# bootstrap The script in this repo bootstraps Debian 12 „Bookworm“. The script may run in a grml live environment. Design decisions and usage instructions are outlined in the beginning of the script. ### Basic usage ``` git clone https://git.in-ulm.de/ulpeters/bootstrap.git cd bootstrap cp config.sh.template config.sh vi config.sh ./bootstrap-bookworm.sh install # reboot # run as root /installer/bootstrap-bookworm.sh postinstall ``` #### Run in grml live environment 1. Boot grml **amd64** 2. Press e to setup network if neccessary 3. Press ⏎ to run a shell 4. Run `Start ssh`, with a capital S to start the ssh server 5. Run `passwd` to change the root password 6. ./config-get-netconf-eth0.sh to copy running grml in `config.sh` 7. Login via ssh and proceed with *Basic usage* #### Qemu disk as installation target To prepare a qemu disk as installation target run following commands and set `disk=/dev/nbd0` in `config.sh`: ``` if ! lsmod | grep -q nbd; then sudo modprobe nbd max_part=8; fi # load nbd if missing img="/var/lib/libvirt/images/ts-linux-testing.qcow2" qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o size=20G $img # create image chown libvirt-qemu:libvirt-qemu $img # make accessable for qemu qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 $img # create device from image qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0 # release device, after the installation is completed ``` #### Partition schema - `partition=mbr-single`, recommended for small VMs, will prepare - a mbr partition table - a single partition formated as ext4 partition - install grub-pc - `partition=efi-single`, recommended for small physical servers, will prepare - a gpt partion table - a 310 MB partition for efi - a 50 GB partition for the operation system - a partition with the remaining disk space for a luks containerapt install wireless-regdb #### Missing Firmware When the kernel reports missing - firmware, run `apt install firmware-linux` - regulatory.db, run `apt install wireless-regdb`