/* * pptpmanager.c * * Manages the PoPToP sessions. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef __linux__ #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 /* broken arpa/inet.h */ #endif #include "our_syslog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef VRF #include #endif #if HAVE_LIBWRAP /* re-include, just in case HAVE_SYSLOG_H wasn't defined */ #include #include int allow_severity = LOG_WARNING; int deny_severity = LOG_WARNING; #endif #ifdef __UCLIBC__ #define socklen_t int #endif #include "configfile.h" #include "defaults.h" #include "pptpctrl.h" #include "pptpdefs.h" #include "pptpmanager.h" #include "compat.h" /* command line arg variables */ extern char *ppp_binary; extern char *pppdoptstr; extern char *speedstr; extern char *bindaddr; extern int pptp_debug; extern int pptp_noipparam; extern int pptp_logwtmp; extern int pptp_delegate; /* option for timeout on starting ctrl connection */ extern int pptp_stimeout; extern int pptp_connections; /* local function prototypes */ static void connectCall(int clientSocket, int clientNumber); static int createHostSocket(int *hostSocket); /* this end's call identifier */ uint16_t unique_call_id = 0; /* slots - begin */ /* data about connection slots */ struct slot { pid_t pid; char *local; char *remote; } *slots; /* number of connection slots allocated */ int slot_count; static void slot_iterate(struct slot *slots, int count, void (*callback) (struct slot *slot)) { int i; for(i=0; ipid = 0; slot->local = NULL; slot->remote = NULL; } void slot_init(int count) { slot_count = count; slots = (struct slot *) calloc(slot_count, sizeof(struct slot)); slot_iterate(slots, slot_count, slot_slot_init); } static void slot_slot_free(struct slot *slot) { slot->pid = 0; if (slot->local) free(slot->local); slot->local = NULL; if (slot->remote) free(slot->remote); slot->remote = NULL; } void slot_free() { slot_iterate(slots, slot_count, slot_slot_free); free(slots); slots = NULL; slot_count = 0; } void slot_set_local(int i, char *ip) { struct slot *slot = &slots[i]; if (slot->local) free(slot->local); slot->local = strdup(ip); } void slot_set_remote(int i, char *ip) { struct slot *slot = &slots[i]; if (slot->remote) free(slot->remote); slot->remote = strdup(ip); } void slot_set_pid(int i, pid_t pid) { struct slot *slot = &slots[i]; slot->pid = pid; } int slot_find_by_pid(pid_t pid) { int i; for(i=0; ipid == pid) return i; } return -1; } int slot_find_empty() { return slot_find_by_pid(0); } char *slot_get_local(int i) { struct slot *slot = &slots[i]; return slot->local; } char *slot_get_remote(int i) { struct slot *slot = &slots[i]; return slot->remote; } /* slots - end */ static void sigchld_responder(int sig) { int child, status; while ((child = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) > 0) { if (pptp_delegate) { if (pptp_debug) syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "MGR: Reaped child %d", child); } else { int i; i = slot_find_by_pid(child); if (i != -1) { slot_set_pid(i, 0); if (pptp_debug) syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "MGR: Reaped child %d", child); } else { syslog(LOG_INFO, "MGR: Reaped unknown child %d", child); } } } } int pptp_manager(int argc, char **argv) { int firstOpen = -1; int ctrl_pid; socklen_t addrsize; int hostSocket; fd_set connSet; int rc, sig_fd; rc = sigpipe_create(); if (rc < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "MGR: unable to setup sigchld pipe!"); syslog_perror("sigpipe_create"); exit(-1); } sigpipe_assign(SIGCHLD); sigpipe_assign(SIGTERM); sig_fd = sigpipe_fd(); /* openlog() not required, done in pptpd.c */ syslog(LOG_INFO, "MGR: Manager process started"); if (!pptp_delegate) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "MGR: Maximum of %d connections available", pptp_connections); } /* Connect the host socket and activate it for listening */ if (createHostSocket(&hostSocket) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "MGR: Couldn't create host socket"); syslog_perror("createHostSocket"); exit(-1); } while (1) { int max_fd; FD_ZERO(&connSet); if (pptp_delegate) { FD_SET(hostSocket, &connSet); } else { firstOpen = slot_find_empty(); if (firstOpen == -1) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "MGR: No free connection slots or IPs - no more clients can connect!"); } else { FD_SET(hostSocket, &connSet); } } max_fd = hostSocket; FD_SET(sig_fd, &connSet); if (max_fd < sig_fd) max_fd = sig_fd; while (1) { if (select(max_fd + 1, &connSet, NULL, NULL, NULL) != -1) break; if (errno == EINTR) continue; syslog(LOG_ERR, "MGR: Error with manager select()!"); syslog_perror("select"); exit(-1); } if (FD_ISSET(sig_fd, &connSet)) { /* SIGCHLD */ int signum = sigpipe_read(); if (signum == SIGCHLD) sigchld_responder(signum); else if (signum == SIGTERM) return signum; } if (FD_ISSET(hostSocket, &connSet)) { /* A call came! */ int clientSocket; struct sockaddr_in client_addr; /* Accept call and launch PPTPCTRL */ addrsize = sizeof(client_addr); clientSocket = accept(hostSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &client_addr, &addrsize); #if HAVE_LIBWRAP if (clientSocket != -1) { struct request_info r; request_init(&r, RQ_DAEMON, "pptpd", RQ_FILE, clientSocket, NULL); fromhost(&r); if (!hosts_access(&r)) { /* send a permission denied message? this is a tcp wrapper * type deny so probably best to just drop it immediately like * this, as tcp wrappers usually do. */ close(clientSocket); /* this would never be file descriptor 0, so use it as a error * value */ clientSocket = 0; } } #endif if (clientSocket == -1) { /* accept failed, but life goes on... */ syslog(LOG_ERR, "MGR: accept() failed"); syslog_perror("accept"); } else if (clientSocket != 0) { fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; struct pptp_header ph; /* TODO: this select below prevents other connections from being processed during the wait for the first data packet from the client. */ /* * DOS protection: get a peek at the first packet * and do some checks on it before we continue. * A 10 second timeout on the first packet seems reasonable * to me, if anything looks sus, throw it away. */ FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(clientSocket, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = pptp_stimeout; tv.tv_usec = 0; if (select(clientSocket + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) <= 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "MGR: dropped slow initial connection"); close(clientSocket); continue; } if (recv(clientSocket, &ph, sizeof(ph), MSG_PEEK) != sizeof(ph)) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "MGR: dropped small initial connection"); close(clientSocket); continue; } ph.length = ntohs(ph.length); ph.pptp_type = ntohs(ph.pptp_type); ph.magic = ntohl(ph.magic); ph.ctrl_type = ntohs(ph.ctrl_type); if (ph.length <= 0 || ph.length > PPTP_MAX_CTRL_PCKT_SIZE) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "MGR: initial packet length %d outside " "(0 - %d)", ph.length, PPTP_MAX_CTRL_PCKT_SIZE); goto dos_exit; } if (ph.magic != PPTP_MAGIC_COOKIE) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "MGR: initial packet bad magic"); goto dos_exit; } if (ph.pptp_type != PPTP_CTRL_MESSAGE) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "MGR: initial packet has bad type"); goto dos_exit; } if (ph.ctrl_type != START_CTRL_CONN_RQST) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "MGR: initial packet has bad ctrl type " "0x%x", ph.ctrl_type); dos_exit: close(clientSocket); continue; } #ifndef HAVE_FORK switch (ctrl_pid = vfork()) { #else switch (ctrl_pid = fork()) { #endif case -1: /* error */ syslog(LOG_ERR, "MGR: fork() failed launching " PPTP_CTRL_BIN); close(clientSocket); break; case 0: /* child */ close(hostSocket); if (pptp_debug) syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "MGR: Launching " PPTP_CTRL_BIN " to handle client"); connectCall(clientSocket, !pptp_delegate ? firstOpen : 0); _exit(1); /* NORETURN */ default: /* parent */ close(clientSocket); unique_call_id += MAX_CALLS_PER_TCP_LINK; if (!pptp_delegate) slot_set_pid(firstOpen, ctrl_pid); break; } } } /* FD_ISSET(hostSocket, &connSet) */ } /* while (1) */ } /* pptp_manager() */ /* * Author: Kevin Thayer * * This creates a socket to listen on, sets the max # of pending connections and * various other options. * * Returns the fd of the host socket. * * The function return values are: * 0 for sucessful * -1 for bad socket creation * -2 for bad socket options * -3 for bad bind * -4 for bad listen */ static int createHostSocket(int *hostSocket) { int opt = 1; struct sockaddr_in address; #ifdef