Aaron Turner 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
autoopts 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
compat 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
m4 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
COPYING.lgpl 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
COPYING.mbsd f6a2e4df1d Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.beta6 19 years ago
MakeDefs.inc 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
Makefile.am 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
Makefile.in 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
README a742c684d3 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.beta9 18 years ago
autoopts.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
autoopts.h 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
boolean.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
configfile.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
cook.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
enumeration.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
environment.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
genshell.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
genshell.h 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
libopts.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
load.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
makeshell.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
nested.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
numeric.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
pgusage.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
proto.h 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
putshell.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
restore.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
save.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
sort.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
stack.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
streqvcmp.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
text_mmap.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
tokenize.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
usage.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago
version.c 99c4958664 Import upstream version 2.99+3.0.rc1 17 years ago



The contents of this tarball is designed to be incorporated into
software packages that utilize the AutoOpts option automation
package and are intended to be installed on systems that may not
have libopts installed. It is redistributable under the terms
of either the LGPL (see COPYING.lgpl) or under the terms of
the advertising clause free BSD license (see COPYING.mbsd).

Usage Instructions for autoconf/automake/libtoolized projects:

1. Install the unrolled tarball into your package source tree,
copying ``libopts.m4'' to your autoconf macro directory.

In your bootstrap (pre-configure) script, you can do this:

rm -rf libopts libopts-*
gunzip -c `autoopts-config libsrc` | tar -xvf -
mv -f libopts-*.*.* libopts
cp -fp libopts/m4/*.m4 m4/.

I tend to put my configure auxiliary files in "m4".
Whatever directory you choose, if it is not ".", then
be sure to tell autoconf about it with:


This is one macro where you *MUST* remember to *NOT* quote
the argument. If you do, automake will get lost.

2. Add the following to your ``configure.ac'' file:




This macro will automatically invoke

AC_CONFIG_FILES( [relative/path/to/libopts/Makefile] )

The default ``relative/path/to/libopts'' is simply

3. Add the following to your top level ``Makefile.am'' file:


where ``<...>'' can be whatever other files or directories
you may need. The SUBDIRS must be properly ordered.
*PLEASE NOTE* it is crucial that the SUBDIRS be set under the
control of an automake conditional. To work correctly,
automake has to know the range of possible values of SUBDIRS.
It's a magical name with magical properties. ``NEED_LIBOPTS''
will be correctly set by the ``LIBOPTS_CHECK'' macro, above.

4. Add ``$(LIBOPTS_CFLAGS)'' to relevant compiler flags and
``$(LIBOPTS_LDADD)'' to relevant link options whereever
you need them in your build tree.

5. Make sure your object files explicitly depend upon the
generated options header file. e.g.:

$(prog_OBJECTS) : prog-opts.h
prog-opts.h : prog-opts.c
prog-opts.c : prog-opts.def
autogen prog-opts.def

6. *OPTIONAL* --
If you are creating man pages and texi documentation from
the program options, you will need these rules somewhere, too:

man_MANS = prog.1
prog.1 : prog-opts.def
autogen -Tagman1.tpl -bprog prog-opts.def

prog-invoke.texi : prog-opts.def
autogen -Taginfo.tpl -bprog-invoke prog-opts.def

If your package does not utilize the auto* tools, then you
will need to hand craft the rules for building the library.


This material is copyright 1993-2006 by Bruce Korb.
You are licensed to use this under the terms of either
the GNU Lesser General Public License (see: COPYING.lgpl), or,
at your option, the modified Berkeley Software Distribution
License (see: COPYING.mbsd). Both of these files should be
included with this tarball.