dnl $Id: configure.in 1578 2006-08-08 04:02:14Z aturner $ AC_INIT(tcpreplay) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(src/tcpreplay.c) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(src/config.h) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(config) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE AM_WITH_DMALLOC AC_PROG_LIBTOOL dnl Set version info here! MAJOR_VERSION=3 MINOR_VERSION=0 MICRO_VERSION=beta11 TCPREPLAY_VERSION=$MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION.$MICRO_VERSION dnl Release is only used for the RPM spec file TCPREPLAY_RELEASE=1 AC_DEFINE(PACKAGE, [tcpreplay], [This is our package name]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$TCPREPLAY_VERSION", [What is our version?]) AC_SUBST(TCPREPLAY_VERSION) AC_SUBST(TCPREPLAY_RELEASE) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -O2 -funroll-loops -std=gnu99" # -std=c99 -Wno-variadic-macros" dnl Determine OS AC_CANONICAL_BUILD AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_CANONICAL_TARGET AC_SUBST(host) AC_SUBST(build) AC_SUBST(target) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(tcpreplay, $TCPREPLAY_VERSION, nodefine) dnl Checks for programs. AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_LIBTOOL AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CC_STDC AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_CPP AC_PROG_LN_S AC_PROG_RANLIB AC_PROG_AWK AC_PROG_MAKE_SET AC_EXEEXT AC_PATH_PROG(PRINTF, printf) AC_PATH_PROG(FIG2DEV, fig2dev) dnl Look for lyx in the normal locations dnl The OS X installer puts Lyx at /Applications/Lyx.app/Contents/MacOS/LyX AC_ARG_WITH(lyx, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-lyx=FILE], [Path to Lyx binary]), [ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for lyx) if test -x $withval ; then td=$withval AC_MSG_RESULT($td) else AC_MSG_RESULT([Error: $withval does not exist or is not executable]) fi ], [ case $host in powerpc-apple-darwin*) lyx=/Applications/Lyx.app/Contents/MacOS/LyX if test -x $lyx ; then AC_MSG_CHECKING(for lyx) AC_SUBST(LYX, $lyx) AC_MSG_RESULT($lyx) else AC_PATH_PROG(LYX, lyx) fi ;; *) AC_PATH_PROG(LYX, lyx) ;; esac ]) AC_PATH_PROG(DVIPS, dvips) AC_PATH_PROG(TEXI2DVI, texi2dvi) AC_PATH_PROG(LATEX2HTML, latex2html) AC_PATH_PROG(DVIPDFM, dvipdfm) AC_PATH_PROG(AUTOGEN, autogen) AC_HEADER_STDC AC_HEADER_MAJOR dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_HEADER_TIME AC_C_CONST AC_C_INLINE AC_SYS_LARGEFILE dnl Check for functions AC_FUNC_FSEEKO dnl Check for types. AC_CHECK_TYPE(u_int8_t, uint8_t) AC_CHECK_TYPE(u_int16_t, uint16_t) AC_CHECK_TYPE(u_int32_t, uint32_t) AC_CHECK_TYPE(u_int64_t, uint64_t) dnl Check for other header files AC_CHECK_HEADERS([fcntl.h stddef.h sys/socket.h arpa/inet.h sys/time.h signal.h string.h strings.h sys/types.h sys/select.h netinet/in.h poll.h sys/poll.h unistd.h]) dnl Checks for libraries. AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, socket) AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl, gethostbyname) AC_CHECK_LIB(rt, nanosleep) dnl Checks for library functions. AC_FUNC_MALLOC AC_FUNC_MEMCMP AC_TYPE_SIGNAL AC_FUNC_VPRINTF AC_CHECK_FUNCS([gettimeofday ctime memset regcomp strdup strerror strtol strncpy strtoull poll ntohll mmap snprintf vsnprintf]) dnl Look for strlcpy since some BSD's have it AC_CHECK_FUNCS([strlcpy],have_strlcpy=true,have_strlcpy=false) AM_CONDITIONAL(SYSTEM_STRLCPY, [test x$have_strlcpy = xtrue]) AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct timeval.tv_sec]) AC_C_BIGENDIAN doctools=no if test -n "$FIG2DEV" -a -n "$LYX" -a -n "$DVIPS" -a -n "$TEXI2DVI" \ -a -n "$LATEX2HTML" -a -n "$DVIPDFM" ; then doctools=yes fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_DOCTOOLS, test $doctools = yes) dnl Enable debugging in code/compiler options debug=no AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug], [Enable debugging code and support for the -d option]), [ if test x$enableval = xyes; then debug=yes # check for gcc 4.0 flags -Wfatal-errors & -Wno-variadic-macros support CFLAGS="-ggdb -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra -Wfatal-errors -Wno-variadic-macros" AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([#include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return(0); }], [CFLAGS="-ggdb -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra -Wfatal-errors -Wno-variadic-macros"], [CFLAGS="-ggdb -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra"]) # We may also want to add: # -Wformat-security -Wswitch-default -Wunused-paramter -Wpadded" AC_SUBST(debug_flag) AC_DEFINE([DEBUG], [1], [Enable debuging code and support for the -d option]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(pedantic, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-pedantic], [Enable gcc's -pedantic option]), [ if test x$enableval = xyes; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -pedantic" fi ]) dnl Enable Efense AC_ARG_ENABLE(efence, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-efence], [Enable Electric Fence memory debugger]), [ if test x$enableval = xyes; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -lefence" AC_DEFINE([EFENCE], [1], [Enable Electric Fence memory debugger]) fi]) dnl Enable Gprof AC_ARG_ENABLE(gprof, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-gprof], [Enable GNU Profiler]), [ if test x$enableval = xyes; then if test $debug = yes; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -pg" else # GPROF requires gdb CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -ggdb -pg -fprofile-arcs" fi AC_DEFINE([GPROF], [1], [Enable GNU Profiler]) fi]) dnl Use 64bits for packet counters AC_ARG_ENABLE(64bits, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-64bits], [Use 64bit packet counters]), [ if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_64BITS], [1], [Use 64bit packet counters]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([Using u_int64_t for packet counters]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([Using u_int32_t for packet counters]) fi ]) disable_bpf=no dnl Turn off *BSD's BPF AC_ARG_ENABLE(bpf, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-bpf], [Disable BPF for sending packets]), [ disable_bpf=yes ]) disable_pf=no dnl Turn off Linux's PF_PACKET AC_ARG_ENABLE(pf, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-pf], [Disable Linux PF_PACKET for sending packets]), [ if test x$enableval = xno ; then disable_pf=yes fi ]) disable_libnet=no dnl Turn of Libnet AC_ARG_ENABLE(libnet, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-libnet], [Disable Libnet for sending packets]), [ if test x$enableval = xno ; then disable_libnet=yes fi ]) disable_pcap=no dnl Turn off pcap for sending AC_ARG_ENABLE(pcap, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-pcap], [Disable Libpcap for sending packets]), [ if test x$enableval = xno ; then disable_pcap=yes fi ]) dnl Dynamic link libraries dynamic_link=no AC_ARG_ENABLE(dynamic-link, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-dynamic-link], [Dynamically link libraries]), [ if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_DYNAMIC_LINK], [1], [Enable dynamically linking libs]) dynamic_link=yes fi ]) dnl Check for inet_aton and inet_pton AC_CHECK_FUNC(inet_aton, AC_DEFINE([HAVE_INET_ATON], [1], [Do we have inet_aton?]) inet_aton=yes, inet_aton=no) AC_CHECK_FUNC(inet_pton, AC_DEFINE([HAVE_INET_PTON], [1], [Do we have inet_pton?]) inet_pton=yes, inet_pton=no) AC_CHECK_FUNC(inet_ntop, AC_DEFINE([HAVE_INET_NTOP], [1], [Do we have inet_ntop?]) inet_ntop=yes, inet_ntop=no) if test "$inet_ntop" = "no" -a "$inet_pton" = "no" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([We need either inet_ntop or inet_pton]) fi if test "$inet_aton" = "no" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([We need inet_aton]) fi AC_CHECK_FUNC(inet_addr, AC_DEFINE([HAVE_INET_ADDR], [1], [Do we have inet_addr?]) inet_addr=yes, inet_addr=no) if test x$inet_addr = no ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([We need inet_addr. See bug 26]) fi dnl Enable flowreplay flowreplay=no AC_ARG_ENABLE(flowreplay, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-flowreplay], [Enable