Simple Web API to send xmpp messages via http post requests.
- The xmpp sender and receivers are configured in the
- Section ACCOUNT holds the jid (jabber identifier) and password of the user (bot) supposed to send messages.
- Section RECEIVER holds a 64 character alpha-numeric bearer tokens used for authorziations. To each token exactly one receiver jid must be assigned.
Get started
- Clone the repo and navigate in the data directory:
cd data
- Copy the example configuration file:
cp config.ini.example config.ini
- Add some bearer tokens to the config files:
./ >> config.ini
- Setup the sender jid and password, delete the example RECEIVERS and update your own:
vim config.ini
- Start the container:
docker-compose up -d
curl -i http://localhost:8010 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer 2vAWHgdTn74Rb2D4uU5IvyhSKF4xDYGVnu6D8syGU7Wixx4dXfmvxubCMwOxNKWQ" \
-X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
--data "put your message here"