HAVE_GETSERVBYNAME struct servent *serv; #endif /* create the master socket and check it worked */ if ((*hostSocket = vrf_socket(vrf, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) <= 0) return -1; /* set master socket to allow daemon to be restarted with connections active */ if (setsockopt(*hostSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) return -2; /* set up socket */ memset(&address, 0, sizeof(address)); address.sin_family = AF_INET; if(bindaddr) address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(bindaddr); else address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; #ifdef HAVE_GETSERVBYNAME if ((serv = getservbyname("pptp", "tcp")) != NULL) { address.sin_port = serv->s_port; } else #endif address.sin_port = htons(PPTP_PORT); /* bind the socket to the pptp port */ if (bind(*hostSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &address, sizeof(address)) < 0) return -3; /* minimal backlog to avoid DoS */ if (listen(*hostSocket, 3) < 0) return -4; return 0; } /* * Author: Kevin Thayer * * this routine sets up the arguments for the call handler and calls it. */ static void connectCall(int clientSocket, int clientNumber) { #define NUM2ARRAY(array, num) snprintf(array, sizeof(array), "%d", num) char *ctrl_argv[16]; /* arguments for launching 'pptpctrl' binary */ int pptpctrl_argc = 0; /* count the number of arguments sent to pptpctrl */ /* lame strings to hold passed args. */ char ctrl_debug[2]; char ctrl_noipparam[2]; char pppdoptfile_argv[2]; char speedgiven_argv[2]; extern char **environ; char callid_argv[16]; /* * Launch the CTRL manager binary; we send it some information such as * speed and option file on the command line. */ ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = PPTP_CTRL_BIN " "; /* Pass socket as stdin */ if (clientSocket != 0) { dup2(clientSocket, 0); close(clientSocket); } /* get argv set up */ NUM2ARRAY(ctrl_debug, pptp_debug ? 1 : 0); ctrl_debug[1] = '\0'; ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = ctrl_debug; NUM2ARRAY(ctrl_noipparam, pptp_noipparam ? 1 : 0); ctrl_noipparam[1] = '\0'; ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = ctrl_noipparam; #ifdef VRF ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = vrf ? vrf : ""; #endif /* optionfile = TRUE or FALSE; so the CTRL manager knows whether to load a non-standard options file */ NUM2ARRAY(pppdoptfile_argv, pppdoptstr ? 1 : 0); pppdoptfile_argv[1] = '\0'; ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = pppdoptfile_argv; if (pppdoptstr) { /* send the option filename so the CTRL manager can launch pppd with this alternate file */ ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = pppdoptstr; } /* tell the ctrl manager whether we were given a speed */ NUM2ARRAY(speedgiven_argv, speedstr ? 1 : 0); speedgiven_argv[1] = '\0'; ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = speedgiven_argv; if (speedstr) { /* send the CTRL manager the speed of the connection so it can fire pppd at that speed */ ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = speedstr; } if (pptp_delegate) { /* no local or remote address to specify */ ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = "0"; ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = "0"; } else { /* specify local & remote addresses for this call */ ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = "1"; ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = slot_get_local(clientNumber); ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = "1"; ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = slot_get_remote(clientNumber); } /* our call id to be included in GRE packets the client * will send to us */ NUM2ARRAY(callid_argv, unique_call_id); ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = callid_argv; /* pass path to ppp binary */ ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = ppp_binary; /* pass logwtmp flag */ ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc++] = pptp_logwtmp ? "1" : "0"; /* note: update pptpctrl.8 if the argument list format is changed */ /* terminate argv array with a NULL */ ctrl_argv[pptpctrl_argc] = NULL; pptpctrl_argc++; /* ok, args are setup: invoke the call handler */ execve(PPTP_CTRL_BIN, ctrl_argv, environ); syslog(LOG_ERR, "MGR: Failed to exec " PPTP_CTRL_BIN "!"); _exit(1); }