/* * $Id: configfile.c,v 1.20 2007/02/04 17:44:12 bkorb Exp $ * Time-stamp: "2007-01-13 12:49:10 bkorb" * * configuration/rc/ini file handling. */ /* * Automated Options copyright 1992-2007 Bruce Korb * * Automated Options is free software. * You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. * * Automated Options is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Automated Options. See the file "COPYING". If not, * write to: The Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * As a special exception, Bruce Korb gives permission for additional * uses of the text contained in his release of AutoOpts. * * The exception is that, if you link the AutoOpts library with other * files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of * linking the AutoOpts library code into it. * * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. * * This exception applies only to the code released by Bruce Korb under * the name AutoOpts. If you copy code from other sources under the * General Public License into a copy of AutoOpts, as the General Public * License permits, the exception does not apply to the code that you add * in this way. To avoid misleading anyone as to the status of such * modified files, you must delete this exception notice from them. * * If you write modifications of your own for AutoOpts, it is your choice * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */ /* = = = START-STATIC-FORWARD = = = */ /* static forward declarations maintained by :mkfwd */ static void filePreset( tOptions* pOpts, char const* pzFileName, int direction ); static char* handleComment( char* pzText ); static char* handleConfig( tOptions* pOpts, tOptState* pOS, char* pzText, int direction ); static char* handleDirective( tOptions* pOpts, char* pzText ); static char* handleProgramSection( tOptions* pOpts, char* pzText ); static char* handleStructure( tOptions* pOpts, tOptState* pOS, char* pzText, int direction ); static char* parseKeyWordType( tOptions* pOpts, char* pzText, tOptionValue* pType ); static char* parseLoadMode( char* pzText, tOptionLoadMode* pMode ); static char* parseSetMemType( tOptions* pOpts, char* pzText, tOptionValue* pType ); static char* parseValueType( char* pzText, tOptionValue* pType ); static char* skipUnknown( char* pzText ); /* = = = END-STATIC-FORWARD = = = */ /*=export_func configFileLoad * * what: parse a configuration file * arg: + char const* + pzFile + the file to load + * * ret_type: const tOptionValue* * ret_desc: An allocated, compound value structure * * doc: * This routine will load a named configuration file and parse the * text as a hierarchically valued option. The option descriptor * created from an option definition file is not used via this interface. * The returned value is "named" with the input file name and is of * type "@code{OPARG_TYPE_HIERARCHY}". It may be used in calls to * @code{optionGetValue()}, @code{optionNextValue()} and * @code{optionUnloadNested()}. * * err: * If the file cannot be loaded or processed, @code{NULL} is returned and * @var{errno} is set. It may be set by a call to either @code{open(2)} * @code{mmap(2)} or other file system calls, or it may be: * @itemize @bullet * @item * @code{ENOENT} - the file was empty. * @item * @code{EINVAL} - the file contents are invalid -- not properly formed. * @item * @code{ENOMEM} - not enough memory to allocate the needed structures. * @end itemize =*/ const tOptionValue* configFileLoad( char const* pzFile ) { tmap_info_t cfgfile; tOptionValue* pRes = NULL; tOptionLoadMode save_mode = option_load_mode; char* pzText = text_mmap( pzFile, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, &cfgfile ); if (TEXT_MMAP_FAILED_ADDR(pzText)) return NULL; /* errno is set */ option_load_mode = OPTION_LOAD_COOKED; pRes = optionLoadNested(pzText, pzFile, strlen(pzFile)); if (pRes == NULL) { int err = errno; text_munmap( &cfgfile ); errno = err; } else text_munmap( &cfgfile ); option_load_mode = save_mode; return pRes; } /*=export_func optionFindValue * * what: find a hierarcicaly valued option instance * arg: + const tOptDesc* + pOptDesc + an option with a nested arg type + * arg: + char const* + name + name of value to find + * arg: + char const* + value + the matching value + * * ret_type: const tOptionValue* * ret_desc: a compound value structure * * doc: * This routine will find an entry in a nested value option or configurable. * It will search through the list and return a matching entry. * * err: * The returned result is NULL and errno is set: * @itemize @bullet * @item * @code{EINVAL} - the @code{pOptValue} does not point to a valid * hierarchical option value. * @item * @code{ENOENT} - no entry matched the given name. * @end itemize =*/ const tOptionValue* optionFindValue( const tOptDesc* pOptDesc, char const* pzName, char const* pzVal ) { const tOptionValue* pRes = NULL; if ( (pOptDesc == NULL) || (OPTST_GET_ARGTYPE(pOptDesc->fOptState) != OPARG_TYPE_HIERARCHY)) { errno = EINVAL; } else if (pOptDesc->optCookie == NULL) { errno = ENOENT; } else do { tArgList* pAL = pOptDesc->optCookie; int ct = pAL->useCt; void** ppOV = (void**)(pAL->apzArgs); if (ct == 0) { errno = ENOENT; break; } if (pzName == NULL) { pRes = (tOptionValue*)*ppOV; break; } while (--ct >= 0) { const tOptionValue* pOV = *(ppOV++); const tOptionValue* pRV = optionGetValue( pOV, pzName ); if (pRV == NULL) continue; if (pzVal == NULL) { pRes = pOV; break; } } if (pRes == NULL) errno = ENOENT; } while (0); return pRes; } /*=export_func optionFindNextValue * * what: find a hierarcicaly valued option instance * arg: + const tOptDesc* + pOptDesc + an option with a nested arg type + * arg: + const tOptionValue* + pPrevVal + the last entry + * arg: + char const* + name + name of value to find + * arg: + char const* + value + the matching value + * * ret_type: const tOptionValue* * ret_desc: a compound value structure * * doc: * This routine will find the next entry in a nested value option or * configurable. It will search through the list and return the next entry * that matches the criteria. * * err: * The returned result is NULL and errno is set: * @itemize @bullet * @item * @code{EINVAL} - the @code{pOptValue} does not point to a valid * hierarchical option value. * @item * @code{ENOENT} - no entry matched the given name. * @end itemize =*/ const tOptionValue* optionFindNextValue( const tOptDesc* pOptDesc, const tOptionValue* pPrevVal, char const* pzName, char const* pzVal ) { int foundOldVal = 0; tOptionValue* pRes = NULL; if ( (pOptDesc == NULL) || (OPTST_GET_ARGTYPE(pOptDesc->fOptState) != OPARG_TYPE_HIERARCHY)) { errno = EINVAL; } else if (pOptDesc->optCookie == NULL) { errno = ENOENT; } else do { tArgList* pAL = pOptDesc->optCookie; int ct = pAL->useCt; void** ppOV = (void**)pAL->apzArgs; if (ct == 0) { errno = ENOENT; break; } while (--ct >= 0) { tOptionValue* pOV = *(ppOV++); if (foundOldVal) { pRes = pOV; break; } if (pOV == pPrevVal) foundOldVal = 1; } if (pRes == NULL) errno = ENOENT; } while (0); return pRes; } /*=export_func optionGetValue * * what: get a specific value from a hierarcical list * arg: + const tOptionValue* + pOptValue + a hierarchcal value + * arg: + char const* + valueName + name of value to get + * * ret_type: const tOptionValue* * ret_desc: a compound value structure * * doc: * This routine will find an entry in a nested value option or configurable. * If "valueName" is NULL, then the first entry is returned. Otherwise, * the first entry with a name that exactly matches the argument will be * returned. * * err: * The returned result is NULL and errno is set: * @itemize @bullet * @item * @code{EINVAL} - the @code{pOptValue} does not point to a valid * hierarchical option value. * @item * @code{ENOENT} - no entry matched the given