version: '3.4' services: ejabberd: image: ejabberd/ecs:21.12 container_name: ejabberd hostname: ${HOSTNAME} mem_limit: 512m restart: on-failure:3 ports: - 5222:5222 #c2s stattls# - 5223:5223 #c2s ssl# - 5269:5269 #s2s# - 5280:5280 #bosh + admin# - 5443:5443 #http-upload# - 3478:3478/udp #stun/turn - 5349:5349/tcp #stuns/turns - 7777:7777 #proxy65 expose: - 80 entrypoint: /home/ejabberd/ command: foreground healthcheck: # test: ["CMD", "nc", "-z", "ejabberd:5347"] test: /home/ejabberd/bin/ejabberdctl status | grep -q started interval: 15s #interval for the first and subsequent checks timeout: 10s retries: 3 volumes: - ./ - ./data/backup/:/home/ejabberd/backup/ - ./data/conf/ejabberd.yml:/home/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml:ro - ./data/conf.d/:/home/ejabberd/conf/conf.d/:ro - ./data/database/:/home/ejabberd/database/ - ./data/upload/:/home/ejabberd/upload/ - ./data/www:/home/ejabberd/www/ - /opt/docker/reverse-proxy/data/certs/${HOSTNAME}:/etc/ssl/ejabberd:ro environment: IP_ADDRESS: ${IP_ADDRESS} IRCPASS: ${IRCPASS} VIRTUAL_HOST: > ${HOSTNAME}, conference.${HOSTNAME}, pubsub.${HOSTNAME}, upload.${HOSTNAME}, irc.${HOSTNAME}, proxy.${HOSTNAME}, push.${HOSTNAME} LETSENCRYPT_HOST: > ${HOSTNAME}, conference.${HOSTNAME}, pubsub.${HOSTNAME}, upload.${HOSTNAME}, irc.${HOSTNAME}, proxy.${HOSTNAME}, push.${HOSTNAME} LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL: webmaster@${HOSTNAME} networks: - reverse-proxy_default - irc biboumi: image: louiz/biboumi:9.0 container_name: ejabberd_biboumi mem_limit: 200m restart: on-failure:3 ports: - 113:8113 #identd, used by irc servers to differentiate user coming from one host# depends_on: ejabberd: condition: service_healthy volumes: - ./data/biboumi/database/:/var/lib/biboumi/ - ./data/biboumi/ca-bundle.crt:/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt environment: BIBOUMI_HOSTNAME: irc.${HOSTNAME} BIBOUMI_PORT: 5347 BIBOUMI_PASSWORD: ${IRCPASS} BIBOUMI_XMPP_SERVER_IP: ejabberd BIBOUMI_ADMIN: admin@${HOSTNAME} BIBOUMI_IDENTD_PORT: 8113 ## the biboumi has not the privilege to open port 113 directly BIBOUMI_log_level: 1 ## disable logging of chat messages networks: - irc networks: reverse-proxy_default: external: true irc: