test_docker.sh 475 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Test with various versions of ubuntu. This more or less re-creates the
  3. # Travis CI test environment
  4. set -e
  5. function TestInContainer {
  6. local name="$1"
  7. local TAG="python_magic/${name}:latest"
  8. docker build -t $TAG -f "test/Dockerfile_${name}" .
  9. docker run "python_magic/${name}:latest"
  10. }
  11. TestInContainer "xenial"
  12. TestInContainer "bionic"
  13. TestInContainer "focal"
  14. TestInContainer "centos7"
  15. TestInContainer "centos8"
  16. TestInContainer "archlinux"