README.Debian 1.7 KB

  1. Multiple softflowd instances
  2. ============================
  3. The Debian packaging of softflowd supports handling of multiple
  4. instances. One instance is already shipped as
  5. `/etc/softflowd/default.conf`.
  6. To add more instances, create a file `/etc/softflowd/<instance>.conf`
  7. where `<instance>` should be constructed using the "Portable Filename
  8. Character Set"[1] and must not start with a dot (i.e. must not be a
  9. hidden file).
  10. The file is a POSIX shell fragment and defines two variables:
  11. * `interface`: The interface to listen on, or `all`
  12. Without an interface definition, the instance will be ignored.
  13. * `options`: Additional options to pass to softflowd.
  14. On systemd, the file is read as a key/value store, for details see
  15. `EnvironmentFile=` systemd.exec(5).
  16. On SysV init, the file is run as a shell script.
  17. The pidfile will be stored at `/run/softflowd/<instance>.pid`[2], do not
  18. attempt to override that. The control socket for softflowctl is at
  19. `/run/softflowd/<instance>.ctl`. You still may override these using the
  20. `-c` options in the `options=` string, last match wins.
  21. The softflowctl program will query the "default" instance by default.
  22. To add a new instance:
  23. Create an according configuration file first.
  24. On systemd, run `systemctl daemon-reload`, then
  25. `systemctl start softflowd@<instance>.service`.
  26. On SysV init, run `serivce softflowd start <instance>`.
  27. [1] Upper and lower case characters, digits, dot, underscore, dash.
  28. For pure visual reasons, the dash should be avoided on systemd as
  29. it's escaped in the service name.
  30. https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap03.html#tag_03_282
  31. [2] On SysV init systems: `/var/run/softflowd/<instance>.pid`, likewise
  32. for the control socket.