building flowreplay (alpha)]), [ if test x$enableval = xyes; then flowreplay=yes AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_FLOWREPLAY], [1], [Enable building flowreplay (alpha)]) fi]) AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_FLOWREPLAY, [test x$flowreplay = xyes]) dnl ################################################## dnl Checks for libnet (shamelessly horked from dsniff) dnl ################################################## foundnet=no if test $disable_libnet = no ; then trynetdir=/usr/local AC_MSG_CHECKING(for libnet) AC_ARG_WITH(libnet, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-libnet=DIR], [Use libnet in DIR]), [trynetdir=$withval]) for testdir in $trynetdir /usr/local /usr ; do if test -f "${testdir}/include/libnet.h" -a $foundnet = no ; then LNETINC="${testdir}/include/libnet.h" LNETINCDIR="$testdir/include" if test $dynamic_link = yes; then LNETLIB="-L${testdir}/lib -lnet" elif test -f "${testdir}/lib64/libnet.a" ; then LNETLIB="${testdir}/lib64/libnet.a" else LNETLIB="${testdir}/lib/libnet.a" fi foundnet=$testdir fi done if test $foundnet = no ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(no) else AC_MSG_RESULT($foundnet) AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBNET], [1], [Enable libnet support]) fi AC_SUBST(LNETINC) AC_SUBST(LNETLIB) fi dnl END OF if $disable_libnet = no ; then if test $foundnet = yes ; then OLDLIBS="$LIBS" OLDCFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LIBS="$LNETLIB" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$LNETINCDIR" dnl Check to see what version of libnet dnl this code has been reduced a lot, but probably still could be dnl reduced quite a bit more if we chose too AC_MSG_CHECKING(for libnet version) AC_TRY_RUN([ #include #define LIBNET_LIL_ENDIAN 1 #include "$LNETINC" #define LIB_TEST "1.0" /* * simple proggy to test the version of libnet * returns zero if it's 1.0.x * or one otherwise */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (strncmp(LIB_TEST, LIBNET_VERSION, 3) == 0) exit(0); exit(1); }], libnet_ver_10=yes AC_MSG_RESULT(1.0.x), libnet_ver_10=no, libnet_ver_10=no ) AC_TRY_RUN([ #include #include "$LNETINC" #define LIB_TEST "1.1" /* * simple proggy to test the version of libnet * returns zero if it's 1.0.x * or one otherwise */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (strncmp(LIB_TEST, LIBNET_VERSION, 3) == 0) exit(0); exit(1); }], libnet_ver_11=yes AC_MSG_RESULT(1.1.x), libnet_ver_11=no, libnet_ver_11=no ) if test $libnet_ver_10 = no -a $libnet_ver_11 = no ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(unknown) AC_MSG_ERROR(Unable to determine version of libnet) fi if test $libnet_ver_10 = yes ; then AC_MSG_ERROR(Libnet version 1.0.x is no longer supported. Please upgrade to 1.1.0 or better) fi dnl restore LIBS & CFLAGS LIBS="$OLDLIBS" CFLAGS="$OLDCFLAGS" fi dnl END OF if test $foundnet = yes dnl ##################################################### dnl Checks for libpcap dnl ##################################################### foundpcap=no trypcapdir=/usr/local AC_MSG_CHECKING(for libpcap) AC_ARG_WITH(libpcap, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-libpcap=DIR], [Use libpcap in DIR]), [trypcapdir=$withval]) for testdir in $trypcapdir /usr/local /usr ; do if test -f "${testdir}/include/pcap.h" -a $foundpcap = no ; then LPCAPINC="${testdir}/include/pcap.h" LPCAPINCDIR="${testdir}/include" if test $dynamic_link = yes; then LPCAPLIB="-L${testdir}/lib -lpcap" elif test -f "${testdir}/lib64/libpcap.a" ; then LPCAPLIB="${testdir}/lib64/libpcap.a" else LPCAPLIB="${testdir}/lib/libpcap.a" fi foundpcap=$testdir fi done if test $foundpcap = no ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(no) AC_ERROR(libpcap not found) else AC_MSG_RESULT($foundpcap) fi AC_SUBST(LPCAPINC) AC_SUBST(LPCAPLIB) dnl Checks to see what version of libpcap we've got OLDLIBS="$LIBS" OLDCFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LIBS="$LPCAPLIB" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$LPCAPINCDIR" have_libnet=no