679 B

  1. # Variables
  2. mnt="/mnt/root" # mountpoint for the new root filesystem
  3. hostname=""
  4. partition="single-mbr" # set "efi" to skip partitioning and install grub-efi
  5. disk="/dev/vda" # find with: lsblk --list
  6. disk1=$disk"1" # "p1" for nbd or nvme mounts
  7. netDev="eth0" # find with: ip link
  8. netAddress="" # "" blank for dhcp on e*
  9. netGateway=""
  10. netBroadcast=""
  11. netDNS1=""
  12. netDNS2=""
  13. netNTP=""
  14. pwdAdmin="" # "" blank for auto-generation
  15. pwdRoot="" # "" blank for auto-generation
  16. extraPackages="qemu-guest-agent"