Capabilities.txt 842 B

  1. ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server
  2. http://ngircd.barton.de/
  3. (c)2001-2012 Alexander Barton and Contributors.
  4. ngIRCd is free software and published under the
  5. terms of the GNU General Public License.
  6. -- Capabilities.txt --
  7. This document lists and describes the "IRC capabilities" that ngIRCd supports
  8. and can be requested by a IRC/IRCv3 client that supports the "CAP" command.
  9. ngIRCd implements the "IRC Client Capabilities Extension" as described here:
  10. <http://www.leeh.co.uk/draft-mitchell-irc-capabilities-02.html>
  11. I. Supported Capabilities
  12. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  13. None. At the moment, ngIRCd supports the "CAP" command and its sub-commands
  14. but offers no capabilities that could be requested by a client.