dnl Check to see what version of libpcap dnl this code has been reduced a lot, but probably still could be dnl reduced quite a bit more if we chose too AC_MSG_CHECKING(for libpcap version) AC_TRY_RUN([ #include #include #include #include "$LPCAPINC" #define PCAP_TEST "0.5" /* * simple proggy to test the version of libpcap * returns zero if version >= 0.5 * or one otherwise */ extern char pcap_version[]; int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (strncmp(pcap_version, PCAP_TEST, 3) >= 0) exit(0); exit(1); }], libpcap_ver=yes AC_MSG_RESULT(>= 0.5), libpcap_ver=no AC_MSG_RESULT(< 0.5), libpcap_ver=no AC_MSG_RESULT(< 0.5) ) if test $libpcap_ver = no ; then AC_MSG_ERROR(Libpcap versions < 0.5 are not supported. Please upgrade to version 0.5 or better) fi dnl Check to see if we've got pcap_datalink_val_to_name() AC_MSG_CHECKING(for pcap_datalink_val_to_description) AC_TRY_RUN([ #include #include #include #include "$LPCAPINC" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pcap_datalink_val_to_description(1); exit(0); }], have_dlt_to_desc=yes AC_MSG_RESULT(yes), have_dlt_to_desc=no AC_MSG_RESULT(no), have_dlt_to_desc=no AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ) if test $have_dlt_to_desc = yes ; then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_DLT_VAL_TO_DESC], [1], [Does libpcap have dlt_val_to_desc?]) fi dnl This message is placed here for continuity purposes dnl but things are really set above in the libnet section AC_MSG_CHECKING(for libnet packet sending support) if test $disable_libnet = no -a $foundnet != no ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBNET], [1], [Do we support libnet for sending packets?]) have_libnet=yes else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) fi have_pcap_inject=no dnl Check to see if we've got pcap_inject() AC_MSG_CHECKING(for pcap_inject sending support) AC_TRY_COMPILE([ #include #include #include #include "$LPCAPINC" ],[ pcap_t *pcap; char *buf; pcap_inject(pcap, (void *)buf, 0); ],[ if test $disable_pcap = no ; then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PCAP_INJECT], [1], [Does libpcap have pcap_inject?]) AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) have_pcap_inject=yes else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) fi ],[ AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ]) have_pcap_sendpacket=no dnl Check to see if we've got pcap_sendpacket() AC_MSG_CHECKING(for pcap_sendpacket sending support) AC_TRY_COMPILE([ #include #include #include #include "$LPCAPINC" ],[ pcap_t *pcap; u_char *buf; pcap_sendpacket(pcap, buf, 0); ],[ if test $disable_pcap = no ; then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PCAP_SENDPACKET], [1], [Does libpcap have pcap_sendpacket?]) AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) have_pcap_sendpacket=yes else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) fi ],[ AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ]) have_pf=no dnl Check for linux PF_PACKET support AC_MSG_CHECKING(for PF_PACKET socket sending support) AC_TRY_COMPILE([ #include #include #include /* the L2 protocols */ #include /* htons */ ],[ int pf_socket; pf_socket = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL)); ],[ if test $disable_pf = no ; then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PF_PACKET], [1], [Do we have Linux PF_PACKET socket support?]) AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) have_pf=yes else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) fi ],[ AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ]) have_bpf=no dnl Check for BSD's BPF AC_MSG_CHECKING(for BPF device sending support) AC_TRY_RUN([ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd; fd = open("/dev/bpf0", O_RDONLY, 0); /* if we opened it, we're good */ if (fd > 1) exit(0); /* if we got EBUSY or permission denied it exists, so we're good */ if (fd < 0 && (errno == EBUSY || errno == 13)) exit(0); /* else suck, no good */ exit(-1); }], [ if test $disable_bpf = no ; then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_BPF], [1], [Do we have BPF device support?]) AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) have_bpf=yes else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) fi ]) dnl Make sure we have a valid packet injection mechanisim if test $have_bpf = no -a $have_pcap_inject = no -a $have_pcap_sendpacket = no \ -a $have_libnet = no -a $have_pf = no ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to find a supported method to send packets]) fi dnl Libpcap support doesn't give us a method to get the hardware address of the dnl interfaces which prevents us from doing proper filtering to prevent bridging loops enable_tcpbridge=yes if test $have_bpf = no -a $have_libnet = no -a $have_pf = no ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([tcpbridge support disabled without BPF, Libnet or Linux PF_PACKET]) enable_tcpbridge=no fi AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_TCPBRIDGE, [test $enable_tcpbridge = yes]) dnl Older versions of libpcap are missing some DLT types dnl If doesn't exist, we'll define them in src/common/fakepcap.h AC_MSG_CHECKING(for DLT_LINUX_SLL in libpcap) AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include "$LPCAPINC"], [ int foo; foo = DLT_LINUX_SLL ], [ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_DLT_LINUX_SLL], [1], [Does pcap.h include a header with DLT_LINUX_SLL?]) AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) ], AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ) AC_MSG_CHECKING(for DLT_C_HDLC in libpcap) AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include "$LPCAPINC"], [ int foo; foo = DLT_C_HDLC ], [ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_DLT_C_HDLC], [1], [Does pcap.h include a header with DLT_C_HDLC?]) AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) ], AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ) PCAP_BPF_H_FILE="$LPCAPINCDIR/pcap-bpf.h" AC_MSG_CHECKING(for $PCAP_BPF_H_FILE) AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include #include #include "$PCAP_BPF_H_FILE"], [ int foo; foo = BPF_MAJOR_VERSION; ], [ AC_DEFINE([INCLUDE_PCAP_BPF_HEADER], [1], [What is the path (if any) to the pcap-bpf.h header?]) AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_SUBST(PCAP_BPF_H_FILE) ], AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ) dnl restore LIBS & CFLAGS LIBS="$OLDLIBS" CFLAGS="$OLDCFLAGS" dnl ################################################## dnl # Check for pcapnav dnl ################################################## pcapnav_ver=no pcncfg=no AC_ARG_WITH(pcapnav-config, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-pcapnav-config=FILE], [Use given pcapnav-config]), [ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for pcapnav-config) if test -x $withval ; then pcncfg=$withval AC_MSG_RESULT($pcncfg) elif test x$withval = xno ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(no) else AC_MSG_RESULT([Can't find pcapnav-config: disabling offset jump feature]) fi ], [ AC_PATH_PROG(pcncfg,[pcapnav-config], [no] ) ] ) if test $pcncfg != no ; then LNAVLIB=`$pcncfg --libs` LNAV_CFLAGS=`$pcncfg --cflags` PCAPNAV_VERSION=`$pcncfg --version` AC_SUBST(LNAVLIB) AC_SUBST(LNAV_CFLAGS) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PCAPNAV_VERSION, "$PCAPNAV_VERSION", [libpcapnav's version?]) dnl Check to see what version of libpcapnav dnl this code has been reduced a lot, but probably still could be dnl reduced quite a bit more if we chose too AC_MSG_CHECKING(for libpcapnav version) AC_TRY_RUN([ #include #define PCAPNAV_TEST "0.4" /* * simple proggy to test the version of libpcapnav * returns zero if version >= 0.4 * or one otherwise */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (strncmp(PCAPNAV_VERSION, PCAPNAV_TEST, 3) >= 0) exit(0); exit(1); }], libpcapnav_ver=yes AC_MSG_RESULT(>= 0.4), libpcapnav_ver=no AC_MSG_RESULT(< 0.4), libpcapnav_ver=no ) if test x$libpcapnav_ver = xno ; then AC_MSG_WARN([Libpcapnav versions < 0.4 are not supported. Please upgrade to version 0.4 or better. Disabling offset jump feature.]) else AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PCAPNAV], [1], [Do we have libpcapnav?]) fi fi # checking pcapnav version dnl (shamelessly ripped off from libpcap) dnl Checks to see if unaligned memory accesses fail dnl dnl FORCE_ALIGN (DEFINED) dnl AC_MSG_CHECKING(for requires strict byte alignment) AC_CACHE_VAL(unaligned_fail, [case "$host_cpu" in # XXX: should also check that they don't do weird things (like on arm) alpha*|arm*|hp*|mips*|sparc*|ia64) unaligned_fail=yes ;; *) cat >conftest.c < #include #include unsigned char a[[5]] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; main() { unsigned int i; pid_t pid; int status; /* avoid "core dumped" message */ pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) exit(2); if (pid > 0) { /* parent */ pid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); if (pid < 0) exit(3); exit(!WIFEXITED(status)); } /* child */ i = *(unsigned int *)&a[[1]]; printf("%d\n", i); exit(0); } EOF ${CC-cc} -o conftest $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS \ conftest.c $LIBS >/dev/null 2>&1 if test ! -x conftest ; then dnl failed to compile for some reason unaligned_fail=yes else ./conftest >conftest.out if test ! -s conftest.out ; then unaligned_fail=yes else unaligned_fail=no fi fi rm -f conftest* core core.conftest ;; esac]) AC_MSG_RESULT($unaligned_fail) if test $unaligned_fail = yes ; then AC_DEFINE([FORCE_ALIGN],[1],[Are we strictly aligned?]) fi dnl ################################################## dnl # Check for tcpdump. dnl ################################################## td=no AC_ARG_WITH(tcpdump, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-tcpdump=FILE], [Path to tcpdump binary]), [ if test -x $withval ; then td=$withval AC_MSG_RESULT([Using tcpdump in $td]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([Error: $withval does not exist or is not executable]) fi ], [ AC_PATH_PROG(td, tcpdump, "no", [$PATH:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin]) ]) if test "$td" = "no"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Unable to find tcpdump. Please specify --with-tcpdump. Disabling verbose reporting.]) else AC_DEFINE([HAVE_TCPDUMP], [1], [Do we have tcpdump?]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(TCPDUMP_BINARY, "$td", [The tcpdump binary initially used]) fi dnl No 'make test' when cross compile AC_MSG_CHECKING( for 'make test' profile) if test "$host" != "$build" ; then AC_MSG_WARN(Unable to do tests when cross-compiling) fi dnl Allows user to choose which nic to use for testing purposes AC_ARG_WITH(testnic, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-testnic=NIC], [Select which network card to use for testing]), [ nic1=$withval nic2=$withval AC_MSG_RESULT([Using --with-testnic=$withval])], [ dnl these need to be dynamic based on OS case $host in *-*-linux*) nic1=eth0 nic2=eth0 AC_MSG_RESULT(Linux) ;; *-*-solaris*) nic1=hme0 nic2=hme0 AC_MSG_RESULT(Solaris) ;; *-*-sunos*) nic1=hme0 nic2=hme0 AC_MSG_RESULT(SunOS) ;; powerpc-apple-darwin*) nic1=en0 nic2=en0 AC_MSG_RESULT(Apple OS X) ;; *-*-openbsd*) nic1=xl0 nic2=xl0 AC_MSG_RESULT(OpenBSD) ;; *) AC_MSG_RESULT([$host is unknown! Please use --with-nictest to select an interface for 'make test']) ;; esac]) AC_ARG_WITH(testnic2, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-testnic2=NIC2], [Select an optional 2nd network card to use for testing]), [ nic2=$withval ]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([Using $nic1 for 1st test network interface card]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([Using $nic2 for 2nd test network interface card]) AC_SUBST(nic1) AC_SUBST(nic2) LIBOPTS_CHECK AC_OUTPUT([Makefile doxygen.cfg lib/Makefile docs/Makefile src/Makefile src/common/Makefile src/tcpedit/Makefile src/flow/Makefile src/defines.h test/Makefile test/config scripts/Makefile tcpreplay.spec]) if test $doctools = no; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([One or more tool for creating documentation is unavailable.]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([This is only an issue for developers, so don't worry.]) fi