messages.h 9.4 KB

  1. /*
  2. * ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon
  3. * Copyright (c)2001-2012 Alexander Barton ( and Contributors.
  4. *
  5. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  6. * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  7. * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  8. * (at your option) any later version.
  9. * Please read the file COPYING, README and AUTHORS for more information.
  10. */
  11. #ifndef __messages_h__
  12. #define __messages_h__
  13. /**
  14. * @file
  15. * IRC numerics (Header)
  16. */
  17. #define RPL_WELCOME_MSG "001 %s :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network %s"
  18. #define RPL_YOURHOST_MSG "002 %s :Your host is %s, running version ngircd-%s (%s/%s/%s)"
  19. #define RPL_CREATED_MSG "003 %s :This server has been started %s"
  20. #define RPL_MYINFO_MSG "004 %s %s ngircd-%s %s %s"
  21. #define RPL_ISUPPORT1_MSG "005 %s RFC2812 IRCD=ngIRCd CHARSET=UTF-8 CASEMAPPING=ascii PREFIX=(qaohv)~&@%%+ CHANTYPES=#&+ CHANMODES=beI,k,l,imMnOPQRstVz CHANLIMIT=#&+:%d :are supported on this server"
  22. #define RPL_ISUPPORT2_MSG "005 %s CHANNELLEN=%d NICKLEN=%d TOPICLEN=%d AWAYLEN=%d KICKLEN=%d MODES=%d MAXLIST=beI:%d EXCEPTS=e INVEX=I PENALTY :are supported on this server"
  23. #define RPL_TRACELINK_MSG "200 %s Link %s-%s %s %s V%s %ld %d %d"
  24. #define RPL_TRACEOPERATOR_MSG "204 %s Oper 2 :%s"
  25. #define RPL_TRACESERVER_MSG "206 %s Serv 1 0S 0C %s[%s@%s] *!*@%s :V%s"
  26. #define RPL_STATSLINKINFO_MSG "211 %s %s %d %ld %ld %ld %ld :%ld"
  27. #define RPL_STATSCOMMANDS_MSG "212 %s %s %ld %ld %ld"
  28. #define RPL_STATSXLINE_MSG "216 %s %c %s %ld :%s"
  29. #define RPL_ENDOFSTATS_MSG "219 %s %c :End of STATS report"
  30. #define RPL_UMODEIS_MSG "221 %s +%s"
  31. #define RPL_SERVLIST_MSG "234 %s %s %s %s %d %d :%s"
  32. #define RPL_SERVLISTEND_MSG "235 %s %s %s :End of service listing"
  33. #define RPL_STATSUPTIME "242 %s :Server Up %u days %u:%02u:%02u"
  34. #define RPL_LUSERCLIENT_MSG "251 %s :There are %ld users and %ld services on %ld servers"
  35. #define RPL_LUSEROP_MSG "252 %s %lu :operator(s) online"
  36. #define RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN_MSG "253 %s %lu :unknown connection(s)"
  37. #define RPL_LUSERCHANNELS_MSG "254 %s %lu :channels formed"
  38. #define RPL_LUSERME_MSG "255 %s :I have %lu users, %lu services and %lu servers"
  39. #define RPL_ADMINME_MSG "256 %s %s :Administrative info"
  40. #define RPL_ADMINLOC1_MSG "257 %s :%s"
  41. #define RPL_ADMINLOC2_MSG "258 %s :%s"
  42. #define RPL_ADMINEMAIL_MSG "259 %s :%s"
  43. #define RPL_TRACEEND_MSG "262 %s %s %s-%s.%s :End of TRACE"
  44. #define RPL_LOCALUSERS_MSG "265 %s %lu %lu :Current local users: %lu, Max: %lu"
  45. #define RPL_NETUSERS_MSG "266 %s %lu %lu :Current global users: %lu, Max: %lu"
  46. #define RPL_STATSCONN_MSG "250 %s :Highest connection count: %lu (%lu connections received)"
  47. #define RPL_WHOISSSL_MSG "275 %s %s :is connected via SSL (secure link)"
  48. #define RPL_AWAY_MSG "301 %s %s :%s"
  49. #define RPL_USERHOST_MSG "302 %s :"
  50. #define RPL_ISON_MSG "303 %s :"
  51. #define RPL_UNAWAY_MSG "305 %s :You are no longer marked as being away"
  52. #define RPL_NOWAWAY_MSG "306 %s :You have been marked as being away"
  53. #define RPL_WHOISREGNICK_MSG "307 %s %s :is a registered nick"
  54. #define RPL_WHOISUSER_MSG "311 %s %s %s %s * :%s"
  55. #define RPL_WHOISSERVER_MSG "312 %s %s %s :%s"
  56. #define RPL_WHOISOPERATOR_MSG "313 %s %s :is an IRC operator"
  57. #define RPL_WHOWASUSER_MSG "314 %s %s %s %s * :%s"
  58. #define RPL_ENDOFWHO_MSG "315 %s %s :End of WHO list"
  59. #define RPL_WHOISIDLE_MSG "317 %s %s %lu %lu :seconds idle, signon time"
