A3. Samba for Fedora Core 4
(last update: 6 March 2006)

FC4 comes with samba v3.0.14a. The samba project released v3.0.20 on 20 August 2005. Here is a quote from the v3.0.20 release note about winbind.

-- quote --
Winbindd has been completely rewritten in this release to support an almost completely non-blocking, asynchronous request/reply model. This means that winbindd will scale much better in large domain environments and on high latency networks.
-- quote --

It is highly recommended to upgrade samba to v3.0.20 or above. The latest samba v3.0.21c rpms for FC4 can be found in here. Download a copy and then update samba with command "rpm -Uvh samba*.rpm".

Note: Samba v3.0.21 has a bug on the oplock code. Avoid this version. Use v3.0.21a or above.

A4. Software for Radius Setup on Fedora Core 4
(last update: 1 February 2006)

In additional to the software we installed in the previous sections, we need two more. Freeradius is one of them. FC4 comes with freeradius-1.0.2-2 but it is broken. At the time of writing, the latest one is freeradius-1.0.4-1.FC4.1. Get it from yum as it has quite a few dependences. yum will resolve all required dependences automagically.

[root@pptp ~]# yum install freeradius

The second software you will need is radiusclient. Get the FC4 rpm, radiusclient-0.3.2-0.2.fc4.rf.i386.rpm, from RPMforge. Install it with "rpm -ivh".

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