Bopm.txt 1.8 KB

  1. ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server
  2. (c)2001-2010 Alexander Barton,
  3. alex@barton.de, http://www.barton.de/
  4. ngIRCd is free software and published under the
  5. terms of the GNU General Public License.
  6. -- BOPM.txt --
  7. I. Introduction
  8. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  9. Citing <http://wiki.blitzed.org/BOPM>: "BOPM is an open source open proxy
  10. monitor, designed for use with hybrid-based ircds, although it can be used
  11. with slight modification on any server which has the ability to show connects
  12. to opers and that supports KLINEs."
  13. And starting with Release 17, ngIRCd supports all required log messages that
  14. BOPM requires to be useful.
  15. II. Installation
  16. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  17. Install BOPM as usual, please see the BOPM documentation for details.
  18. Afterwards adjust the following configuration parameters that are important
  19. for ngIRCd:
  20. a) BOPM "IRC" section:
  21. 1) Set "server" and "port" accordingly,
  22. 2) adjust the "oper" line to match an [Operator] block in ngircd.conf,
  23. 3) change "mode" to "+ci" or "+c".
  24. 4) Set "connregex" to the following string, everything in one line(!):
  25. "\\*\\*\\* Notice -- Client connecting: ([^ ]+) \\(([^@]+)@([^\\)]+)\\) \\[([0-9\\.]+)\\].*";
  26. and comment all the other "connregex" examples (prepend a "#" character).
  27. 5) Set "kline" to "KILL %n :Open proxy found on your host!"; for example,
  28. and comment all the other "kline" examples.
  29. b) BOPM "scanner" section:
  30. Make sure you configure a valid "target_ip" and "target_port" for the
  31. configured scanners to test. And please note that you CAN'T USE the port
  32. of ngIRCd, because ngIRCd doesn't send any banner message by default!
  33. So you need a service what sends a banner, so for example POP3, SMTP,
  34. IMAP, or SSH daemons should work ...