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Import original source of Regexp-Wildcards 1.05

Vincent Pit 11 years ago
17 changed files with 1537 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 77 0
  2. 17 0
  3. 60 0
  4. 34 0
  5. 53 0
  6. 288 0
  7. 620 0
  8. 18 0
  9. 12 0
  10. 13 0
  11. 53 0
  12. 39 0
  13. 109 0
  14. 26 0
  15. 65 0
  16. 18 0
  17. 35 0

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Revision history for Regexp-Wildcards
+1.05    2013-08-24 20:15 UTC
+        This is a maintenance release. The code contains no functional change.
+        Satisfied users of version 1.04 can skip this update.
+        + Doc : POD headings are now properly linkable.
+        + Tst : Author tests are no longer bundled with this distribution.
+                They are only made available to authors in the git repository.
+        + Upd : Package metadata overhaul.
+1.04    2011-08-25 12:50 UTC
+        + Chg : Minor code cleanups.
+        + Fix : Use Scalar::Util::blessed() to check objects classes.
+                Scalar::Util is required.
+        + Fix : Work around Kwalitee test misfailures.
+        + Upd : The distribution metadata was updated to modern standards.
+1.03    2009-02-26 15:35 UTC
+        + Add : Translating both 'jokers' and 'sql' at the same time.
+        + Doc : Cleanups.
+        + Fix : The ->type forgot how to really accept $^O since the rewrite.
+                Reported by Bruce McKenzie in RT #43643.
+        + Upd : META.yml spec updated to 1.4.
+1.02    2008-08-23 09:15 UTC
+        + Add : The 'anchor' metacharacter class.
+1.01    2008-08-19 15:20 UTC
+        + Fix : Now we can do both SQL and brackets.
+        + Tst : Add tests for embedded newlines.
+1.00    2008-08-18 17:20 UTC
+        + Chg : Rewritten the module in an OO way. It's now easier to specify
+                what you want to translate.
+        + Tst : 100% coverage reached.
+0.08    2008-03-09 15:55  UTC
+        + Add : ':funcs' export tag.
+        + Doc : Copyright update.
+        + Fix : Correct dependencies listing in META.yml.
+        + Tst : Author tests overhaul.
+        + Tst : t/95-portability-files.t.
+0.07    2007-08-28 12:35 UTC
+        + Fix : Tests are now strict.
+        + Fix : Complete dependencies.
+0.06    2007-06-26 12:40 UTC
+        + Add : SQL '%' and '_' wildcards (with corresponding pod & tests).
+        + Fix : Typos in pod (looks like this will never end...).
+0.05    2007-06-22 14:40 UTC
+        + Add : Windows strange behaviours caveat.
+        + Chg : Simplified bracket prefix.
+        + Fix : Typos in pod.
+0.04    2007-06-20 19:00 UTC
+        + Add : You can supply $^O as the type for wc2re, which will wrap to
+                wc2re_win32 for 'dos', 'os2', 'MSWin32', 'cygwin', and to
+                wc2re_unix in all the other cases.
+        + Add : Generated regexps can now capture the interesting bits of the
+                wildcard expression via the configuration variables
+                $CaptureSingle, $CaptureAny and $CaptureBrackets (see pod)
+        + Add : Corresponding pod & tests
+0.03    2007-06-17 14:45 UTC
+        + Fix : Missing PREREQ_PM in Makefile.PL
+        + Fix : Typos in pod.
+0.02    2007-06-16 09:15 UTC
+        + Fix : wc2re_unix should escape top-level commas.
+        + Fix : added missing samples/
+        + Add : tests descriptions in t/12-brackets.t
+0.01    2007-06-14
+        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+   "abstract" : "Converts wildcard expressions to Perl regular expressions.",
+   "author" : [
+      "Vincent Pit <>"
+   ],
+   "dynamic_config" : 0,
+   "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.72, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.132140",
+   "license" : [
+      "perl_5"
+   ],
+   "meta-spec" : {
+      "url" : "",
+      "version" : "2"
+   },
+   "name" : "Regexp-Wildcards",
+   "no_index" : {
+      "directory" : [
+         "t",
+         "inc"
+      ]
+   },
+   "prereqs" : {
+      "build" : {
+         "requires" : {
+            "Carp" : "0",
+            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0",
+            "Scalar::Util" : "0",
+            "Test::More" : "0",
+            "Text::Balanced" : "0"
+         }
+      },
+      "configure" : {
+         "requires" : {
+            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0"
+         }
+      },
+      "runtime" : {
+         "requires" : {
+            "Carp" : "0",
+            "Scalar::Util" : "0",
+            "Text::Balanced" : "0",
+            "perl" : "5.006"
+         }
+      }
+   },
+   "release_status" : "stable",
+   "resources" : {
+      "bugtracker" : {
+         "web" : ""
+      },
+      "homepage" : "",
+      "license" : [
+         ""
+      ],
+      "repository" : {
+         "url" : ""
+      }
+   },
+   "version" : "1.05"

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+abstract: 'Converts wildcard expressions to Perl regular expressions.'
+  - 'Vincent Pit <>'
+  Carp: 0
+  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
+  Scalar::Util: 0
+  Test::More: 0
+  Text::Balanced: 0
+  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
+dynamic_config: 0
+generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.72, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.132140'
+license: perl
+  url:
+  version: 1.4
+name: Regexp-Wildcards
+  directory:
+    - t
+    - inc
+  Carp: 0
+  Scalar::Util: 0
+  Text::Balanced: 0
+  perl: 5.006
+  bugtracker:
+  homepage:
+  license:
+  repository:
+version: 1.05

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+my $dist = 'Regexp-Wildcards';
+(my $name = $dist) =~ s{-}{::}g;
+(my $file = $dist) =~ s{-}{/}g;
+$file = "lib/$";
+my %PREREQ_PM = (
+ 'Carp'           => 0,
+ 'Scalar::Util'   => 0,
+ 'Text::Balanced' => 0,
+my %META = (
+ configure_requires => {
+  'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0,
+ },
+ build_requires => {
+  'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0,
+  'Test::More'          => 0,
+ },
+ dynamic_config => 0,
+ resources => {
+  bugtracker => "$dist",
+  homepage   => "$dist/",
+  license    => '',
+  repository => "$dist.git",
+ },
+ NAME             => $name,
+ AUTHOR           => 'Vincent Pit <>',
+ LICENSE          => 'perl',
+ VERSION_FROM     => $file,
+ ABSTRACT_FROM    => $file,
+ PL_FILES         => {},
+ PREREQ_PM        => \%PREREQ_PM,
+ MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.006',
+ META_MERGE       => \%META,
+ dist             => {
+  PREOP    => "pod2text -u $file > \$(DISTVNAME)/README",
+  COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz'
+ },
+ clean            => {
+  FILES => "$dist-* *.gcov *.gcda *.gcno cover_db Debian_CPANTS.txt"
+ },

+ 288 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+    Regexp::Wildcards - Converts wildcard expressions to Perl regular
+    expressions.
+    Version 1.05
+        use Regexp::Wildcards;
+        my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(type => 'unix');
+        my $re;
+        $re = $rw->convert('a{b?,c}*');          # Do it Unix shell style.
+        $re = $rw->convert('a?,b*',   'win32');  # Do it Windows shell style.
+        $re = $rw->convert('*{x,y}?', 'jokers'); # Process the jokers and
+                                                 # escape the rest.
+        $re = $rw->convert('%a_c%',   'sql');    # Turn SQL wildcards into
+                                                 # regexps.
+        $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(
+         do      => [ qw<jokers brackets> ], # Do jokers and brackets.
+         capture => [ qw<any greedy> ],      # Capture *'s greedily.
+        );
+        $rw->do(add => 'groups');            # Don't escape groups.
+        $rw->capture(rem => [ qw<greedy> ]); # Actually we want non-greedy
+                                             # matches.
+        $re = $rw->convert('*a{,(b)?}?c*');  # '(.*?)a(?:|(b).).c(.*?)'
+        $rw->capture();                      # No more captures.
+    In many situations, users may want to specify patterns to match but
+    don't need the full power of regexps. Wildcards make one of those sets
+    of simplified rules. This module converts wildcard expressions to Perl
+    regular expressions, so that you can use them for matching.
+    It handles the "*" and "?" jokers, as well as Unix bracketed
+    alternatives "{,}", but also "%" and "_" SQL wildcards. If required, it
+    can also keep original "(...)" groups or "^" and "$" anchors. Backspace
+    ("\") is used as an escape character.
+    Typesets that mimic the behaviour of Windows and Unix shells are also
+    provided.
+  "new"
+        my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(do => $what, capture => $capture);
+        my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(type => $type, capture => $capture);
+    Constructs a new Regexp::Wildcard object.
+    "do" lists all features that should be enabled when converting wildcards
+    to regexps. Refer to "do" for details on what can be passed in $what.
+    The "type" specifies a predefined set of "do" features to use. See
+    "type" for details on which types are valid. The "do" option overrides
+    "type".
+    "capture" lists which atoms should be capturing. Refer to "capture" for
+    more details.
+  "do"
+        $rw->do($what);
+        $rw->do(set => $c1);
+        $rw->do(add => $c2);
+        $rw->do(rem => $c3);
+    Specifies the list of metacharacters to convert or to prevent for
+    escaping. They fit into six classes :
+    *   'jokers'
+        Converts "?" to "." and "*" to ".*".
+            'a**\\*b??\\?c' ==> 'a.*\\*b..\\?c'
+    *   'sql'
+        Converts "_" to "." and "%" to ".*".
+            'a%%\\%b__\\_c' ==> 'a.*\\%b..\\_c'
+    *   'commas'
+        Converts all "," to "|" and puts the complete resulting regular
+        expression inside "(?: ... )".
+            'a,b{c,d},e' ==> '(?:a|b\\{c|d\\}|e)'
+    *   'brackets'
+        Converts all matching "{ ... , ... }" brackets to "(?: ... | ... )"
+        alternations. If some brackets are unbalanced, it tries to
+        substitute as many of them as possible, and then escape the
+        remaining unmatched "{" and "}". Commas outside of any
+        bracket-delimited block are also escaped.
+            'a,b{c,d},e'    ==> 'a\\,b(?:c|d)\\,e'
+            '{a\\{b,c}d,e}' ==> '(?:a\\{b|c)d\\,e\\}'
+            '{a{b,c\\}d,e}' ==> '\\{a\\{b\\,c\\}d\\,e\\}'
+    *   'groups'
+        Keeps the parenthesis "( ... )" of the original string without
+        escaping them. Currently, no check is done to ensure that the
+        parenthesis are matching.
+            'a(b(c))d\\(\\)' ==> (no change)
+    *   'anchors'
+        Prevents the *beginning-of-line* "^" and *end-of-line* "$" anchors
+        to be escaped. Since "[...]" character class are currently escaped,
+        a "^" will always be interpreted as *beginning-of-line*.
+            'a^b$c' ==> (no change)
+    Each $c can be any of :
+    *   A hash reference, with wanted metacharacter group names (described
+        above) as keys and booleans as values ;
+    *   An array reference containing the list of wanted metacharacter
+        classes ;
+    *   A plain scalar, when only one group is required.
+    When "set" is present, the classes given as its value replace the
+    current object options. Then the "add" classes are added, and the "rem"
+    classes removed.
+    Passing a sole scalar $what is equivalent as passing "set => $what". No
+    argument means "set => [ ]".
+        $rw->do(set => 'jokers');           # Only translate jokers.
+        $rw->do('jokers');                  # Same.
+        $rw->do(add => [ qw<sql commas> ]); # Translate also SQL and commas.
+        $rw->do(rem => 'jokers');           # Specifying both 'sql' and
+                                            # 'jokers' is useless.
+        $rw->do();                          # Translate nothing.
+    The "do" method returns the Regexp::Wildcards object.
+  "type"
+        $rw->type($type);
+    Notifies to convert the metacharacters that corresponds to the
+    predefined type $type. $type can be any of :
+    *   'jokers', 'sql', 'commas', 'brackets'
+        Singleton types that enable the corresponding "do" classes.
+    *   'unix'
+        Covers typical Unix shell globbing features (effectively 'jokers'
+        and 'brackets').
+    *   $^O values for common Unix systems
+        Wrap to 'unix' (see perlport for the list).
+    *   "undef"
+        Defaults to 'unix'.
+    *   'win32'
+        Covers typical Windows shell globbing features (effectively 'jokers'
+        and 'commas').
+    *   'dos', 'os2', 'MSWin32', 'cygwin'
+        Wrap to 'win32'.
+    In particular, you can usually pass $^O as the $type and get the
+    corresponding shell behaviour.
+        $rw->type('win32'); # Set type to win32.
+        $rw->type($^O);     # Set type to unix on Unices and win32 on Windows
+        $rw->type();        # Set type to unix.
+    The "type" method returns the Regexp::Wildcards object.
+  "capture"
+        $rw->capture($captures);
+        $rw->capture(set => $c1);
+        $rw->capture(add => $c2);
+        $rw->capture(rem => $c3);
+    Specifies the list of atoms to capture. This method works like "do",
+    except that the classes are different :
+    *   'single'
+        Captures all unescaped *"exactly one"* metacharacters, i.e. "?" for
+        wildcards or "_" for SQL.
+            'a???b\\??' ==> 'a(.)(.)(.)b\\?(.)'
+            'a___b\\__' ==> 'a(.)(.)(.)b\\_(.)'
+    *   'any'
+        Captures all unescaped *"any"* metacharacters, i.e. "*" for
+        wildcards or "%" for SQL.
+            'a***b\\**' ==> 'a(.*)b\\*(.*)'
+            'a%%%b\\%%' ==> 'a(.*)b\\%(.*)'
+    *   'greedy'
+        When used in conjunction with 'any', it makes the 'any' captures
+        greedy (by default they are not).
+            'a***b\\**' ==> 'a(.*?)b\\*(.*?)'
+            'a%%%b\\%%' ==> 'a(.*?)b\\%(.*?)'
+    *   'brackets'
+        Capture matching "{ ... , ... }" alternations.
+            'a{b\\},\\{c}' ==> 'a(b\\}|\\{c)'
+        $rw->capture(set => 'single');           # Only capture "exactly one"
+                                                 # metacharacters.
+        $rw->capture('single');                  # Same.
+        $rw->capture(add => [ qw<any greedy> ]); # Also greedily capture
+                                                 # "any" metacharacters.
+        $rw->capture(rem => 'greedy');           # No more greed please.
+        $rw->capture();                          # Capture nothing.
+    The "capture" method returns the Regexp::Wildcards object.
+  "convert"
+        my $rx = $rw->convert($wc);
+        my $rx = $rw->convert($wc, $type);
+    Converts the wildcard expression $wc into a regular expression according
+    to the options stored into the Regexp::Wildcards object, or to $type if
+    it's supplied. It successively escapes all unprotected regexp special
+    characters that doesn't hold any meaning for wildcards, then replace
+    'jokers', 'sql' and 'commas' or 'brackets' (depending on the "do" or
+    "type" options), all of this by applying the 'capture' rules specified
+    in the constructor or by "capture".
+    An object module shouldn't export any function, and so does this one.
+    Carp (core module since perl 5), Scalar::Util, Text::Balanced (since
+    5.7.3).
+    This module does not implement the strange behaviours of Windows shell
+    that result from the special handling of the three last characters (for
+    the file extension). For example, Windows XP shell matches *a like
+    ".*a", "*a?" like ".*a.?", "*a??" like ".*a.{0,2}" and so on.
+    Text::Glob.
+    Vincent Pit, "<perl at>", <>.
+    You can contact me by mail or on "" (vincent).
+    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-regexp-wildcards at
+", or through the web interface at
+    <>. I
+    will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress
+    on your bug as I make changes.
+    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+        perldoc Regexp::Wildcards
+    Tests code coverage report is available at
+    <>.
+    Copyright 2007,2008,2009,2013 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the same terms as Perl itself.

