import os, sys # for output which reports a local time os.environ['TZ'] = 'GMT' import shutil import os.path import unittest import magic class MagicTest(unittest.TestCase): TESTDATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testdata') def assert_values(self, m, expected_values): for filename, expected_value in expected_values.items(): try: filename = os.path.join(self.TESTDATA_DIR, filename) except TypeError: filename = os.path.join(self.TESTDATA_DIR.encode('utf-8'), filename) if type(expected_value) is not tuple: expected_value = (expected_value,) for i in expected_value: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: buf_value = m.from_buffer( file_value = m.from_file(filename) if buf_value == i and file_value == i: break else: self.assertTrue(False, "no match for " + repr(expected_value)) def test_from_buffer_str_and_bytes(self): m = magic.Magic(mime=True) s = '#!/usr/bin/env python\nprint("foo")' self.assertEqual("text/x-python", m.from_buffer(s)) b = b'#!/usr/bin/env python\nprint("foo")' self.assertEqual("text/x-python", m.from_buffer(b)) def test_mime_types(self): dest = os.path.join(MagicTest.TESTDATA_DIR, b'\xce\xbb'.decode('utf-8')) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(MagicTest.TESTDATA_DIR, 'lambda'), dest) try: m = magic.Magic(mime=True) self.assert_values(m, { 'magic._pyc_': 'application/octet-stream', 'test.pdf': 'application/pdf', 'test.gz': 'application/gzip', 'text.txt': 'text/plain', b'\xce\xbb'.decode('utf-8'): 'text/plain', b'\xce\xbb': 'text/plain', }) finally: os.unlink(dest) def test_descriptions(self): m = magic.Magic() os.environ['TZ'] = 'UTC' # To get the last modified date of test.gz in UTC try: self.assert_values(m, { 'magic._pyc_': 'python 2.4 byte-compiled', 'test.pdf': 'PDF document, version 1.2', 'test.gz': ('gzip compressed data, was "test", from Unix, last modified: Sun Jun 29 01:32:52 2008', 'gzip compressed data, was "test", last modified: Sun Jun 29 01:32:52 2008, from Unix'), 'text.txt': 'ASCII text', }) finally: del os.environ['TZ'] def test_mime_encodings(self): m = magic.Magic(mime_encoding=True) self.assert_values(m, { 'text-iso8859-1.txt': 'iso-8859-1', 'text.txt': 'us-ascii', }) def test_errors(self): m = magic.Magic() self.assertRaises(IOError, m.from_file, 'nonexistent') self.assertRaises(magic.MagicException, magic.Magic, magic_file='nonexistent') os.environ['MAGIC'] = 'nonexistent' try: self.assertRaises(magic.MagicException, magic.Magic) finally: del os.environ['MAGIC'] def test_keep_going(self): filename = os.path.join(self.TESTDATA_DIR, 'keep-going.jpg') m = magic.Magic(mime=True) self.assertEqual(m.from_file(filename), 'image/jpeg') m = magic.Magic(mime=True, keep_going=True) self.assertEqual(m.from_file(filename), 'image/jpeg') def test_rethrow(self): old = magic.magic_buffer try: def t(x,y): raise magic.MagicException("passthrough") magic.magic_buffer = t self.assertRaises(magic.MagicException, magic.from_buffer, "hello", True) finally: magic.magic_buffer = old if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()