1. ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server
  2. http://ngircd.barton.de/
  3. (c)2001-2020 Alexander Barton and Contributors.
  4. ngIRCd is free software and published under the
  5. terms of the GNU General Public License.
  6. -- Contributions --
  7. Debian/
  8. - Various files for building Debian GNU/Linux packages (".deb's").
  9. - ngircd.init; ngircd.default: init script for Debian-based systems.
  10. - ngircd.pam: example PAM configuration.
  11. MacOSX/
  12. - Project files for XCode, the "project builder" of Apple Mac OS X.
  13. - de.barton.ngircd.plist[.tmpl]: launchd(8) property list.
  14. de.barton.ngircd.metainfo.xml
  15. - AppStream metadata file.
  16. ngindent.sh
  17. - Script to indent the code of ngIRCd in the "standard way".
  18. ngircd-bsd.sh
  19. - Start script for FreeBSD.
  20. ngircd-redhat.init
  21. - Start/stop script for RedHat-based distributions (like CentOS).
  22. ngircd.logcheck
  23. - Sample rules for logcheck(8) to ignore "normal" log messages of ngIRCd.
  24. ngircd.service
  25. - systemd(8) service unit configuration file.
  26. ngircd.socket
  27. - systemd(8) socket unit configuration file for "socket activation".
  28. ngircd.spec
  29. - RPM "spec" file.
  30. nglog.sh
  31. - Colorizes the log messages of ngircd(8) accoring to their log level.
  32. platformtest.sh
  33. - Build ngIRCd and output a "result line" suitable for doc/Platforms.txt.