+ 620 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+package Regexp::Wildcards;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp           qw<croak>;
+use Scalar::Util   qw<blessed>;
+use Text::Balanced qw<extract_bracketed>;
+=head1 NAME
+Regexp::Wildcards - Converts wildcard expressions to Perl regular expressions.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 1.05
+use vars qw<$VERSION>;
+ $VERSION = '1.05';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use Regexp::Wildcards;
+    my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(type => 'unix');
+    my $re;
+    $re = $rw->convert('a{b?,c}*');          # Do it Unix shell style.
+    $re = $rw->convert('a?,b*',   'win32');  # Do it Windows shell style.
+    $re = $rw->convert('*{x,y}?', 'jokers'); # Process the jokers and
+                                             # escape the rest.
+    $re = $rw->convert('%a_c%',   'sql');    # Turn SQL wildcards into
+                                             # regexps.
+    $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(
+     do      => [ qw<jokers brackets> ], # Do jokers and brackets.
+     capture => [ qw<any greedy> ],      # Capture *'s greedily.
+    );
+    $rw->do(add => 'groups');            # Don't escape groups.
+    $rw->capture(rem => [ qw<greedy> ]); # Actually we want non-greedy
+                                         # matches.
+    $re = $rw->convert('*a{,(b)?}?c*');  # '(.*?)a(?:|(b).).c(.*?)'
+    $rw->capture();                      # No more captures.
+In many situations, users may want to specify patterns to match but don't need the full power of regexps.
+Wildcards make one of those sets of simplified rules.
+This module converts wildcard expressions to Perl regular expressions, so that you can use them for matching.
+It handles the C<*> and C<?> jokers, as well as Unix bracketed alternatives C<{,}>, but also C<%> and C<_> SQL wildcards.
+If required, it can also keep original C<(...)> groups or C<^> and C<$> anchors.
+Backspace (C<\>) is used as an escape character.
+Typesets that mimic the behaviour of Windows and Unix shells are also provided.
+=head1 METHODS
+sub _check_self {
+ croak 'First argument isn\'t a valid ' . __PACKAGE__ . ' object'
+  unless blessed $_[0] and $_[0]->isa(__PACKAGE__);
+my %types = (
+ jokers   => [ qw<jokers> ],
+ sql      => [ qw<sql> ],
+ commas   => [ qw<commas> ],
+ brackets => [ qw<brackets> ],
+ unix     => [ qw<jokers brackets> ],
+ win32    => [ qw<jokers commas> ],
+$types{$_} = $types{win32} for qw<dos os2 MSWin32 cygwin>;
+$types{$_} = $types{unix}  for qw<linux
+                                  darwin machten next
+                                  aix irix hpux dgux dynixptx
+                                  bsdos freebsd openbsd
+                                  svr4 solaris sunos dec_osf
+                                  sco_sv unicos unicosmk>;
+my %escapes = (
+ jokers   => '?*',
+ sql      => '_%',
+ commas   => ',',
+ brackets => '{},',
+ groups   => '()',
+ anchors  => '^$',
+my %captures = (
+ single   => sub { $_[1] ? '(.)' : '.' },
+ any      => sub { $_[1] ? ($_[0]->{greedy} ? '(.*)'
+                                            : '(.*?)')
+                         : '.*' },
+ brackets => sub { $_[1] ? '(' : '(?:'; },
+ greedy   => undef,
+sub _validate {
+ my $self  = shift;
+ _check_self $self;
+ my $valid = shift;
+ my $old   = shift;
+ $old = { } unless defined $old;
+ my %opts;
+ if (@_ <= 1) {
+  $opts{set} = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : { };
+ } elsif (@_ % 2) {
+  croak 'Arguments must be passed as an unique scalar or as key => value pairs';
+ } else {
+  %opts = @_;
+ }
+ my %checked;
+ for (qw<set add rem>) {
+  my $opt = $opts{$_};
+  next unless defined $opt;
+  my $cb = {
+   ''      => sub { +{ ($_[0] => 1) x (exists $valid->{$_[0]}) } },
+   'ARRAY' => sub { +{ map { ($_ => 1) x (exists $valid->{$_}) } @{$_[0]} } },
+   'HASH'  => sub { +{ map { ($_ => $_[0]->{$_}) x (exists $valid->{$_}) }
+                        keys %{$_[0]} } }
+  }->{ ref $opt };
+  croak 'Wrong option set' unless $cb;
+  $checked{$_} = $cb->($opt);
+ }
+ my $config = (exists $checked{set}) ? $checked{set} : $old;
+ $config->{$_} = $checked{add}->{$_} for grep $checked{add}->{$_},
+                                          keys %{$checked{add} || {}};
+ delete $config->{$_}                for grep $checked{rem}->{$_},
+                                          keys %{$checked{rem} || {}};
+ $config;
+sub _do {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $config;
+ $config->{do}      = $self->_validate(\%escapes, $self->{do}, @_);
+ $config->{escape}  = '';
+ $config->{escape} .= $escapes{$_} for keys %{$config->{do}};
+ $config->{escape}  = quotemeta $config->{escape};
+ $config;
+sub do {
+ my $self = shift;
+ _check_self $self;
+ my $config  = $self->_do(@_);
+ $self->{$_} = $config->{$_} for keys %$config;
+ $self;
+sub _capture {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $config;
+ $config->{capture} = $self->_validate(\%captures, $self->{capture}, @_);
+ $config->{greedy}  = delete $config->{capture}->{greedy};
+ for (keys %captures) {
+  $config->{'c_' . $_} = $captures{$_}->($config, $config->{capture}->{$_})
+                                               if $captures{$_}; # Skip 'greedy'
+ }
+ $config;
+sub capture {
+ my $self = shift;
+ _check_self $self;
+ my $config  = $self->_capture(@_);
+ $self->{$_} = $config->{$_} for keys %$config;
+ $self;
+sub _type {
+ my ($self, $type) = @_;
+ $type = 'unix'     unless defined $type;
+ croak 'Wrong type' unless exists $types{$type};
+ my $config      = $self->_do($types{$type});
+ $config->{type} = $type;
+ $config;
+sub type {
+ my $self = shift;
+ _check_self $self;
+ my $config  = $self->_type(@_);
+ $self->{$_} = $config->{$_} for keys %$config;
+ $self;
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ $class    = blessed($class) || $class || __PACKAGE__;
+ croak 'Optional arguments must be passed as key => value pairs' if @_ % 2;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $self = bless { }, $class;
+ if (defined $args{do}) {
+  $self->do($args{do});
+ } else {
+  $self->type($args{type});
+ }
+ $self->capture($args{capture});
+=head2 C<new>
+    my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(do => $what, capture => $capture);
+    my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(type => $type, capture => $capture);
+Constructs a new L<Regexp::Wildcard> object.
+C<do> lists all features that should be enabled when converting wildcards to regexps.
+Refer to L</do> for details on what can be passed in C<$what>.
+The C<type> specifies a predefined set of C<do> features to use.
+See L</type> for details on which types are valid.
+The C<do> option overrides C<type>.
+C<capture> lists which atoms should be capturing.
+Refer to L</capture> for more details.
+=head2 C<do>
+    $rw->do($what);
+    $rw->do(set => $c1);
+    $rw->do(add => $c2);
+    $rw->do(rem => $c3);
+Specifies the list of metacharacters to convert or to prevent for escaping.
+They fit into six classes :
+=over 4
+=item *
+Converts C<?> to C<.> and C<*> to C<.*>.
+    'a**\\*b??\\?c' ==> 'a.*\\*b..\\?c'
+=item *
+Converts C<_> to C<.> and C<%> to C<.*>.
+    'a%%\\%b__\\_c' ==> 'a.*\\%b..\\_c'
+=item *
+Converts all C<,> to C<|> and puts the complete resulting regular expression inside C<(?: ... )>.
+    'a,b{c,d},e' ==> '(?:a|b\\{c|d\\}|e)'
+=item *
+Converts all matching C<{ ... ,  ... }> brackets to C<(?: ... | ... )> alternations.
+If some brackets are unbalanced, it tries to substitute as many of them as possible, and then escape the remaining unmatched C<{> and C<}>.
+Commas outside of any bracket-delimited block are also escaped.
+    'a,b{c,d},e'    ==> 'a\\,b(?:c|d)\\,e'
+    '{a\\{b,c}d,e}' ==> '(?:a\\{b|c)d\\,e\\}'
+    '{a{b,c\\}d,e}' ==> '\\{a\\{b\\,c\\}d\\,e\\}'
+=item *
+Keeps the parenthesis C<( ... )> of the original string without escaping them.
+Currently, no check is done to ensure that the parenthesis are matching.
+    'a(b(c))d\\(\\)' ==> (no change)
+=item *
+Prevents the I<beginning-of-line> C<^> and I<end-of-line> C<$> anchors to be escaped.
+Since C<[...]> character class are currently escaped, a C<^> will always be interpreted as I<beginning-of-line>.
+    'a^b$c' ==> (no change)
+Each C<$c> can be any of :
+=over 4
+=item *
+A hash reference, with wanted metacharacter group names (described above) as keys and booleans as values ;
+=item *
+An array reference containing the list of wanted metacharacter classes ;
+=item *
+A plain scalar, when only one group is required.
+When C<set> is present, the classes given as its value replace the current object options.
+Then the C<add> classes are added, and the C<rem> classes removed.
+Passing a sole scalar C<$what> is equivalent as passing C<< set => $what >>.
+No argument means C<< set => [ ] >>.
+    $rw->do(set => 'jokers');           # Only translate jokers.
+    $rw->do('jokers');                  # Same.
+    $rw->do(add => [ qw<sql commas> ]); # Translate also SQL and commas.
+    $rw->do(rem => 'jokers');           # Specifying both 'sql' and
+                                        # 'jokers' is useless.
+    $rw->do();                          # Translate nothing.
+The C<do> method returns the L<Regexp::Wildcards> object.
+=head2 C<type>
+    $rw->type($type);
+Notifies to convert the metacharacters that corresponds to the predefined type C<$type>.
+C<$type> can be any of :
+=over 4
+=item *
+C<'jokers'>, C<'sql'>, C<'commas'>, C<'brackets'>
+Singleton types that enable the corresponding C<do> classes.
+=item *
+Covers typical Unix shell globbing features (effectively C<'jokers'> and C<'brackets'>).
+=item *
+C<$^O> values for common Unix systems
+Wrap to C<'unix'> (see L<perlport> for the list).
+=item *
+Defaults to C<'unix'>.
+=item *
+Covers typical Windows shell globbing features (effectively C<'jokers'> and C<'commas'>).
+=item *
+C<'dos'>, C<'os2'>, C<'MSWin32'>, C<'cygwin'>
+Wrap to C<'win32'>.
+In particular, you can usually pass C<$^O> as the C<$type> and get the corresponding shell behaviour.
+    $rw->type('win32'); # Set type to win32.
+    $rw->type($^O);     # Set type to unix on Unices and win32 on Windows
+    $rw->type();        # Set type to unix.
+The C<type> method returns the L<Regexp::Wildcards> object.
+=head2 C<capture>
+    $rw->capture($captures);