  60. #define RPL_ENDOFWHOIS_MSG "318 %s %s :End of WHOIS list"
  61. #define RPL_WHOISCHANNELS_MSG "319 %s %s :"
  62. #define RPL_LIST_MSG "322 %s %s %ld :%s"
  63. #define RPL_LISTEND_MSG "323 %s :End of LIST"
  64. #define RPL_CHANNELMODEIS_MSG "324 %s %s +%s"
  65. #define RPL_CREATIONTIME_MSG "329 %s %s %ld"
  66. #define RPL_NOTOPIC_MSG "331 %s %s :No topic is set"
  67. #define RPL_TOPIC_MSG "332 %s %s :%s"
  68. #define RPL_TOPICSETBY_MSG "333 %s %s %s %u"
  69. #define RPL_WHOISBOT_MSG "335 %s %s :is a IRC Bot"
  70. #define RPL_INVITING_MSG "341 %s %s %s%s"
  71. #define RPL_INVITELIST_MSG "346 %s %s %s"
  72. #define RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST_MSG "347 %s %s :End of channel invite list"
  73. #define RPL_EXCEPTLIST_MSG "348 %s %s %s"
  74. #define RPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST_MSG "349 %s %s :End of channel exception list"
  75. #define RPL_VERSION_MSG "351 %s %s-%s.%s %s :%s"
  76. #define RPL_WHOREPLY_MSG "352 %s %s %s %s %s %s %s :%d %s"
  77. #define RPL_NAMREPLY_MSG "353 %s %s %s :"
  78. #define RPL_LINKS_MSG "364 %s %s %s :%d %s"
  79. #define RPL_ENDOFLINKS_MSG "365 %s %s :End of LINKS list"
  80. #define RPL_ENDOFNAMES_MSG "366 %s %s :End of NAMES list"
  81. #define RPL_BANLIST_MSG "367 %s %s %s"
  82. #define RPL_ENDOFBANLIST_MSG "368 %s %s :End of channel ban list"
  83. #define RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS_MSG "369 %s %s :End of WHOWAS list"
  84. #define RPL_INFO_MSG "371 %s :%s"
  85. #define RPL_ENDOFINFO_MSG "374 %s :End of INFO list"
  86. #define RPL_MOTD_MSG "372 %s :- %s"
  87. #define RPL_MOTDSTART_MSG "375 %s :- %s message of the day"
  88. #define RPL_ENDOFMOTD_MSG "376 %s :End of MOTD command"
  89. #define RPL_WHOISHOST_MSG "378 %s %s :is connecting from *@%s %s"
  90. #define RPL_WHOISMODES_MSG "379 %s %s :is using modes +%s"
  91. #define RPL_YOUREOPER_MSG "381 %s :You are now an IRC Operator"
  92. #define RPL_REHASHING_MSG "382 %s :Rehashing"
  93. #define RPL_YOURESERVICE_MSG "383 %s :You are service %s"
  94. #define RPL_TIME_MSG "391 %s %s :%s"
  95. #define RPL_HOSTHIDDEN_MSG "396 %s %s :is your displayed hostname now"
  96. #define ERR_NOSUCHNICK_MSG "401 %s %s :No such nick or channel name"
  97. #define ERR_NOSUCHSERVER_MSG "402 %s %s :No such server"
  98. #define ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL_MSG "403 %s %s :No such channel"
  99. #define ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN_MSG "404 %s %s :Cannot send to channel"
  100. #define ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS_MSG "405 %s %s :You have joined too many channels"
  101. #define ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK_MSG "406 %s %s :There was no such nickname"
  102. #define ERR_NOORIGIN_MSG "409 %s :No origin specified"
  103. #define ERR_INVALIDCAP_MSG "410 %s %s :Invalid CAP subcommand"
  104. #define ERR_NORECIPIENT_MSG "411 %s :No recipient given (%s)"
  105. #define ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND_MSG "412 %s :No text to send"
  106. #define ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL "414 %s :Wildcard in toplevel domain"
  107. #define ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND_MSG "421 %s %s :Unknown command"
  108. #define ERR_NOMOTD_MSG "422 %s :MOTD file is missing"
  109. #define ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN_MSG "431 %s :No nickname given"
  110. #define ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME_MSG "432 %s %s :Erroneous nickname"
  111. #define ERR_NICKNAMETOOLONG_MSG "432 %s %s :Nickname too long, max. %u characters"
  112. #define ERR_FORBIDDENNICKNAME_MSG "432 %s %s :Nickname is forbidden/blocked"
