/* vim: set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab smarttab colorcolumn=80: */ /* * Copyright (c) 2020 Red Hat, Inc. * Author: Sergio Correia * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "keys.c" #include "test-util.h" const char* jwkdir = "@testjwkdir@"; struct thp_result { const char* thp; int valid; }; struct test_result_int { const char* data; int expected; }; static void test_create_new_keys(void) { __attribute__((cleanup(cleanup_str))) char* newdir = create_tempdir(); ASSERT(newdir); __attribute__((cleanup(cleanup_tang_keys_info))) struct tang_keys_info* tki = read_keys(newdir); ASSERT(tki); ASSERT(tki->m_keys_count == 2); remove_tempdir(newdir); } static void test_is_hash(void) { const struct test_result_int test_data[] = { {NULL, 0}, {"", 0}, {"ES512", 0}, {"ECMR", 0}, {"foobar", 0}, {"{", 0}, {"[}", 0}, {"[]", 0}, {"S1", 1}, {"S224", 1}, {"S256", 1}, {"S384", 1}, {"S512", 1}, {"S42", 0} }; for (int i = 0, len = ARRAY_COUNT(test_data); i < len; i++) { int ret = is_hash(test_data[i].data); ASSERT_WITH_MSG(ret == test_data[i].expected, "i = %d, alg = %s", i, test_data[i].data); }; } static void test_jwk_generate(void) { const struct test_result_int test_data[] = { {NULL, 0}, {"", 0}, {"ES512", 1}, {"ECMR", 1}, {"foobar", 0}, {"{", 0}, {"[}", 0}, {"[]", 0} }; for (int i = 0, len = ARRAY_COUNT(test_data); i < len; i++) { json_auto_t* jwk = jwk_generate(test_data[i].data); ASSERT_WITH_MSG(!!jwk == test_data[i].expected, "i = %d, alg = %s", i, test_data[i].data); }; } static void test_find_jws(void) { const struct thp_result test_data[] = { {"00BUQM4A7NYxbOrBR9QDfkzGVGj3k57Fs4jCbJxcLYAgRFHu5B7jtbL97x1T7stQ", 1}, {"dd5qbN1lQ6UWdZszbfx2oIcH34ShklzFL1SUQg", 1}, {"dOZkUtZ_gLDUP53GIlyAxHMNuyrk8vdY-XXND32GccqNbT_MKpqGC-13-GNEye48", 1}, {"DZrlBQvfvlwPQlvH_IieBdc_KpesEramLygVL_rFr7g", 1}, {"FL_Zt5fFadUL4syeMMpUnss8aKdCrPGFy3102JGR3EE", 1}, {"qgmqJSo6AEEuVQY7zVlklqdTMqY", 1}, {"r4E2wG1u_YyKUo0N0rIK7jJF5Xg", 1}, {"ugJ4Ula-YABQIiJ-0g3B_jpFpF2nl3W-DNpfLdXArhTusV0QCcd1vtgDeGHEPzpm7jEsyC7VYYSSOkZicK22mw", 1}, {"up0Z4fRhpd4O5QwBaMCXDTlrvxCmZacU0MD8kw", 1}, {"vllHS-M0aQFCo2yUCcAahMU4TAtXACyeuRf-zbmmTPBg7V0Pb-RRFGo5C6MnpzdirK8B3ORLOsN8RyXClvtjxA", 1}, {NULL, 1}, {"a", 0}, {"foo", 0}, {"bar", 0}, {"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", 0} }; __attribute__((cleanup(cleanup_tang_keys_info))) struct tang_keys_info* tki = read_keys(jwkdir); for (int i = 0, len = ARRAY_COUNT(test_data); i < len; i++) { json_auto_t* jws = find_jws(tki, test_data[i].thp); ASSERT_WITH_MSG(!!jws == test_data[i].valid, "i = %d, thp = %s", i, test_data[i].thp); } /* Passing NULL to find_jws should return the default advertisement */ json_auto_t* adv = find_jws(tki, NULL); ASSERT(adv); /* * The default set of signing keys are the signing keys that are not * rotated. The payload is made of deriving keys that are also not * rotated. The default advertisement should be signed by this set of * default signing keys. */ ASSERT(jose_jws_ver(NULL, adv, NULL, tki->m_sign, 1)); /* find_jws should be able to respond to thumbprints of keys using any * of jose supported hash algorithms. */ const char** hashes = supported_hashes(); size_t idx; json_t* jwk; /* Let's put together all the keys, including rotated ones. */ json_auto_t* keys = json_deep_copy(tki->m_keys); ASSERT(keys); ASSERT(json_array_extend(keys, tki->m_rotated_keys) == 0); ASSERT(json_array_size(keys) == (size_t)(tki->m_keys_count + tki->m_rotated_keys_count)); for (int i = 0; hashes[i]; i++) { json_array_foreach(keys, idx, jwk) { if (!jwk_valid_for_signing(jwk)) { continue; } __attribute__((cleanup(cleanup_str))) char* thp = jwk_thumbprint(jwk, hashes[i]); ASSERT_WITH_MSG(thp, "i = %d, hash = %s, key idx = %d", i, hashes[i], idx); json_auto_t* jws = find_jws(tki, thp); ASSERT_WITH_MSG(jws, "i = %d, hash = %s, key idx = %d, thp = %s", i, hashes[i], idx, thp); /* Signing keys should sign the payload, in addition to the * default set of signing keys. */ json_auto_t* sign = json_deep_copy(tki->m_sign); ASSERT_WITH_MSG(sign, "i = %d, hash = %s, key idx = %d, thp = %s", i, hashes[i], idx, thp); ASSERT_WITH_MSG(json_array_append(sign, jwk) == 0, "i = %d, hash = %s, key idx = %d, thp = %s", i, hashes[i], idx, thp); ASSERT_WITH_MSG(jose_jws_ver(NULL, jws, NULL, sign, 1), "i = %d, hash = %s, key idx = %d, thp = %s", i, hashes[i], idx, thp); } } } static void test_find_jwk(void) { const struct thp_result test_data[] = { {"1HdF3XKRSsuZdkpXNurBPoL_pvxdvCOlHuhB4DP-4xWFqbZ51zo29kR4fSiT3BGy9UrHVJ26JMBLOA1vKq3lxA", 1}, {"9U8qgy_YjyY6Isuq6QuiKEiYZgNJShcGgJx5FJzCu6m3N6zFaIPy_HDkxkVqAZ9E", 1}, {"-bWkGaJi0Zdvxaj4DCp28umLcRA", 1}, {"Cy73glFjs6B6RU7wy6vWxAc-2bJy5VJOT9LyK80eKgZ8k27wXZ-3rjsuNU5tua_yHWtluyoSYtjoKXfI0E8ESw", 1}, {"kfjbqx_b3BsgPC87HwlOWL9daGMMHBzxcFLClw", 1}, {"L4xg2tZXTEVbsK39bzOZM1jGWn3HtOxF5gh6F9YVf5Q", 1}, {"LsVAV2ig5LlfstM8TRSf-c7IAkLpNYbIysNuRCVlxocRCGqAh6-f9PklM4nU4N-J", 1}, {"OkAcDxYHNlo7-tul8OubYuWXB8CPEhAkcacCmhTclMU", 1}, {"uZ0s8YTXcGcuWduWWBSiR2OjOVg", 1}, {"WEpfFyeoNKkE2-TosN_bP-gd9UgRvQCZpVasZQ", 1}, {NULL, 0}, {"a", 0}, {"foo", 0}, {"bar", 0}, {"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", 0}, }; __attribute__((cleanup(cleanup_tang_keys_info))) struct tang_keys_info* tki = read_keys(jwkdir); for (int i = 0, len = ARRAY_COUNT(test_data); i < len; i++) { json_auto_t* tjwk = find_jwk(tki, test_data[i].thp); ASSERT_WITH_MSG(!!tjwk == test_data[i].valid, "i = %d, thp = %s", i, test_data[i].thp); } /* Passing NULL to find_jwk should fail */ json_auto_t* bad_jwk = find_jwk(tki, NULL); ASSERT(bad_jwk == NULL); /* find_jwk should be able to respond to thumbprints of keys using any * of jose supported hash algorithms. */ const char** hashes = supported_hashes(); size_t idx; json_t* jwk; /* Let's put together all the keys, including rotated ones. */ json_auto_t* keys = json_deep_copy(tki->m_keys); ASSERT(keys); ASSERT(json_array_extend(keys, tki->m_rotated_keys) == 0); ASSERT(json_array_size(keys) == (size_t)(tki->m_keys_count + tki->m_rotated_keys_count)); for (int i = 0; hashes[i]; i++) { json_array_foreach(keys, idx, jwk) { if (!jwk_valid_for_deriving_keys(jwk)) { continue; } __attribute__((cleanup(cleanup_str))) char* thp = jwk_thumbprint(jwk, hashes[i]); json_auto_t* tjwk = find_jwk(tki, thp); ASSERT_WITH_MSG(tjwk, "i = %d, hash = %s, key idx = %d, thp = %s", i, hashes[i], idx, thp); } } } static void test_read_keys(void) { __attribute__((cleanup(cleanup_tang_keys_info))) struct tang_keys_info* tki = read_keys(jwkdir); ASSERT(tki); /* * Keys in tests/keys: * - .uZ0s8YTXcGcuWduWWBSiR2OjOVg.jwk * - .r4E2wG1u_YyKUo0N0rIK7jJF5Xg.jwk * - qgmqJSo6AEEuVQY7zVlklqdTMqY.jwk * - -bWkGaJi0Zdvxaj4DCp28umLcRA.jwk */ ASSERT(tki->m_keys_count == 2); ASSERT(tki->m_rotated_keys_count == 2); ASSERT(json_array_size(tki->m_keys) == 2); ASSERT(json_array_size(tki->m_rotated_keys) == 2); const char* invalid_jwkdir = "foobar"; __attribute__((cleanup(cleanup_tang_keys_info))) struct tang_keys_info* tki2 = read_keys(invalid_jwkdir); ASSERT(tki2 == NULL); } static void run_tests(void) { test_read_keys(); test_find_jwk(); test_find_jws(); test_jwk_generate(); test_is_hash(); test_create_new_keys(); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { run_tests(); return 0; }