/* vim: set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab smarttab colorcolumn=80: */ /* * Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include "../lib/hooks.h" /* for MAX_COMPRESSED_SIZE */ static bool dec_cmp(json_t *jwe, json_t *jwk, const char* expected_data, size_t expected_len) { bool ret = false; char *pt = NULL; size_t ptl = 0; pt = jose_jwe_dec(NULL, jwe, NULL, jwk, &ptl); if (!pt) goto error; if (ptl != expected_len) goto error; if (strcmp(pt, expected_data) != 0) goto error; ret = true; error: free(pt); return ret; } static bool dec(json_t *jwe, json_t *jwk) { return dec_cmp(jwe, jwk, "foo", 4); } struct zip_test_data_t { char* data; size_t datalen; bool expected; }; static char* make_data(size_t len) { assert(len > 0); char *data = malloc(len); assert(data); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { data[i] = 'A' + (random() % 26); } data[len-1] = '\0'; return data; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { json_auto_t *jwke = json_pack("{s:s}", "alg", "ECDH-ES+A128KW"); json_auto_t *jwkr = json_pack("{s:s}", "alg", "RSA1_5"); json_auto_t *jwko = json_pack("{s:s}", "alg", "A128KW"); json_auto_t *jwkz = json_pack("{s:s, s:i}", "kty", "oct", "bytes", 16); json_auto_t *set0 = json_pack("{s:[O,O]}", "keys", jwke, jwko); json_auto_t *set1 = json_pack("{s:[O,O]}", "keys", jwkr, jwko); json_auto_t *set2 = json_pack("{s:[O,O]}", "keys", jwke, jwkr); json_auto_t *jwe = NULL; assert(jose_jwk_gen(NULL, jwke)); assert(jose_jwk_gen(NULL, jwkr)); assert(jose_jwk_gen(NULL, jwko)); assert(jose_jwk_gen(NULL, jwkz)); json_decref(jwe); assert((jwe = json_object())); assert(jose_jwe_enc(NULL, jwe, NULL, jwke, "foo", 4)); assert(dec(jwe, jwke)); assert(!dec(jwe, jwkr)); assert(!dec(jwe, jwko)); assert(dec(jwe, set0)); assert(!dec(jwe, set1)); assert(dec(jwe, set2)); json_decref(jwe); assert((jwe = json_object())); assert(jose_jwe_enc(NULL, jwe, NULL, jwkr, "foo", 4)); assert(!dec(jwe, jwke)); assert(dec(jwe, jwkr)); assert(!dec(jwe, jwko)); assert(!dec(jwe, set0)); assert(dec(jwe, set1)); assert(dec(jwe, set2)); json_decref(jwe); assert((jwe = json_object())); assert(jose_jwe_enc(NULL, jwe, NULL, jwko, "foo", 4)); assert(!dec(jwe, jwke)); assert(!dec(jwe, jwkr)); assert(dec(jwe, jwko)); assert(dec(jwe, set0)); assert(dec(jwe, set1)); assert(!dec(jwe, set2)); json_decref(jwe); assert((jwe = json_object())); assert(jose_jwe_enc(NULL, jwe, NULL, set0, "foo", 4)); assert(dec(jwe, jwke)); assert(!dec(jwe, jwkr)); assert(dec(jwe, jwko)); assert(dec(jwe, set0)); assert(dec(jwe, set1)); assert(dec(jwe, set2)); json_decref(jwe); assert((jwe = json_pack("{s:{s:s,s:s,s:s,s:s}}", "protected", "alg", "A128KW", "enc", "A128GCM", "typ", "JWE", "zip", "DEF"))); assert(jose_jwe_enc(NULL, jwe, NULL, jwkz, "foo", 4)); assert(dec(jwe, jwkz)); assert(!dec(jwe, jwkr)); assert(!dec(jwe, jwko)); assert(!dec(jwe, set0)); assert(!dec(jwe, set1)); assert(!dec(jwe, set2)); /* Some tests with "zip": "DEF" */ struct zip_test_data_t zip[] = { { .data = make_data(5), .datalen = 5, .expected = true, }, { .data = make_data(50), .datalen = 50, .expected = true, }, { .data = make_data(1000), .datalen = 1000, .expected = true, }, { .data = make_data(10000000), .datalen = 10000000, .expected = false, /* compressed len will be ~8000000+ * (i.e. > MAX_COMPRESSED_SIZE) */ }, { .data = make_data(50000), .datalen = 50000, .expected = true }, { .data = NULL } }; for (size_t i = 0; zip[i].data != NULL; i++) { json_decref(jwe); assert((jwe = json_pack("{s:{s:s,s:s,s:s,s:s}}", "protected", "alg", "A128KW", "enc", "A128GCM", "typ", "JWE", "zip", "DEF"))); assert(jose_jwe_enc(NULL, jwe, NULL, jwkz, zip[i].data, zip[i].datalen)); /* Now let's get the ciphertext compressed len. */ char *ct = NULL; size_t ctl = 0; assert(json_unpack(jwe, "{s:s%}", "ciphertext", &ct, &ctl) != -1); /* And check our expectation is correct. */ assert(zip[i].expected == (ctl < MAX_COMPRESSED_SIZE)); assert(dec_cmp(jwe, jwkz, zip[i].data, zip[i].datalen) == zip[i].expected); free(zip[i].data); zip[i].data = NULL; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }