/* vim: set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab smarttab colorcolumn=80: */ /* * Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "jose.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define MAXBUFLEN 1024 #define RQARG required_argument #define NOARG no_argument static jcmd_t *cmds; static bool is_json_object_file(FILE *file) { int c; do { c = fgetc(file); } while (isspace(c)); return ungetc(c, file) == '{'; } static bool jwks_extend(json_t *jwks, json_t *jwk_or_jwkset) { json_t *keys = json_object_get(jwk_or_jwkset, "keys"); size_t size = json_array_size(keys); if (!json_is_array(keys)) return json_array_append_new(jwks, jwk_or_jwkset) == 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (json_array_append(jwks, json_array_get(keys, i)) == -1) { json_decref(jwk_or_jwkset); return false; } } json_decref(jwk_or_jwkset); return size > 0; } void jcmd_push(jcmd_t *cmd) { cmd->next = cmds; cmds = cmd; } bool jcmd_opt_parse(int argc, char *argv[], const jcmd_cfg_t *cfgs, void *vopt, const char *prefix) { size_t ncfgs = 0; int maxa = 0; int maxl = 0; for (; cfgs[ncfgs].doc; ncfgs++) { const jcmd_cfg_t *cfg = &cfgs[ncfgs]; for (size_t i = 0; cfg->doc[i].doc; i++) { int len = 0; if (!cfg->doc[i].arg) continue; len = strlen(cfg->doc[i].arg); if (len > maxa) maxa = len; len = strlen(cfg->opt.name) + len; if (len > maxl) maxl = len; } if (cfg->def) { uint8_t *buf = vopt; if (!cfg->set(cfg, &buf[cfg->off], cfg->def)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid default value for %s!\n", cfg->opt.name); return false; } } } char sopts[ncfgs * 3 + 3]; struct option lopts[ncfgs + 3]; memset(lopts, 0, sizeof(lopts)); lopts[0].has_arg = no_argument; lopts[0].name = "help"; lopts[0].val = 'h'; lopts[1].has_arg = no_argument; lopts[1].name = "version"; lopts[1].val = 'v'; strcpy(sopts, "hv"); for (size_t i = 0; i < ncfgs; i++) { strncat(sopts, &(char) { cfgs[i].opt.val }, 1); lopts[i + 2] = cfgs[i].opt; switch (cfgs[i].opt.has_arg) { case optional_argument: strcat(sopts, ":"); /* fallthrough */ case required_argument: strcat(sopts, ":"); /* fallthrough */ default: break; } } for (int c; (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, sopts, lopts, NULL)) >= 0; ) { bool found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < ncfgs; i++) { uint8_t *buf = vopt; if (cfgs[i].opt.val == c) { found = true; if (!cfgs[i].set(&cfgs[i], &buf[cfgs[i].off], optarg)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid %s!\n", cfgs[i].opt.name); goto usage; } break; } } if (!found) { switch (c) { case 'h': goto usage; case 'v': fprintf(stderr, "José %d\n", JOSE_VERSION); return false; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %c!\n", c); goto usage; } } } return true; usage: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s\n\n", prefix); for (size_t i = 0; i < ncfgs; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; cfgs[i].doc[j].doc; j++) { const char *n = cfgs[i].opt.name; const char v = cfgs[i].opt.val; const char *a = cfgs[i].doc[j].arg; const char d = a ? '=' : ' '; a = a ? a : ""; fprintf(stderr, " -%c %-*s --%s%c%-*s %s\n", v, maxa, a, n, d, maxl - (int) strlen(n), a, cfgs[i].doc[j].doc); } if (cfgs[i].def) { fprintf(stderr, "%*sDefault: \"%s\"\n", maxa + maxl + 11, "", cfgs[i].def); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } return false; } static bool valid_b64(const char *b64, size_t len) { for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (b64[i] != 0 && !strchr(JOSE_B64_MAP, b64[i])) return false; } return true; } static json_t * parse_compact(jcmd_opt_io_t *io, const char *arg) { json_auto_t *tmp = json_object(); size_t i = 0; for (size_t j = 0; io->fields[j].name; j++) { const char *enc = strchr(&arg[i], '.'); size_t len = strlen(&arg[i]); if (enc) len = enc - &arg[i]; else if (io->fields[j + 1].name) return NULL; if (!valid_b64(&arg[i], len)) return NULL; if (json_object_set_new(tmp, io->fields[j].name, json_stringn(&arg[i], len)) < 0) return NULL; i += len + 1; } return json_incref(tmp); } bool jcmd_opt_io_set_input(const jcmd_cfg_t *cfg, void *vopt, const char *arg) { jcmd_opt_io_t *io = vopt; jcmd_file_cleanup(&io->input); json_decrefp(&io->obj); io->obj = json_loads(arg, 0, NULL); if (!io->obj) io->obj = parse_compact(io, arg); if (!io->obj) { if (strcmp("-", arg) == 0) io->input = stdin; else io->input = fopen(arg, "r"); if (!io->input) return false; if (is_json_object_file(io->input)) { io->obj = json_loadf(io->input, JSON_DISABLE_EOF_CHECK, NULL); jcmd_file_cleanup(&io->input); } else { io->obj = json_object(); for (size_t i = 0; io->fields[i].name && io->fields[i + 1].name && io->fields[i + 2].name; i++) { if (json_object_set_new(io->obj, io->fields[i].name, jcmd_compact_field(io->input)) < 0) return false; } } } return json_is_object(io->obj); } bool jcmd_opt_set_ifile(const jcmd_cfg_t *cfg, void *vopt, const char *arg) { FILE **file = vopt; jcmd_file_cleanup(file); if (strcmp("-", arg) == 0) *file = stdin; else *file = fopen(arg, "r"); return *file; } bool jcmd_opt_set_ofile(const jcmd_cfg_t *cfg, void *vopt, const char *arg) { FILE **file = vopt; jcmd_file_cleanup(file); if (strcmp("-", arg) == 0) *file = stdout; else *file = fopen(arg, "w"); return *file; } bool jcmd_opt_set_jsons(const jcmd_cfg_t *cfg, void *vopt, const char *arg) { json_auto_t *tmp = NULL; json_t **json = vopt; if (!jcmd_opt_set_json(cfg, &tmp, arg)) return false; if (!*json) *json = json_array(); return json_array_append(*json, tmp) >= 0; } bool jcmd_opt_set_json(const jcmd_cfg_t *cfg, void *vopt, const char *arg) { const int flags = JSON_DISABLE_EOF_CHECK | JSON_DECODE_ANY; json_t **json = vopt; json_decrefp(json); *json = json_loads(arg, flags, NULL); if (!*json) { if (strcmp(arg, "-") == 0) { *json = json_loadf(stdin, flags, NULL); } else { FILE_AUTO *file = fopen(arg, "r"); *json = json_loadf(file, flags, NULL); } } return *json; } bool jcmd_opt_set_jwkt(const jcmd_cfg_t *cfg, void *vopt, const char *arg) { const int flags = JSON_DISABLE_EOF_CHECK | JSON_DECODE_ANY; json_auto_t *tmp = NULL; json_t **jwks = vopt; if (!*jwks) *jwks = json_array(); tmp = json_loads(arg, flags, NULL); if (!tmp) { if (strcmp(arg, "-") == 0) { tmp = json_loadf(stdin, flags, NULL); } else { FILE_AUTO *file = fopen(arg, "r"); tmp = json_loadf(file, flags, NULL); } } if (!tmp) return false; switch (json_typeof(tmp)) { case JSON_OBJECT: case JSON_STRING: return jwks_extend(*jwks, json_incref(tmp)); default: return false; } } bool jcmd_opt_set_jwks(const jcmd_cfg_t *cfg, void *vopt, const char *arg) { const int flags = JSON_DISABLE_EOF_CHECK | JSON_DECODE_ANY; json_auto_t *tmp = NULL; json_t **jwks = vopt; if (!*jwks) *jwks = json_array(); if (strcmp(arg, "-") == 0) { tmp = json_loadf(stdin, flags, NULL); } else { FILE_AUTO *file = fopen(arg, "r"); tmp = json_loadf(file, flags, NULL); } switch (tmp ? json_typeof(tmp) : JSON_INTEGER) { case JSON_OBJECT: case JSON_STRING: return jwks_extend(*jwks, json_incref(tmp)); default: return false; } } bool jcmd_opt_set_flag(const jcmd_cfg_t *cfg, void *vopt, const char *arg) { bool *flag = vopt; return *flag = true; } void jcmd_opt_io_cleanup(jcmd_opt_io_t *io) { if (!io) return; jcmd_file_cleanup(&io->detached); jcmd_file_cleanup(&io->detach); jcmd_file_cleanup(&io->output); jcmd_file_cleanup(&io->input); json_decrefp(&io->obj); } json_t * jcmd_compact_field(FILE *file) { json_t *str = NULL; char *buf = NULL; size_t used = 0; size_t size = 0; for (int c = fgetc(file); c != EOF && c != '.'; c = fgetc(file)) { if (used >= size) { char *tmp = NULL; size += 4096; tmp = realloc(buf, size); if (!tmp) goto error; buf = tmp; } buf[used++] = c; } str = json_stringn(buf ? buf : "", buf ? used : 0); error: free(buf); return str; } void jcmd_file_cleanup(FILE **file) { if (file && *file) { if (*file != stdin && *file != stdout) fclose(*file); *file = NULL; } } static int nnames(const jcmd_t *cmd) { int n = 0; while (cmd->names[n]) n++; return n; } static int cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const jcmd_t * const *ap = a; const jcmd_t * const *bp = b; int c = 0; c = nnames(*ap) - nnames(*bp); for (size_t i = 0; c == 0; i++) { const char *an = (*ap)->names[i]; const char *bn = (*bp)->names[i]; if (!an && !bn) return 0; if (!an && bn) return -1; if (an && !bn) return 1; c = strcmp(an, bn); } return c; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *last = NULL; char full[40] = {}; size_t len = 0; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) len += strlen(argv[i]) + 1; char cmd[len]; len = 0; for (const jcmd_t *c = cmds; c; c = c->next) { strcpy(cmd, "jose"); len++; for (int i = 1; i < argc && c->names[i - 1]; i++) { const char *name = c->names[i - 1]; if (strcmp(argv[i], name) != 0) break; if (!c->names[i]) { argv[--i] = cmd; return c->func(argc - i, argv + i); } strcat(cmd, " "); strcat(cmd, name); } } const jcmd_t *all[len]; for (const jcmd_t *c = cmds; c; c = c->next) all[--len] = c; qsort(all, sizeof(all) / sizeof(*all), sizeof(*all), cmp); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: jose COMMAND [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Commands:\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(all) / sizeof(*all); i++) { if (!(last && strcmp(all[i]->names[0], last) == 0)) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); strcpy(full, "jose"); for (size_t j = 0; all[i]->names[j]; j++) { snprintf(full + strlen(full), sizeof(full) - strlen(full) - 1, " %s", all[i]->names[j]); } fprintf(stderr, " %-13s %s\n", full, all[i]->desc); last = all[i]->names[0]; } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; }