name. * @end itemize =*/ const tOptionValue* optionGetValue( const tOptionValue* pOld, char const* pzValName ) { tArgList* pAL; tOptionValue* pRes = NULL; if ((pOld == NULL) || (pOld->valType != OPARG_TYPE_HIERARCHY)) { errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } pAL = pOld->v.nestVal; if (pAL->useCt > 0) { int ct = pAL->useCt; void** papOV = (void**)(pAL->apzArgs); if (pzValName == NULL) { pRes = (tOptionValue*)*papOV; } else do { tOptionValue* pOV = *(papOV++); if (strcmp( pOV->pzName, pzValName ) == 0) { pRes = pOV; break; } } while (--ct > 0); } if (pRes == NULL) errno = ENOENT; return pRes; } /*=export_func optionNextValue * * what: get the next value from a hierarchical list * arg: + const tOptionValue* + pOptValue + a hierarchcal list value + * arg: + const tOptionValue* + pOldValue + a value from this list + * * ret_type: const tOptionValue* * ret_desc: a compound value structure * * doc: * This routine will return the next entry after the entry passed in. At the * end of the list, NULL will be returned. If the entry is not found on the * list, NULL will be returned and "@var{errno}" will be set to EINVAL. * The "@var{pOldValue}" must have been gotten from a prior call to this * routine or to "@code{opitonGetValue()}". * * err: * The returned result is NULL and errno is set: * @itemize @bullet * @item * @code{EINVAL} - the @code{pOptValue} does not point to a valid * hierarchical option value or @code{pOldValue} does not point to a * member of that option value. * @item * @code{ENOENT} - the supplied @code{pOldValue} pointed to the last entry. * @end itemize =*/ tOptionValue const * optionNextValue(tOptionValue const * pOVList,tOptionValue const * pOldOV ) { tArgList* pAL; tOptionValue* pRes = NULL; int err = EINVAL; if ((pOVList == NULL) || (pOVList->valType != OPARG_TYPE_HIERARCHY)) { errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } pAL = pOVList->v.nestVal; { int ct = pAL->useCt; void** papNV = (void**)(pAL->apzArgs); while (ct-- > 0) { tOptionValue* pNV = *(papNV++); if (pNV == pOldOV) { if (ct == 0) { err = ENOENT; } else { err = 0; pRes = (tOptionValue*)*papNV; } break; } } } if (err != 0) errno = err; return pRes; } /* filePreset * * Load a file containing presetting information (a configuration file). */ static void filePreset( tOptions* pOpts, char const* pzFileName, int direction ) { tmap_info_t cfgfile; tOptState st = OPTSTATE_INITIALIZER(PRESET); char* pzFileText = text_mmap( pzFileName, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, &cfgfile ); if (TEXT_MMAP_FAILED_ADDR(pzFileText)) return; if (direction == DIRECTION_CALLED) { st.flags = OPTST_DEFINED; direction = DIRECTION_PROCESS; } /* * IF this is called via "optionProcess", then we are presetting. * This is the default and the PRESETTING bit will be set. * If this is called via "optionFileLoad", then the bit is not set * and we consider stuff set herein to be "set" by the client program. */ if ((pOpts->fOptSet & OPTPROC_PRESETTING) == 0) st.flags = OPTST_SET; do { while (isspace( (int)*pzFileText )) pzFileText++; if (isalpha( (int)*pzFileText )) { pzFileText = handleConfig( pOpts, &st, pzFileText, direction ); } else switch (*pzFileText) { case '<': if (isalpha( (int)pzFileText[1] )) pzFileText = handleStructure(pOpts, &st, pzFileText, direction); else switch (pzFileText[1]) { case '?': pzFileText = handleDirective( pOpts, pzFileText ); break; case '!': pzFileText = handleComment( pzFileText ); break; case '/': pzFileText = strchr( pzFileText+2, '>' ); if (pzFileText++ != NULL) break; default: goto all_done; } break; case '[': pzFileText = handleProgramSection( pOpts, pzFileText ); break; case '#': pzFileText = strchr( pzFileText+1, '\n' ); break; default: goto all_done; /* invalid format */ } } while (pzFileText != NULL); all_done: text_munmap( &cfgfile ); } /* handleComment * * "pzText" points to a "". */ static char* handleComment( char* pzText ) { char* pz = strstr( pzText, "-->" ); if (pz != NULL) pz += 3; return pz; } /* handleConfig * * "pzText" points to the start of some value name. * The end of the entry is the end of the line that is not preceded by * a backslash escape character. The string value is always processed * in "cooked" mode. */ static char* handleConfig( tOptions* pOpts, tOptState* pOS, char* pzText, int direction ) { char* pzName = pzText++; char* pzEnd = strchr( pzText, '\n' ); if (pzEnd == NULL) return pzText + strlen(pzText); while (ISNAMECHAR( (int)*pzText )) pzText++; while (isspace( (int)*pzText )) pzText++; if (pzText > pzEnd) { name_only: *pzEnd++ = NUL; loadOptionLine( pOpts, pOS, pzName, direction, OPTION_LOAD_UNCOOKED ); return pzEnd; } /* * Either the first character after the name is a ':' or '=', * or else we must have skipped over white space. Anything else * is an invalid format and we give up parsing the text. */ if ((*pzText == '=') || (*pzText == ':')) { while (isspace( (int)*++pzText )) ; if (pzText > pzEnd) goto name_only; } else if (! isspace((int)pzText[-1])) return NULL; /* * IF the value is continued, remove the backslash escape and push "pzEnd" * on to a newline *not* preceded by a backslash. */ if (pzEnd[-1] == '\\') { char* pcD = pzEnd-1; char* pcS = pzEnd; for (;;) { char ch = *(pcS++); switch (ch) { case NUL: pcS = NULL; case '\n': *pcD = NUL; pzEnd = pcS; goto copy_done; case '\\': if (*pcS == '\n') { ch = *(pcS++); } /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: *(pcD++) = ch; } } copy_done:; } else { /* * The newline was not preceded by a backslash. NUL it out */ *(pzEnd++) = NUL; } /* * "pzName" points to what looks like text for one option/configurable. * It is NUL terminated. Process it. */ loadOptionLine( pOpts, pOS, pzName, direction, OPTION_LOAD_UNCOOKED ); return pzEnd; } /* handleDirective * * "pzText" points to a "' ); if (pzText != NULL) pzText++; return pzText; } name_len = strlen( pOpts->pzProgName ); strcpy( ztitle+2, zProg ); title_len += 2; do { pzText += title_len; if (isspace((int)*pzText)) { while (isspace((int)*pzText)) pzText++; if ( (strneqvcmp( pzText, pOpts->pzProgName, (int)name_len) == 0) && (pzText[name_len] == '>')) { pzText += name_len + 1; break; } } pzText = strstr( pzText, ztitle ); } while (pzText != NULL); return pzText; } /* handleProgramSection * * "pzText" points to a '[' character. * The "traditional" [PROG_NAME] segmentation of the config file. * Do not ever mix with the "" variation. */ static char* handleProgramSection( tOptions* pOpts, char* pzText ) { size_t len = strlen( pOpts->pzPROGNAME ); if ( (strncmp( pzText+1, pOpts->pzPROGNAME, len ) == 0) && (pzText[len+1] == ']')) return strchr( pzText + len + 2, '\n' ); if (len > 16) return NULL; { char z[24]; sprintf( z, "[%s]", pOpts->pzPROGNAME ); pzText = strstr( pzText, z ); } if (pzText != NULL) pzText = strchr( pzText, '\n' ); return pzText; } /* handleStructure * * "pzText" points to a '<' character, followed by an alpha. * The end of the entry is either the "/>" following the name, or else a * "" string. */ static char* handleStructure( tOptions* pOpts, tOptState* pOS, char* pzText, int direction ) { tOptionLoadMode mode = option_load_mode; tOptionValue valu; char* pzName = ++pzText; char* pzData; char* pcNulPoint; while (ISNAMECHAR( *pzText )) pzText++; pcNulPoint = pzText; valu.valType = OPARG_TYPE_STRING; switch (*pzText) { case ' ': case '\t': pzText = parseAttributes( pOpts, pzText, &mode, &valu ); if (*pzText == '>') break; if (*pzText != '/') return NULL; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '/': if (pzText[1] != '>') return NULL; *pzText = NUL; pzText += 2; loadOptionLine( pOpts, pOS, pzName, direction, mode ); return pzText; case '>': break; default: pzText = strchr( pzText, '>'); if (pzText != NULL) pzText++; return pzText; } /* * If