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  5. * with significant contributions from:
  6. Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
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  47. <LI><A NAME="tex2html48"
  48. HREF="node2.html#SECTION00021000000000000000"><SPAN CLASS="arabic">2</SPAN>.<SPAN CLASS="arabic">1</SPAN> <SPAN ID="hue56">Requirements</SPAN></A>
  49. <LI><A NAME="tex2html49"
  50. HREF="node2.html#SECTION00022000000000000000"><SPAN CLASS="arabic">2</SPAN>.<SPAN CLASS="arabic">2</SPAN> <SPAN ID="hue78">Wishes</SPAN></A>
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  54. <H1><A NAME="SECTION00020000000000000000">
  55. <SPAN CLASS="arabic">2</SPAN> <SPAN ID="hue54">Features</SPAN></A>
  56. </H1>
  57. <P>
  58. <H2><A NAME="SECTION00021000000000000000">
  59. <SPAN CLASS="arabic">2</SPAN>.<SPAN CLASS="arabic">1</SPAN> <SPAN ID="hue56">Requirements</SPAN></A>
  60. </H2>
  61. <P>
  62. <OL>
  63. <LI><SPAN ID="hue59">Full TCP/IP support, including IP fragments and
  64. TCP stream reassembly.</SPAN>
  65. </LI>
  66. <LI><SPAN ID="hue61">Support replaying TCP and UDP flows.</SPAN>
  67. </LI>
  68. <LI><SPAN ID="hue63">Code should handle each flow/service independently.</SPAN>
  69. </LI>
  70. <LI><SPAN ID="hue65">Should be able to connect to the server(s) in the
  71. pcap file or to a user specified IP address.</SPAN>
  72. </LI>
  73. <LI><SPAN ID="hue67">Support a plug-in architecture to allow adding application
  74. layer intelligence.</SPAN>
  75. </LI>
  76. <LI><SPAN ID="hue69">Plug-ins must be able to support multi-flow protocols
  77. like FTP.</SPAN>
  78. </LI>
  79. <LI><SPAN ID="hue366">Ship with a default plug-in which will work ``well
  80. enough'' for simple single-flow protocols like HTTP and telnet.</SPAN>
  81. </LI>
  82. <LI><SPAN ID="hue367">Flows being replayed ``correctly'' is more important
  83. then performance (Mbps).</SPAN>
  84. </LI>
  85. <LI><SPAN ID="hue75">Portable to run on common flavors of Unix and Unix-like
  86. systems.</SPAN>
  87. </LI>
  88. </OL>
  89. <P>
  90. <H2><A NAME="SECTION00022000000000000000">
  91. <SPAN CLASS="arabic">2</SPAN>.<SPAN CLASS="arabic">2</SPAN> <SPAN ID="hue78">Wishes</SPAN></A>
  92. </H2>
  93. <P>
  94. <OL>
  95. <LI><SPAN ID="hue81">Support clients connecting to flowreplay on a limited
  96. basis. Flowreplay would replay the server side of the connection.</SPAN>
  97. </LI>
  98. <LI><SPAN ID="hue83">Support other IP based traffic (ICMP, VRRP, OSPF,
  99. etc) via plug-ins.</SPAN>
  100. </LI>
  101. <LI><SPAN ID="hue85">Support non-IP traffic (ARP, STP, CDP, etc) via
  102. plug-ins.</SPAN>
  103. </LI>
  104. <LI><SPAN ID="hue87">Limit which flows are replayed using user defined
  105. filters. (bpf filter syntax?)</SPAN>
  106. </LI>
  107. <LI><SPAN ID="hue89">Process pcap files directly with no intermediary
  108. file conversions.</SPAN>
  109. </LI>
  110. <LI><SPAN ID="hue91">Should be able to scale to pcap files in the 100's
  111. of MB in size and 100+ simultaneous flows on a P3 500MHz w/ 256MB
  112. of RAM.</SPAN>
  113. </LI>
  114. </OL>
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  135. <ADDRESS>
  136. Aaron Turner
  137. 2006-08-07
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