#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # # vpnstats - generate list of VPN connections from PPTP+PPP log messages # copyright (C) 2002 Scott Merrill (skippy@skippy.net) # # usage: vpnstats /var/log/messages # # version 1.4 09-09-2003 # - thanks to Masaya Miyamoto (miyamo@po.ntts.co.jp) # and David Fuzishima (david_f@zipmail.com.br) for fixing the # date/time regexes to catch single-digit days (9 instead of 09). # # version 1.3 # - thanks to Andy Behrens <andy.behrens@coat.com> for # fixing up the regex to catch extraneous whitespace, and # domain names that inlucde numbers and underscores. # - I modified the output to report when a user is still connected # - thanks to Wolfgang Powisch for fixing hostnames included a "-" # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # my @messages = (); my %PID_USER = (); my %PID_IP = (); my %PID_LENGTH = (); my %PID_SENT = (); my %PID_RECEIVED = (); my %PID_DATETIME = (); my %USER_TOTAL_CONNECT = (); my %USER_TOTAL_TIME = (); my %USER_TOTAL_SENT = (); my %USER_TOTAL_RECEIVED = (); my %vpnstats = (); @messages = <>; # for each line of input foreach my $x (@messages) { if ($x =~ /^(\w+\s+\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+)\s # $1 = date+time \S+\spppd\[(\d+)\]:\s # $2 = PID MSCHAP-v2\speer\sauthentication\ssucceeded\sfor\s # I don't want the DOMAIN\\ prefix (.+\\)*(\w+)$ # $4 = username /x) { $PID_USER{$2} = $4; $PID_DATETIME{$2} = $1; $USER_TOTAL_CONNECT{$4}++; } elsif ($x =~ /^(\w+\s+\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+)\s # $1 = date+time \S+\spppd\[(\d+)\]:\s # $2 = PID Connect\stime\s (\d*\.\d*) # $3 = minutes \sminutes\.$ /x) { $PID_LENGTH{$2} = $3; $USER_TOTAL_TIME{$PID_USER{$2}} += $3; } elsif ($x =~ /^(\w+\s+\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+)\s # $1 = date+time \S+\spppd\[(\d+)\]:\s # $2 = PID Sent\s(\d+)\sbytes,\s # $3 = bytes sent received\s(\d+)\s # $4 = bytes received /x) { $PID_SENT{$2} = $3; $PID_RECEIVED{$2} = $4; $USER_TOTAL_SENT{$PID_USER{$2}} += $3; $USER_TOTAL_RECEIVED{$PID_USER{$2}} += $4; } elsif ($x =~ /^(\w+\s+\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+)\s # $1 = date+time \S+\spptpd\[(\d+)\]:\s # $2 = PID CTRL:\sClient\s (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s # $3 = IP control\sconnection\sfinished$ /x) { $PID_IP{($2+1)} = $3; if (!defined ($PID_USER{($2+1)})) { $PID_DATETIME{($2+1)} = $1; $PID_USER{($2+1)} = "FAILED"; $USER_TOTAL_CONNECT{"FAILED"}++; } } } foreach my $user (sort keys %USER_TOTAL_CONNECT) { if (! defined $user) { next }; if ($user ne "FAILED") { print $user, ": ", $USER_TOTAL_CONNECT{$user}, " connections, "; print $USER_TOTAL_TIME{$user}, " minutes ("; print $USER_TOTAL_SENT{$user}, " sent, "; print $USER_TOTAL_RECEIVED{$user}, " received).\n"; foreach my $pid (sort keys %PID_DATETIME) { if ($user eq $PID_USER{$pid}) { print " "; print $PID_DATETIME{$pid}, ": connected "; if ($PID_IP{$pid}) { print "from $PID_IP{$pid} "; print "for $PID_LENGTH{$pid} minutes.\n"; } else { print "<still connected>\n"; } } } } } if (defined $USER_TOTAL_CONNECT{"FAILED"}) { print "\n\n"; print "FAILED CONNECTION ATTEMPTS: "; print $USER_TOTAL_CONNECT{"FAILED"}, "\n"; foreach my $pid (sort keys %PID_DATETIME) { if ($PID_USER{$pid} eq "FAILED") { print " "; print $PID_DATETIME{$pid}, ": attempt from "; print $PID_IP{$pid}, "\n"; } } }