+    $rw->capture(set => $c1);
+    $rw->capture(add => $c2);
+    $rw->capture(rem => $c3);
+Specifies the list of atoms to capture.
+This method works like L</do>, except that the classes are different :
+=over 4
+=item *
+Captures all unescaped I<"exactly one"> metacharacters, i.e. C<?> for wildcards or C<_> for SQL.
+    'a???b\\??' ==> 'a(.)(.)(.)b\\?(.)'
+    'a___b\\__' ==> 'a(.)(.)(.)b\\_(.)'
+=item *
+Captures all unescaped I<"any"> metacharacters, i.e. C<*> for wildcards or C<%> for SQL.
+    'a***b\\**' ==> 'a(.*)b\\*(.*)'
+    'a%%%b\\%%' ==> 'a(.*)b\\%(.*)'
+=item *
+When used in conjunction with C<'any'>, it makes the C<'any'> captures greedy (by default they are not).
+    'a***b\\**' ==> 'a(.*?)b\\*(.*?)'
+    'a%%%b\\%%' ==> 'a(.*?)b\\%(.*?)'
+=item *
+Capture matching C<{ ... , ... }> alternations.
+    'a{b\\},\\{c}' ==> 'a(b\\}|\\{c)'
+    $rw->capture(set => 'single');           # Only capture "exactly one"
+                                             # metacharacters.
+    $rw->capture('single');                  # Same.
+    $rw->capture(add => [ qw<any greedy> ]); # Also greedily capture
+                                             # "any" metacharacters.
+    $rw->capture(rem => 'greedy');           # No more greed please.
+    $rw->capture();                          # Capture nothing.
+The C<capture> method returns the L<Regexp::Wildcards> object.
+=head2 C<convert>
+    my $rx = $rw->convert($wc);
+    my $rx = $rw->convert($wc, $type);
+Converts the wildcard expression C<$wc> into a regular expression according to the options stored into the L<Regexp::Wildcards> object, or to C<$type> if it's supplied.
+It successively escapes all unprotected regexp special characters that doesn't hold any meaning for wildcards, then replace C<'jokers'>, C<'sql'> and C<'commas'> or C<'brackets'> (depending on the L</do> or L</type> options), all of this by applying the C<'capture'> rules specified in the constructor or by L</capture>.
+sub convert {
+ my ($self, $wc, $type) = @_;
+ _check_self $self;
+ my $config = (defined $type) ? $self->_type($type) : $self;
+ return unless defined $wc;
+ my $e = $config->{escape};
+ # Escape :
+ # - an even number of \ that doesn't protect a regexp/wildcard metachar
+ # - an odd number of \ that doesn't protect a wildcard metachar
+ $wc =~ s/
+  (?<!\\)(
+   (?:\\\\)*
+   (?:
+     [^\w\s\\$e]
+    |
+     \\
+     (?: [^\W$e] | \s | $ )
+   )
+  )
+ /\\$1/gx;
+ my $do = $config->{do};
+ $wc = $self->_jokers($wc) if $do->{jokers};
+ $wc = $self->_sql($wc)    if $do->{sql};
+ if ($do->{brackets}) {
+  $wc = $self->_bracketed($wc);
+ } elsif ($do->{commas} and $wc =~ /(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*,/) {
+  $wc = $self->{'c_brackets'} . $self->_commas($wc) . ')';
+ }
+ $wc
+=head1 EXPORT
+An object module shouldn't export any function, and so does this one.
+L<Carp> (core module since perl 5), L<Scalar::Util>, L<Text::Balanced> (since 5.7.3).
+=head1 CAVEATS
+This module does not implement the strange behaviours of Windows shell that result from the special handling of the three last characters (for the file extension).
+For example, Windows XP shell matches C<*a> like C<.*a>, C<*a?> like C<.*a.?>, C<*a??> like C<.*a.{0,2}> and so on.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Vincent Pit, C<< <perl at> >>, L<>.
+You can contact me by mail or on C<> (vincent).
+=head1 BUGS
+Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-regexp-wildcards at>, or through the web interface at L<>.
+I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+    perldoc Regexp::Wildcards
+Tests code coverage report is available at L<>.
+Copyright 2007,2008,2009,2013 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+sub _extract ($) { extract_bracketed $_[0], '{',  qr/.*?(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*(?={)/ }
+sub _jokers {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local $_ = $_[0];
+ # substitute ? preceded by an even number of \
+ my $s = $self->{c_single};
+ s/(?<!\\)((?:\\\\)*)\?/$1$s/g;
+ # substitute * preceded by an even number of \
+ $s = $self->{c_any};
+ s/(?<!\\)((?:\\\\)*)\*+/$1$s/g;
+ $_
+sub _sql {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local $_ = $_[0];
+ # substitute _ preceded by an even number of \
+ my $s = $self->{c_single};
+ s/(?<!\\)((?:\\\\)*)_/$1$s/g;
+ # substitute % preceded by an even number of \
+ $s = $self->{c_any};
+ s/(?<!\\)((?:\\\\)*)%+/$1$s/g;
+ $_
+sub _commas {
+ local $_ = $_[1];
+ # substitute , preceded by an even number of \
+ s/(?<!\\)((?:\\\\)*),/$1|/g;
+ $_
+sub _brackets {
+ my ($self, $rest) = @_;
+ substr $rest, 0, 1, '';
+ chop $rest;
+ my ($re, $bracket, $prefix) = ('');
+ while (do { ($bracket, $rest, $prefix) = _extract $rest; $bracket }) {
+  $re .= $self->_commas($prefix) . $self->_brackets($bracket);
+ }
+ $re .= $self->_commas($rest);
+ $self->{c_brackets} . $re . ')';
+sub _bracketed {
+ my ($self, $rest) = @_;
+ my ($re, $bracket, $prefix) = ('');
+ while (do { ($bracket, $rest, $prefix) = _extract $rest; $bracket }) {
+  $re .= $prefix . $self->_brackets($bracket);
+ }
+ $re .= $rest;
+ $re =~ s/(?<!\\)((?:\\\\)*[\{\},])/\\$1/g;
+ $re;
+1; # End of Regexp::Wildcards

