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updated scope for advanced setup

Toastie vor 2 Jahren
1 geänderte Dateien mit 8 neuen und 4 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 8 4

+ 8 - 4

@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Scope of the **basic setup** is to run minio
 - with a directoy mounted for data
 - with the container port 9000 (s3) mapped to a host port
-Scope of the **advance setup** is to  
-- run minio behind a reverse-proxy
-- expose s3 and the web interface (console) in different docker networks
+Scope of the **advance setup** is to run minio
+- web ui (console, port 9001) with basic auth behind a reverse-proxy (port 443) with letsencrypt
+- s3 (port 9000) with the tls cert from above and restricted to certain source IPs
 ## Configuration
@@ -23,4 +23,8 @@ Scope of the **advance setup** is to
 #### Preconditions:
   - [Reverse proxy with Letsencrypt companion](https://git.in-ulm.de/ulpeters/reverse-proxy) running
-  - External docker networks has been already created
+#### Steps
+  - set $HOSTNAME in .env
+  - set $CERT_PATH in .env
+  - Setup FW