we are here, we have a value. "pzText" points to a closing angle * bracket. Separate the name from the value for a moment. */ *pcNulPoint = NUL; pzData = ++pzText; /* * Find the end of the option text and NUL terminate it */ { char z[64], *pz = z; size_t len = strlen(pzName) + 4; if (len > sizeof(z)) pz = AGALOC(len, "scan name"); sprintf( pz, "", pzName ); *pzText = ' '; pzText = strstr( pzText, pz ); if (pz != z) AGFREE(pz); if (pzText == NULL) return pzText; *pzText = NUL; pzText += len-1; } /* * Rejoin the name and value for parsing by "loadOptionLine()". * Erase any attributes parsed by "parseAttributes()". */ memset(pcNulPoint, ' ', pzData - pcNulPoint); /* * "pzName" points to what looks like text for one option/configurable. * It is NUL terminated. Process it. */ loadOptionLine( pOpts, pOS, pzName, direction, mode ); return pzText; } /* internalFileLoad * * Load a configuration file. This may be invoked either from * scanning the "homerc" list, or from a specific file request. * (see "optionFileLoad()", the implementation for --load-opts) */ LOCAL void internalFileLoad( tOptions* pOpts ) { int idx; int inc = DIRECTION_PRESET; char zFileName[ AG_PATH_MAX+1 ]; if (pOpts->papzHomeList == NULL) return; /* * Find the last RC entry (highest priority entry) */ for (idx = 0; pOpts->papzHomeList[ idx+1 ] != NULL; ++idx) ; /* * For every path in the home list, ... *TWICE* We start at the last * (highest priority) entry, work our way down to the lowest priority, * handling the immediate options. * Then we go back up, doing the normal options. */ for (;;) { struct stat StatBuf; cch_t* pzPath; /* * IF we've reached the bottom end, change direction */ if (idx < 0) { inc = DIRECTION_PROCESS; idx = 0; } pzPath = pOpts->papzHomeList[ idx ]; /* * IF we've reached the top end, bail out */ if (pzPath == NULL) break; idx += inc; if (! optionMakePath( zFileName, (int)sizeof(zFileName), pzPath, pOpts->pzProgPath )) continue; /* * IF the file name we constructed is a directory, * THEN append the Resource Configuration file name * ELSE we must have the complete file name */ if (stat( zFileName, &StatBuf ) != 0) continue; /* bogus name - skip the home list entry */ if (S_ISDIR( StatBuf.st_mode )) { size_t len = strlen( zFileName ); char* pz; if (len + 1 + strlen( pOpts->pzRcName ) >= sizeof( zFileName )) continue; pz = zFileName + len; if (pz[-1] != DIRCH) *(pz++) = DIRCH; strcpy( pz, pOpts->pzRcName ); } filePreset( pOpts, zFileName, inc ); /* * IF we are now to skip config files AND we are presetting, * THEN change direction. We must go the other way. */ if (SKIP_RC_FILES(pOpts) && PRESETTING(inc)) { idx -= inc; /* go back and reprocess current file */ inc = DIRECTION_PROCESS; } } /* For every path in the home list, ... */ } /*=export_func optionFileLoad * * what: Load the locatable config files, in order * * arg: + tOptions* + pOpts + program options descriptor + * arg: + char const* + pzProg + program name + * * ret_type: int * ret_desc: 0 -> SUCCESS, -1 -> FAILURE * * doc: * * This function looks in all the specified directories for a configuration * file ("rc" file or "ini" file) and processes any found twice. The first * time through, they are processed in reverse order (last file first). At * that time, only "immediate action" configurables are processed. For * example, if the last named file specifies not processing any more * configuration files, then no more configuration files will be processed. * Such an option in the @strong{first} named directory will have no effect. * * Once the immediate action configurables have been handled, then the * directories are handled in normal, forward order. In that way, later * config files can override the settings of earlier config files. * * See the AutoOpts documentation for a thorough discussion of the * config file format. * * Configuration files not found or not decipherable