+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib qw<blib/lib>;
+use Regexp::Wildcards;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(
+ do      => [ qw<brackets> ],
+ capture => [ qw<single> ],
+$rw->do(add => [ qw<jokers> ]);
+$rw->capture(add => [ qw<brackets any greedy> ]);
+print $_, ' => ', $rw->convert($_), "\n" for @ARGV;

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+ use_ok( 'Regexp::Wildcards' );
+diag( "Testing Regexp::Wildcards $Regexp::Wildcards::VERSION, Perl $], $^X" );

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 5;
+require Regexp::Wildcards;
+for (qw<new do capture type convert>) {
+ ok(Regexp::Wildcards->can($_), 'RW can ' . $_);

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 24;
+use Regexp::Wildcards;
+my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new;
+ok(defined $rw, 'RW object is defined');
+is(ref $rw, 'Regexp::Wildcards', 'RW object is valid');
+my $rw2 = $rw->new;
+ok(defined $rw2, 'RW::new called as an object method works' );
+is(ref $rw2, 'Regexp::Wildcards', 'RW::new called as an object method works is valid');
+$rw2 = Regexp::Wildcards::new();
+ok(defined $rw2, 'RW::new called without a class works');
+is(ref $rw2, 'Regexp::Wildcards', 'RW::new called without a class is valid');
+eval { $rw2 = Regexp::Wildcards->new(qw<a b c>) };
+like($@, qr/Optional\s+arguments/, 'RW::new gets parameters as key => value pairs');
+my $fake = { };
+bless $fake, 'Regexp::Wildcards::Hlagh';
+for (qw<do capture type convert>) {
+ eval "Regexp::Wildcards::$_('Regexp::Wildcards')";
+ like($@, qr/^First\s+argument/, "RW::$_ isn't a class method");
+ eval "Regexp::Wildcards::$_(\$fake)";
+ like($@, qr/^First\s+argument/, "RW::$_ only applies to RW objects");
+for (qw<do capture>) {
+ eval { $rw->$_(sub { 'dongs' }) };
+ like($@, qr/Wrong\s+option\s+set/, "RW::$_ don't want code references");
+ eval { $rw->$_(\*STDERR) };
+ like($@, qr/Wrong\s+option\s+set/, "RW::$_ don't want globs");
+ eval { $rw->$_(qw<a b c>) };
+ like($@, qr/Arguments\s+must\s+be\s+passed.*unique\s+scalar.*key\s+=>\s+value\s+pairs/, "RW::$_ gets parameters after the first as key => value pairs");
+eval { $rw->type('monkey!') };
+like($@, qr/Wrong\s+type/, 'RW::type wants a type it knows');
+eval { $rw->convert(undef, 'again monkey!') };
+like($@, qr/Wrong\s+type/, 'RW::convert wants a type it knows');
+for (qw<convert>) {
+ ok(!defined $rw->$_(undef), "RW::$_ returns undef when passed undef");

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 10;
+use Regexp::Wildcards;
+my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new();
+my $wc     = 'a,b{c,d}e*f?(g)';
+my $none   = quotemeta $wc;
+my $unix   = 'a\\,b(?:c|d)e.*f.\\(g\\)';
+my $win32  = '(?:a|b\{c|d\}e.*f.\\(g\\))';
+my $jokers = 'a\\,b\\{c\\,d\\}e.*f.\\(g\\)';
+my $groups = 'a\\,b\\{c\\,d\\}e\\*f\\?(g)';
+my $jok_gr = 'a\\,b\\{c\\,d\\}e.*f.(g)';
+is($rw->convert($wc), $unix,  'nothing defaults to unix');
+is($rw->convert($wc), $win32, 'set to win32');
+is($rw->convert($wc), $unix,  'set to darwin');
+is($rw->convert($wc), $win32, 'reset to win32');
+is($rw->convert($wc), $unix,  'reset to unix');
+$rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(do => [ qw<jokers> ], type => 'win32');
+is($rw->convert($wc), $jokers, 'do overrides type in new');
+$rw->do(add => 'groups');
+is($rw->convert($wc), $jok_gr, 'added groups to jokers');
+$rw->do(add => 'jokers');
+is($rw->convert($wc), $jok_gr, 'added jokers but it already exists');
+$rw->do(rem => 'jokers');
+is($rw->convert($wc), $groups, 'removed jokers, only groups remains');
+is($rw->convert($wc), $none,   'reset do');

