@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# Interactive installation steps for Debian Bullseye from GRML using debootstrap
+# Design decisions
+# - Fokus on a simple setup, primarly for VMs
+# - One disk, one partion, swap-file in the same partion as safety net
+# - Use systemd whereever possible (network, ntp, cron, journald logging)
+# - Minimal number of packages & cloud kernel
+# - grub-pc, not efi
+# - random root and admin user password generation
+# - ssh on port 50101 limited to the admin user
+# Usage
+# Boot grml and clone repo
+# cp config.sh.template config.sh # copy template
+# vi config.sh # update installation variables
+# bootstrap-bookworm.sh install # start installation
+# !! Note down the admin passwords and reboot
+# sudo /installer/bootstrap-bookworm.sh postinstall # run postinstall in the new system
+# Variables
+mnt="/mnt/root" # mountpoint for the new root filesystem
+disk="/dev/vda" # lsblk --list
+netDev="eth0" # ip link
+[ -f ./config.sh ] && source config.sh
+# Setup network in grml
+ip link show # list interfaces
+ip addr add $netAddress dev $netDev
+ip link set $netDev up
+ip route add default via $netGateway
+echo nameserver $netDNS1 >> /etc/resolv.conf
+echo nameserver $netDNS2 >> /etc/resolv.conf
+# Prepare disks
+# Parition disks -- pkg: parted
+parted $disk -s \
+mklabel msdos \
+mkpart primary ext4 512M 100% toggle 1 boot
+fdisk -l $disk
+# Format disks -- pkg: e2fsprogs dosfstools and to file system check
+mkfs.ext4 $disk1 && e2fsck $disk1
+# Prepare mount points and mount
+mkdir -p $mnt
+mount $disk1 $mnt
+# Create swapfile
+dd if=/dev/zero of=$swapfile bs=1M count=1024 status=progress # create 1GB file
+chmod 600 $swapfile #restric permissions
+mkswap $swapfile #format file
+# Bootstrap -- pkg: debootstrap
+# Remark: Debootstrap does not install recommands!!
+#debootstrap --variant=minbase --arch=amd64 bookworm $mnt http://ftp2.de.debian.org/debian/
+tar xfzv root.tar.gz --strip-components=1 --directory /mnt/root
+# Configuration
+# Configure disk mounts
+# Or get UUID from blkid...
+cat >$mnt/etc/fstab <<EOL
+$disk1 / ext4 rw 0 0
+/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0
+# Configure sources.list
+cat >$mnt/etc/apt/sources.list <<EOL
+deb [arch=amd64] http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ testing main contrib non-free
+deb-src [arch=amd64] http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ testing main contrib non-free
+deb [arch=amd64] http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ testing-updates main contrib non-free
+deb-src [arch=amd64] http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ testing-updates main contrib non-free
+deb [arch=amd64] http://security.debian.org/ testing/updates main contrib non-free
+deb-src [arch=amd64] http://security.debian.org/ testing/updates main contrib non-free
+# Configure hostname
+echo " $hostname" >> $mnt/etc/hosts
+echo "$hostname" > $mnt/etc/hostname
+# Prepare chroot
+mount -o bind /dev $mnt/dev
+mount -o bind /dev/pts $mnt/dev/pts
+mount -t sysfs /sys $mnt/sys
+mount -t proc /proc $mnt/proc
+cp /proc/mounts $mnt/etc/mtab
+cp /etc/resolv.conf $mnt/etc/resolv.conf
+mkdir -p $mnt/installer
+cp $(dirname `realpath $0`)/*.sh $mnt/installer
+# Run script in chroot
+chroot $mnt /bin/bash /installer/bootstrap-bookworm.sh install2
+# Install bootloader
+$0 bootloader
+# Function executed within chroot
+source /installer/config.sh
+# Install basic system
+apt-get update
+apt-get install --yes \
+ apt-utils dialog msmtp-mta \
+ systemd-sysv locales tzdata haveged \
