t *io) { return true; } static void file_free(jose_io_t *io) { io_file_t *i = containerof(io, io_file_t, io); zero(i, sizeof(*i)); free(i); } jose_io_t * jose_io_file(jose_cfg_t *cfg, FILE *file) { jose_io_auto_t *io = NULL; io_file_t *i = NULL; if (!file) return NULL; i = calloc(1, sizeof(*i)); if (!i) return NULL; io = jose_io_incref(&i->io); io->feed = file_feed; io->done = file_done; io->free = file_free; i->file = file; return jose_io_incref(&i->io); } static bool plex_feed(jose_io_t *io, const void *in, size_t len) { io_plex_t *i = containerof(io, io_plex_t, io); bool status = false; for (size_t j = 0; j < i->nnexts; j++) { bool s = false; if (!i->nexts[j]) continue; s = i->nexts[j]->feed(i->nexts[j], in, len); status |= s; if (!s) { jose_io_auto(&i->nexts[j]); if (i->all) return false; } } return status; } static bool plex_done(jose_io_t *io) { io_plex_t *i = containerof(io, io_plex_t, io); bool status = false; for (size_t j = 0; j < i->nnexts; j++) { bool s = false; if (!i->nexts[j]) continue; s = i->nexts[j]->done(i->nexts[j]); status |= s; if (!s) { jose_io_auto(&i->nexts[j]); if (i->all) return false; } } return status; } static void plex_free(jose_io_t *io) { io_plex_t *i = containerof(io, io_plex_t, io); for (size_t j = 0; j < i->nnexts; j++) jose_io_decref(i->nexts[j]); zero(i, sizeof(*i)); free(i); } jose_io_t * jose_io_multiplex(jose_cfg_t *cfg, jose_io_t **nexts, bool all) { jose_io_auto_t *io = NULL; io_plex_t *i = NULL; size_t nnexts = 0; while (nexts && nexts[nnexts]) nnexts++; i = calloc(1, sizeof(*i) + sizeof(jose_io_t *) * nnexts); if (!i) return NULL; io = jose_io_incref(&i->io); io->feed = plex_feed; io->done = plex_done; io->free = plex_free; i->all = all; i->nnexts = nnexts; for (size_t j = 0; nexts && j < nnexts; j++) i->nexts[j] = jose_io_incref(nexts[j]); return jose_io_incref(&i->io); }