  113. #define ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE_MSG "433 %s %s :Nickname already in use"
  114. #define ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL_MSG "441 %s %s %s :They aren't on that channel"
  115. #define ERR_NOTONCHANNEL_MSG "442 %s %s :You are not on that channel"
  116. #define ERR_USERONCHANNEL_MSG "443 %s %s %s :is already on channel"
  117. #define ERR_SUMMONDISABLED_MSG "445 %s :SUMMON has been disabled"
  118. #define ERR_USERSDISABLED_MSG "446 %s :USERS has been disabled"
  119. #define ERR_NOTREGISTERED_MSG "451 %s :Connection not registered"
  120. #define ERR_NOTREGISTEREDSERVER_MSG "451 %s :Connection not registered as server link"
  121. #define ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG "461 %s %s :Syntax error"
  122. #define ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED_MSG "462 %s :Connection already registered"
  123. #define ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH_MSG "464 %s :Invalid password"
  124. #define ERR_CHANNELISFULL_MSG "471 %s %s :Cannot join channel (+l) -- Channel is full, try later"
  125. #define ERR_SECURECHANNEL_MSG "471 %s %s :Cannot join channel (+z) -- SSL connections only"
  126. #define ERR_OPONLYCHANNEL_MSG "471 %s %s :Cannot join channel (+O) -- IRC opers only"
  127. #define ERR_REGONLYCHANNEL_MSG "471 %s %s :Cannot join channel (+R) -- Registered users only"
  128. #define ERR_UNKNOWNMODE_MSG "472 %s %c :is unknown mode char for %s"
  129. #define ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN_MSG "473 %s %s :Cannot join channel (+i) -- Invited users only"
  130. #define ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN_MSG "474 %s %s :Cannot join channel (+b) -- You are banned"
  131. #define ERR_BADCHANNELKEY_MSG "475 %s %s :Cannot join channel (+k) -- Wrong channel key"
  132. #define ERR_NOCHANMODES_MSG "477 %s %s :Channel doesn't support modes"
  133. #define ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK_MSG "477 %s %s :Cannot send to channel (+M) -- You need to be identified to a registered account to message this channel"
  134. #define ERR_LISTFULL_MSG "478 %s %s %s: Channel list is full (%d)"
  135. #define ERR_NOPRIVILEGES_MSG "481 %s :Permission denied"
  136. #define ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED_MSG "482 %s %s :You are not channel operator"
  137. #define ERR_CHANOPPRIVTOOLOW_MSG "482 %s %s :Your privileges are too low"
  138. #define ERR_KICKDENY_MSG "482 %s %s :Cannot kick, %s is protected"
  139. #define ERR_CANTKILLSERVER_MSG "483 %s :You can't kill a server!"
  140. #define ERR_RESTRICTED_MSG "484 %s :Your connection is restricted"
  141. #define ERR_NICKREGISTER_MSG "484 %s :Cannot modify user mode (+R) -- Use IRC services"
  142. #define ERR_NONONREG_MSG "486 %s :Cannot send to user (+b) -- You must identify to a registered nick to private message %s"
  143. #define ERR_NOOPERHOST_MSG "491 %s :Not configured for your host"
  144. #define ERR_NOTONSAMECHANNEL_MSG "493 %s :You must share a common channel with %s"
  145. #define ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG_MSG "501 %s :Unknown mode"
  146. #define ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG2_MSG "501 %s :Unknown mode \"%c%c\""
  147. #define ERR_USERSDONTMATCH_MSG "502 %s :Can't set/get mode for other users"
  148. #define ERR_NOINVITE_MSG "518 %s :Cannot invite to %s (+V)"
  149. #ifdef ZLIB
  150. # define RPL_STATSLINKINFOZIP_MSG "211 %s %s %d %ld %ld/%ld %ld %ld/%ld :%ld"
  151. #endif
  152. #ifdef IRCPLUS
  153. # define RPL_IP_CHARCONV_MSG "801 %s %s :Client encoding set"
  154. # define ERR_IP_CHARCONV_MSG "851 %s :Can't initialize client encoding"
  155. #endif /* IRCPLUS */
  156. #endif
  157. /* -eof- */