init.tcl 2.0 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env tclsh
  2. #
  3. # Configurations for the build environment.
  4. #
  5. # Copyright 2015-2017
  6. # Distributed under the MIT License.
  7. # See accompanying LICENSE.txt file or at
  8. #
  9. #
  10. # configurations
  11. #
  12. # project settings
  13. set PROJECT "RemoteSupportTool"
  14. set VERSION "0.5"
  15. set AUTHOR_NAME "OpenIndex"
  16. set AUTHOR_EMAIL ""
  17. # preferred applications
  18. set TAR ""
  19. set XGETTEXT ""
  20. set MSGFMT ""
  21. set MSGMERGE ""
  22. set WINE ""
  23. # setup internal pathes
  24. set BASE_DIR [file normalize [file dirname $argv0]]
  25. set SRC_DIR [file join $BASE_DIR src]
  26. set SRC_APP_DIR [file join $SRC_DIR "lib" "app-support"]
  27. set SRC_MSGS_DIR [file join $SRC_APP_DIR "msgs"]
  28. set UTILS_DIR [file join $BASE_DIR "utils"]
  29. set BUILD_DIR [file join $BASE_DIR "build"]
  30. set TARGET_DIR [file join $BASE_DIR "target"]
  31. set I18N_DIR [file join $BASE_DIR "misc" "i18n"]
  32. set I18N_PO_DIR [file join $I18N_DIR "app-support"]
  33. set I18N_POT [file join $I18N_DIR "app-support.pot"]
  34. set SDX [file join $UTILS_DIR "sdx-20110317.kit"]
  35. set RESHACK [file join $UTILS_DIR "ResourceHacker.exe"]
  36. set SEVENZIP [file join $UTILS_DIR "7za.exe"]
  37. set TCLKIT_LINUX_AMD64 [file join $UTILS_DIR "tclkit-8.6.6-linux-amd64"]
  38. set TCLKIT_LINUX_I386 [file join $UTILS_DIR "tclkit-8.6.6-linux-i386"]
  39. set TCLKIT_MAC [file join $UTILS_DIR "tclkit-8.6.6-macosx"]
  40. set TCLKIT_WINDOWS [file join $UTILS_DIR "tclkit-8.6.6-windows.exe"]
  41. set TCLKITSH_WINDOWS [file join $UTILS_DIR "tclkitsh-win32.upx.exe"]
  42. #
  43. # start initialization
  44. #
  45. # import functions
  46. source [file join $UTILS_DIR "utils.tcl"]
  47. # detect application pathes
  48. set TCLKIT [get_tclkit]
  49. if {![info exists XGETTEXT] || $XGETTEXT == ""} {
  50. set XGETTEXT [which "xgettext"]
  51. }
  52. if {![info exists MSGFMT] || $MSGFMT == ""} {
  53. set MSGFMT [which "msgfmt"]
  54. }
  55. if {![info exists MSGMERGE] || $MSGMERGE == ""} {
  56. set MSGMERGE [which "msgmerge"]
  57. }
  58. if {![is_windows]} {
  59. if {![info exists TAR] || $TAR == ""} {
  60. set TAR [which "tar"]
  61. }
  62. if {![info exists WINE] || $WINE == ""} {
  63. set WINE [which "wine"]
  64. }
  65. }