default.conf 549 B

  1. #
  2. # configuration for a single softflowd instance
  3. #
  4. # See /usr/share/doc/softflowd/README.Debian
  5. # The interface softflowd listens on. You may also use "any" to listen
  6. # on all interfaces. Mandatory.
  7. interface=''
  8. # Further options for softflowd, see "man softflowd" for details.
  9. # You should at least define a host and a port where the accounting
  10. # datagrams should be sent to, e.g.
  11. # options="-n"
  12. # You may override the control socket location (-c) if you really want to.
  13. # Do not override the pid file location (-p).
  14. options=''