+ 109 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 3 * (4 + 2 + 7 + 8 + 6 + 2) * 3;
+use Regexp::Wildcards;
+sub try {
+ my ($rw, $s, $x, $y) = @_;
+ $y = $x unless defined $y;
+ my $d = $rw->{do};
+ $d = join ' ', keys %$d if ref($d) eq 'HASH';
+ is($rw->convert('ab' . $x),      'ab' . $y,      $s . " (begin) [$d]");
+ is($rw->convert('a' . $x . 'b'), 'a' . $y . 'b', $s . " (middle) [$d]");
+ is($rw->convert($x . 'ab'),      $y . 'ab',      $s . " (end) [$d]");
+sub alltests {
+ my ($d, $one, $any) = @_;
+ my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new;
+ $rw->do(set => $d);
+ $d = join ' ', keys %$d if ref($d) eq 'HASH';
+ # Simple
+ try $rw, "simple $any", $any, '.*';
+ try $rw, "simple $one", $one, '.';
+ is($rw->convert($one.$any.'ab'), '..*ab',
+    "simple $one and $any (begin) [$d]");
+ is($rw->convert($one.'a'.$any.'b'), '.a.*b',
+    "simple $one and $any (middle) [$d]");
+ is($rw->convert($one.'ab'.$any), '.ab.*',
+    "simple $one and $any (end) [$d]");
+ is($rw->convert($any.'ab'.$one), '.*ab.',
+    "simple $any and $one (begin) [$d]");
+ is($rw->convert('a'.$any.'b'.$one), 'a.*b.',
+    "simple $any and $one (middle) [$d]");
+ is($rw->convert('ab'.$any.$one), 'ab.*.',
+    "simple $any and $one (end) [$d]");
+ # Multiple
+ try $rw, "multiple $any", $any x 2, '.*';
+ try $rw, "multiple $one", $one x 2, '..';
+ # Captures
+ $rw->capture('single');
+ try $rw, "multiple capturing $one", $one.$one.'\\'.$one.$one,
+                                    '(.)(.)\\'.$one.'(.)';
+ $rw->capture(add => [ qw<any greedy> ]);
+ try $rw, "multiple capturing $any (greedy)", $any.$any.'\\'.$any.$any,
+                                              '(.*)\\'.$any.'(.*)';
+ my $wc = $any.$any.$one.$one.'\\'.$one.$one.'\\'.$any.$any;
+ try $rw, "multiple capturing $any (greedy) and capturing $one",
+          $wc, '(.*)(.)(.)\\'.$one.'(.)\\'.$any.'(.*)';
+ $rw->capture(set => [ qw<any greedy> ]);
+ try $rw, "multiple capturing $any (greedy) and non-capturing $one",
+          $wc, '(.*)..\\'.$one.'.\\'.$any.'(.*)';
+ $rw->capture(rem => 'greedy');
+ try $rw, "multiple capturing $any (non-greedy)", $any.$any.'\\'.$any.$any,
+                                                 '(.*?)\\'.$any.'(.*?)';
+ try $rw, "multiple capturing $any (non-greedy) and non-capturing $one",
+          $wc, '(.*?)..\\'.$one.'.\\'.$any.'(.*?)';
+ $rw->capture({ single => 1, any => 1 });
+ try $rw, "multiple capturing $any (non-greedy) and capturing $one",
+          $wc, '(.*?)(.)(.)\\'.$one.'(.)\\'.$any.'(.*?)';
+ $rw->capture();
+ # Escaping
+ try $rw, "escaping $any", '\\'.$any;
+ try $rw, "escaping $any before intermediate newline", '\\'.$any ."\n\\".$any;
+ try $rw, "escaping $one", '\\'.$one;
+ try $rw, "escaping $one before intermediate newline", '\\'.$one ."\n\\".$one;
+ try $rw, "escaping \\\\\\$any", '\\\\\\'.$any;
+ try $rw, "escaping \\\\\\$one", '\\\\\\'.$one;
+ try $rw, "not escaping \\\\$any", '\\\\'.$any, '\\\\.*';
+ try $rw, "not escaping \\\\$one", '\\\\'.$one, '\\\\.';
+ # Escaping escapes
+ try $rw, 'escaping \\', '\\', '\\\\';
+ try $rw, 'not escaping \\', '\\\\', '\\\\';
+ try $rw, 'escaping \\ before intermediate newline', "\\\n\\", "\\\\\n\\\\";
+ try $rw, 'not escaping \\ before intermediate newline', "\\\\\n\\\\", "\\\\\n\\\\";
+ try $rw, 'escaping regex characters', '[]', '\\[\\]';
+ try $rw, 'not escaping escaped regex characters', '\\\\\\[\\]';
+ # Mixed
+ try $rw, "mixed $any and \\$any", $any.'\\'.$any.$any, '.*\\'.$any.'.*';
+ try $rw, "mixed $one and \\$one", $one.'\\'.$one.$one, '.\\'.$one.'.';
+alltests 'jokers',           '?', '*';
+alltests 'sql',              '_', '%';
+alltests [ qw<jokers sql> ], '_', '*';

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 8;
+use Regexp::Wildcards;
+my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(); # unix
+is($rw->convert('a,b,c'), 'a\\,b\\,c', 'unix: commas outside of brackets 1');
+is($rw->convert('a\\,b\\\\\\,c'), 'a\\,b\\\\\\,c',
+   'unix: commas outside of brackets 2');
+is($rw->convert(',a,b,c\\\\,'), '\\,a\\,b\\,c\\\\\\,',
+   'unix: commas outside of brackets at begin/end');
+$rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(type => 'commas');
+is($rw->convert('a,b\\\\,c'), '(?:a|b\\\\|c)', 'win32: commas');
+is($rw->convert('a\\,b\\\\,c'), '(?:a\\,b\\\\|c)', 'win32: escaped commas 1');
+is($rw->convert('a\\,b\\\\\\,c'), 'a\\,b\\\\\\,c', 'win32: escaped commas 2');
+is($rw->convert(',a,b\\\\,'), '(?:|a|b\\\\|)', 'win32: commas at begin/end');
+is($rw->convert('\\,a,b\\\\\\,'), '(?:\\,a|b\\\\\\,)',
+   'win32: escaped commas at begin/end');