+ linux-image-cloud-amd64 grub-pc \
+ iproute2 netbase \
+ ssh sudo \
+ less vim-tiny bash-completion pwgen lsof \
+ dnsutils iputils-ping curl
+# Upgrade and clean up
+apt-get upgrade --yes
+apt-get autoremove --yes
+apt-get clean --yes
+# Setup users and passwords
+[ -z $pwdAdmin ] && pwdAdmin=`pwgen --capitalize --numerals --ambiguous 12 1`
+useradd admin --create-home --shell /bin/bash
+echo "admin:$pwdAdmin" | chpasswd
+usermod -a -G sudo admin
+echo -e "\e[1;33;4;44mPassword for the user admin: $pwdAdmin\e[0m"
+pass=`pwgen --capitalize --numerals --ambiguous 12 1`
+[ -z $pwdRoot ] && pwdRoot=`pwgen --capitalize --numerals --ambiguous 12 1`
+echo "root:$pwdRoot" | chpasswd
+echo -e "\e[1;33;4;44mPassword for the user root: $pwdRoot\e[0m"
+# Harden SSHD
+echo AllowUsers admin >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+sed -i -e 's/#Port 22/Port 50101/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+sed -i -e 's/#PubkeyAuthentication yes/PubkeyAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+## Configure network using systemd
+if [ -z $netAddress ]
+## Network OPTION 1 - DHCP
+cat >/etc/systemd/network/20-wired.network <<EOL
+## Network OPTION 2 - static
+cat >/etc/systemd/network/20-wired.network <<EOL
+# Setup systemd resolver
+rm /etc/resolv.conf
+ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
+systemctl enable systemd-networkd
+# to be checked why port 5353 is opened externally
+sed -i 's/#LLMNR=yes/LLMNR=no/' /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
+systemctl enable systemd-resolved
+# Limit journald logging to 1 month, 1 GB in total and split files per week
+cat >>/etc/systemd/journald.conf <<EOL
+# Custom settings
+# Show errors in motd
+rm /etc/motd
+cat >/etc/update-motd.d/15-boot-errors<<EOL
+journalctl --boot --priority=3 --no-pager
+chmod 755 /etc/update-motd.d/15-boot-errors
+# Setup keyboard layout
+cat >/etc/default/keyboard <<EOL
+# Leave chroot
+# Install GRUB in /dev/vba
+chroot $mnt /bin/bash -c "grub-install $disk && update-grub"
+# Unmount if mounted
+! mountpoint -q $mnt/proc || umount $mnt/proc
+! mountpoint -q $mnt/sys || umount $mnt/sys
+! mountpoint -q $mnt/dev/pts || umount $mnt/dev/pts
+! mountpoint -q $mnt/dev || umount $mnt/dev
+! mountpoint -q $mnt/root || umount $mnt/root
+! mountpoint -q $mnt || umount $mnt
+# Delete mount-point if empty and not mounted
+[ -z "$(ls -A /mnt/)" ] && ! mountpoint -q $mnt && rm -R $mnt
+####----REBOOT into the new system, so we'll have dbus running
+localectl set-locale LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 # Default for LC_* variables not set.
+localectl set-locale LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8 # System messages.
+#localectl set-locale LC_RESPONSE=en_US.UTF-8 # How responses (such as Yes and No) appear
+timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Berlin
+# Switch to functions...
+case $1 in
+ grmlnetwork)
+ echo Setup network in grml
+ grmlnetwork
+ ;;
+ install)
+ echo "Stage 1: Start installation"
+ install
+ ;;
+ install2)
+ echo "Stage 2: Start installation in chroot"
+ install2
+ ;;
+ bootloader)
+ echo "Stage 3: Install bootloader and unmount chroot"
+ bootloader
+ unmount
+ echo "We're done and can reboot now"
+ ;;
+ postinstall)
+ echo "Stage 4: Start post-installation in live system"
+ postinstall
+ ;;
+ unmount)
+ echo "Unmount chroot, e.g. in case installation fails"
+ unmount
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Valid functions are: grmlnetwork, install, postinstall and unmount" >&2
+ ;;