are simply ignored. * * err: Returns the value, "-1" if the program options descriptor * is out of date or indecipherable. Otherwise, the value "0" will * always be returned. =*/ int optionFileLoad( tOptions* pOpts, char const* pzProgram ) { if (! SUCCESSFUL( validateOptionsStruct( pOpts, pzProgram ))) return -1; pOpts->pzProgName = pzProgram; internalFileLoad( pOpts ); return 0; } /*=export_func optionLoadOpt * private: * * what: Load an option rc/ini file * arg: + tOptions* + pOpts + program options descriptor + * arg: + tOptDesc* + pOptDesc + the descriptor for this arg + * * doc: * Processes the options found in the file named with * pOptDesc->optArg.argString. =*/ void optionLoadOpt( tOptions* pOpts, tOptDesc* pOptDesc ) { /* * IF the option is not being disabled, * THEN load the file. There must be a file. * (If it is being disabled, then the disablement processing * already took place. It must be done to suppress preloading * of ini/rc files.) */ if (! DISABLED_OPT( pOptDesc )) { struct stat sb; if (stat( pOptDesc->optArg.argString, &sb ) != 0) { if ((pOpts->fOptSet & OPTPROC_ERRSTOP) == 0) return; fprintf( stderr, zFSErrOptLoad, errno, strerror( errno ), pOptDesc->optArg.argString ); (*pOpts->pUsageProc)( pOpts, EXIT_FAILURE ); /* NOT REACHED */ } if (! S_ISREG( sb.st_mode )) { if ((pOpts->fOptSet & OPTPROC_ERRSTOP) == 0) return; fprintf( stderr, zNotFile, pOptDesc->optArg.argString ); (*pOpts->pUsageProc)( pOpts, EXIT_FAILURE ); /* NOT REACHED */ } filePreset(pOpts, pOptDesc->optArg.argString, DIRECTION_CALLED); } } /* parseAttributes * * Parse the various attributes of an XML-styled config file entry */ LOCAL char* parseAttributes( tOptions* pOpts, char* pzText, tOptionLoadMode* pMode, tOptionValue* pType ) { size_t lenLoadType = strlen( zLoadType ); size_t lenKeyWords = strlen( zKeyWords ); size_t lenSetMem = strlen( zSetMembers ); do { switch (*pzText) { case '/': pType->valType = OPARG_TYPE_NONE; case '>': return pzText; default: case NUL: return NULL; case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\f': case '\r': case '\v': break; } while (isspace( (int)*++pzText )) ; if (strncmp( pzText, zLoadType, lenLoadType ) == 0) { pzText = parseValueType( pzText+lenLoadType, pType ); continue; } if (strncmp( pzText, zKeyWords, lenKeyWords ) == 0) { pzText = parseKeyWordType( pOpts, pzText+lenKeyWords, pType ); continue; } if (strncmp( pzText, zSetMembers, lenSetMem ) == 0) { pzText = parseSetMemType( pOpts, pzText+lenSetMem, pType ); continue; } pzText = parseLoadMode( pzText, pMode ); } while (pzText != NULL); return pzText; } /* parseKeyWordType * * "pzText" points to the character after "words=". * What should follow is a name of a keyword (enumeration) list. */ static char* parseKeyWordType( tOptions* pOpts, char* pzText, tOptionValue* pType ) { return skipUnknown( pzText ); } /* parseLoadMode * * "pzText" points to some name character. We check for "cooked" or * "uncooked" or "keep". This function should handle any attribute * that does not have an associated value. */ static char* parseLoadMode( char* pzText, tOptionLoadMode* pMode ) { { size_t len = strlen(zLoadCooked); if (strncmp( pzText, zLoadCooked, len ) == 0) { if ( (pzText[len] == '>') || (pzText[len] == '/') || isspace((int)pzText[len])) { *pMode = OPTION_LOAD_COOKED; return pzText + len; } goto unknown; } } { size_t len = strlen(zLoadUncooked); if (strncmp( pzText, zLoadUncooked, len ) == 0) { if ( (pzText[len] == '>') || (pzText[len] == '/') || isspace((int)pzText[len])) { *pMode = OPTION_LOAD_UNCOOKED; return pzText + len; } goto unknown; } } { size_t len = strlen(zLoadKeep); if (strncmp( pzText, zLoadKeep, len ) == 0) { if ( (pzText[len] == '>') || (pzText[len] == '/') || isspace((int)pzText[len])) { *pMode = OPTION_LOAD_KEEP; return pzText + len; } goto unknown; } } unknown: return skipUnknown( pzText ); } /* parseSetMemType * * "pzText" points to the character after "members=" * What should follow is a name of a "set membership". * A collection of bit flags. */ static char* parseSetMemType( tOptions* pOpts, char* pzText, tOptionValue* pType ) { return skipUnknown( pzText ); } /* parseValueType * * "pzText" points to the character after "type=" */ static char* parseValueType( char* pzText, tOptionValue* pType ) { { size_t len = strlen(zLtypeString); if (strncmp( pzText, zLtypeString, len ) == 0) { if ((pzText[len] == '>') || isspace((int)pzText[len])) { pType->valType = OPARG_TYPE_STRING; return pzText + len; } goto unknown; } } { size_t len = strlen(zLtypeInteger); if (strncmp( pzText, zLtypeInteger, len ) == 0) { if ((pzText[len] == '>') || isspace((int)pzText[len])) { pType->valType = OPARG_TYPE_NUMERIC; return pzText + len; } goto unknown; } } { size_t len = strlen(zLtypeBool); if (strncmp( pzText, zLtypeBool, len ) == 0) { if ((pzText[len] == '>') || isspace(pzText[len])) { pType->valType = OPARG_TYPE_BOOLEAN; return pzText + len; } goto unknown; } } { size_t len = strlen(zLtypeKeyword); if (strncmp( pzText, zLtypeKeyword, len ) == 0) { if ((pzText[len] == '>') || isspace((int)pzText[len])) { pType->valType = OPARG_TYPE_ENUMERATION; return pzText + len; } goto unknown; } } { size_t len = strlen(zLtypeSetMembership); if (strncmp( pzText, zLtypeSetMembership, len ) == 0) { if ((pzText[len] == '>') || isspace((int)pzText[len])) { pType->valType = OPARG_TYPE_MEMBERSHIP; return pzText + len; } goto unknown; } } { size_t len = strlen(zLtypeNest); if (strncmp( pzText, zLtypeNest, len ) == 0) { if ((pzText[len] == '>') || isspace((int)pzText[len])) { pType->valType = OPARG_TYPE_HIERARCHY; return pzText + len; } goto unknown; } } unknown: pType->valType = OPARG_TYPE_NONE; return skipUnknown( pzText ); } /* skipUnknown * * Skip over some unknown attribute */ static char* skipUnknown( char* pzText ) { for (;; pzText++) { if (isspace( (int)*pzText )) return pzText; switch (*pzText) { case NUL: return NULL; case '/': case '>': return pzText; } } } /* validateOptionsStruct * * Make sure the option descriptor is there and that we understand it. * This should be called from any user entry point where one needs to * worry about validity. (Some entry points are free to assume that * the call is not the first to the library and, thus, that this has * already been called.) */ LOCAL tSuccess validateOptionsStruct( tOptions* pOpts, char const* pzProgram ) { if (pOpts == NULL) { fputs( zAO_Bad, stderr ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } /* * IF the client has enabled translation and the translation procedure * is available, then go do it. */ if ( ((pOpts->fOptSet & OPTPROC_TRANSLATE) != 0) && (pOpts->pTransProc != 0) ) { (*pOpts->pTransProc)(); pOpts->fOptSet &= ~OPTPROC_TRANSLATE; } /* * IF the struct version is not the current, and also * either too large (?!) or too small, * THEN emit error message and fail-exit */ if ( ( pOpts->structVersion != OPTIONS_STRUCT_VERSION ) && ( (pOpts->structVersion > OPTIONS_STRUCT_VERSION ) || (pOpts->structVersion < OPTIONS_MINIMUM_VERSION ) ) ) { fprintf( stderr, zAO_Err, pOpts->origArgVect[0], NUM_TO_VER( pOpts->structVersion )); if (pOpts->structVersion > OPTIONS_STRUCT_VERSION ) fputs( zAO_Big, stderr ); else fputs( zAO_Sml, stderr ); return FAILURE; } /* * If the program name hasn't been set, then set the name and the path * and the set of equivalent characters. */ if (pOpts->pzProgName == NULL) { char const* pz = strrchr( pzProgram, DIRCH ); if (pz == NULL) pOpts->pzProgName = pzProgram; else pOpts->pzProgName = pz+1; pOpts->pzProgPath = pzProgram; /* * when comparing long names, these are equivalent */ strequate( zSepChars ); } return SUCCESS; } /** * Local Variables: * mode: C * c-file-style: "stroustrup" * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * end of autoopts/configfile.c */