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 27;
+use Regexp::Wildcards;
+my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(qw<do brackets>);
+is($rw->convert('a{b\\\\,c\\\\}d', 'jokers'), 'a\\{b\\\\\\,c\\\\\\}d','jokers');
+is($rw->convert('a{b\\\\,c\\\\}d', 'sql'), 'a\\{b\\\\\\,c\\\\\\}d', 'sql');
+is($rw->convert('a{b\\\\,c\\\\}d', 'win32'), '(?:a\\{b\\\\|c\\\\\\}d)','win32');
+is($rw->convert('{}'), '(?:)', 'empty brackets');
+is($rw->convert('{a}'), '(?:a)', 'brackets 1');
+is($rw->convert('{a,b}'), '(?:a|b)', 'brackets 2');
+is($rw->convert('{a,b,c}'), '(?:a|b|c)', 'brackets 3');
+is($rw->convert('a{b,c}d'), 'a(?:b|c)d',
+   '1 bracketed block');
+is($rw->convert('a{b,c}d{e,,f}'), 'a(?:b|c)d(?:e||f)',
+   '2 bracketed blocks');
+is($rw->convert('a{b,c}d{e,,f}{g,h,}'), 'a(?:b|c)d(?:e||f)(?:g|h|)',
+   '3 bracketed blocks');
+is($rw->convert('{a{b}}'), '(?:a(?:b))',
+   '2 nested bracketed blocks 1');
+is($rw->convert('{a,{b},c}'), '(?:a|(?:b)|c)',
+   '2 nested bracketed blocks 2');
+is($rw->convert('{a,{b{d}e},c}'), '(?:a|(?:b(?:d)e)|c)',
+   '3 nested bracketed blocks');
+is($rw->convert('{a,{b{d{}}e,f,,},c}'), '(?:a|(?:b(?:d(?:))e|f||)|c)',
+   '4 nested bracketed blocks');
+is($rw->convert('{a,{b{d{}}e,f,,},c}{,g{{}h,i}}'), '(?:a|(?:b(?:d(?:))e|f||)|c)(?:|g(?:(?:)h|i))',
+   '4+3 nested bracketed blocks');
+is($rw->convert('\\{\\\\}'), '\\{\\\\\\}',
+   'escaping brackets');
+is($rw->convert('\\{a,b,c\\\\\\}'), '\\{a\\,b\\,c\\\\\\}',
+   'escaping commas 1');
+is($rw->convert('\\{a\\\\,b\\,c}'), '\\{a\\\\\\,b\\,c\\}',
+   'escaping commas 2');
+is($rw->convert('\\{a\\\\,b\\,c\\}'), '\\{a\\\\\\,b\\,c\\}',
+   'escaping commas 3');
+is($rw->convert('\\{a\\\\,b\\,c\\\\}'), '\\{a\\\\\\,b\\,c\\\\\\}',
+   'escaping brackets and commas');
+is($rw->convert('{a\\},b\\{,c}'), '(?:a\\}|b\\{|c)',
+   'overlapping brackets');
+is($rw->convert('{a\\{b,c}d,e}'), '(?:a\\{b|c)d\\,e\\}',
+   'partial unbalanced catching 1');
+is($rw->convert('{a\\{\\\\}b,c\\\\}'), '(?:a\\{\\\\)b\\,c\\\\\\}',
+   'partial unbalanced catching 2');
+is($rw->convert('{a{b,c\\}d,e}'), '\\{a\\{b\\,c\\}d\\,e\\}',
+   'no partial unbalanced catching');
+is($rw->convert('{a,\\{,\\},b}'), '(?:a|\\{|\\}|b)',
+   'substituting commas 1');
+is($rw->convert('{a,\\{d,e,,\\}b,c}'), '(?:a|\\{d|e||\\}b|c)',
+   'substituting commas 2');
+is($rw->convert('{a,\\{d,e,,\\}b,c}\\\\{f,g,h,i}'), '(?:a|\\{d|e||\\}b|c)\\\\(?:f|g|h|i)',
+   'handling the rest');

+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Regexp::Wildcards;
+my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(do => [ qw<jokers brackets groups> ]);
+is($rw->convert('a(?)b'), 'a(.)b',                'groups: single');
+is($rw->convert('a(*)b'), 'a(.*)b',               'groups: any');
+is($rw->convert('(a),(b)'), '(a)\\,(b)',          'groups: commas');
+is($rw->convert('a({x,y})b'), 'a((?:x|y))b',      'groups: brackets');
+is($rw->convert('a({x,(y?),{z,(t*u)}})b'), 'a((?:x|(y.)|(?:z|(t.*u))))b',
+                                                  'groups: nested');
+is($rw->convert('(a*\\(b?\\))'), '(a.*\\(b.\\))', 'groups: escape');

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 16;
+use Regexp::Wildcards;
+my $rw = Regexp::Wildcards->new(do => 'anchors');
+is($rw->convert('\\^'),     '\\^',     'anchor: escape ^ 1');
+is($rw->convert('\\\\\\^'), '\\\\\\^', 'anchor: escape ^ 2');
+is($rw->convert('\\$'),     '\\$',     'anchor: escape $ 1');
+is($rw->convert('\\\\\\$'), '\\\\\\$', 'anchor: escape $ 2');
+is($rw->convert('^a?b*'),    '^a\\?b\\*',    'anchor: ^');
+is($rw->convert('a?b*$'),    'a\\?b\\*$',    'anchor: $');
+is($rw->convert('^a?b*$'),   '^a\\?b\\*$',   'anchor: ^$');
+is($rw->convert('x^a?b*$y'), 'x^a\\?b\\*$y', 'anchor: intermediate ^$');
+$rw->do(add => 'jokers');
+is($rw->convert('^a?b*'),    '^a.b.*',   'anchor: ^ with jokers');
+is($rw->convert('a?b*$'),    'a.b.*$',   'anchor: $ with jokers');
+is($rw->convert('^a?b*$'),   '^a.b.*$',  'anchor: ^$ with jokers');
+is($rw->convert('x^a?b*$y'), 'x^a.b.*$y','anchor: intermediate ^$ with jokers');
+$rw->do(add => 'brackets');
+is($rw->convert('{^,a}?b*'),    '(?:^|a).b.*',      'anchor: ^ with brackets');
+is($rw->convert('a?{b*,$}'),    'a.(?:b.*|$)',      'anchor: $ with brackets');
+is($rw->convert('{^a,?}{b,*$}'),'(?:^a|.)(?:b|.*$)','anchor: ^$ with brackets');
+is($rw->convert('x{^,a}?b{*,$}y'), 'x(?:^|a).b(?:.*|$)y',
+                                   'anchor: intermediate ^$ with brackets');