## Restic This [`docker-compose.yml`](./docker-compose.yml) file runs Restic backup as per [`crontab.txt`](data/restic/crontab.txt) with parameters set in [`.env`](.env.template) using the [restic/restic](https://hub.docker.com/r/restic/restic/) image. ### Setup #### Setup your config ``` cp .env.template .env vi .env ``` #### Run the container ``` docker-compose up -d docker logs restic -f ``` ### Operation #### Monitoring For monitoring purposes the script `data/restic/push-metric.sh` is executed prior to and after any backup. If the environment variable `$PROM_GW_URL` is set the respective Prometheus Push Gateway will get informed about the backup start and result (stop, incomplete, fail). In case of a proper stop, further statistics will be send to the Push Gateway. #### List snapshots with date/time ``` / # restic ls Fatal: Invalid arguments, either give one or more snapshot IDs or set filters. / # restic snapshots repository 276b6a79 opened successfully, password is correct ID Time Host Tags Paths ------------------------------------------------------------------ e70bd81a 2020-01-05 23:39:20 restic /mnt/source d629a178 2020-01-06 20:20:06 restic /mnt/source ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 snapshots ``` #### Show diff between snapshots ``` restic diff e70bd81a d629a178 ``` ### References - Restic docu: https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html