.env.template 1.1 KB

  1. # Backup schedule
  2. # minute ( 1-59
  3. # | hour 1-23
  4. # | | day of month (1-31)
  5. # | | | month (1-12)
  6. # | | | | weekday 0=Sun, ..., 6=Sat, 7=Sun
  7. # | | | | |
  8. CRON=0 1 * * * /opt/scripts/do-backup.sh
  9. # Timezone, import for cron to start at the right time
  10. TZ=Europe/Berlin
  11. # Prometheus URL where to sent metric to,
  12. # no metrics will be sent if empty
  13. ä# hostname will be appended to the URL in docker-compose.yml
  14. PROM_URL=http://pushgateway:9091/push/metrics/job/borg/host/
  15. # Hostname used in the archive name
  16. BORG_HOSTNAME=examplehost
  17. # Passphrase to encrypt the keyfile
  18. BORG_PASSPHRASE=ReplaceWithYourSecretPassphrase
  19. # Path within the container to store backups
  20. BORG_REPO=/mnt/target/borg
  21. # Path within the container to backup
  22. BORG_SOURCE_PATH=/mnt/source/data
  23. # Volume on the host to mount as backup source
  24. # This volume is mounted to /mnt/source within the container
  25. VOLUME_SOURCE=/srv
  26. # Volume on the host to mount as backup target
  27. # This volume is mounted to /mnt/target within the container
  28. VOLUME_TARGET=/srv/backup
  29. BORG_RETENTION="--keep-hourly 2 --keep-daily 14 --keep-weekly 6 --keep-monthly 12 --keep-yearly 10"