version: '3.7' services: # minio-getkeys: # container_name: minio-getkeys # hostname: minio-getkeys # image: alpine # user: 0:0 # we need root to read the key/cert # restart: on-failure:3 # # ToDo: Replace with variable # volumes: # - ${CERT_PATH}:/mnt/src:ro # - ./data/home/.minio/certs:/mnt/dst:rw # command: > # sh -c 'apk add --no-cache inotify-tools # && while true; # do inotifywait /mnt/src/fullchain.pem --event modify # && date +%x_%r # && cp /mnt/src/fullchain.pem /mnt/dst/public.crt # && cp /mnt/src/key.pem /mnt/dst/private.key # && chown 1000:1000 /mnt/dst/*.* # && chmod 600 /mnt/dst/*.*; done' minio: networks: - docker-dmz volumes: - ${CERT_PATH}${HOSTNAME}:/home/data/.minio/certs expose: - "9001" environment: VIRTUAL_HOST: ${HOSTNAME} LETSENCRYPT_HOST: ${HOSTNAME} LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL: webmaster@${HOSTNAME} networks: docker-dmz: external: name: reverse-proxy