.env.template 533 B

  1. # Admin account credentials
  2. MINIO_ROOT_USER=30RandomAlphaNumericCharacters
  3. MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=AnotherSetOf30RandomCharacters
  4. # Directory to store data
  5. # !! This directory has to be writeable by uid/gid 1000
  6. # sudo chown 1000:1000 ...
  7. # MINIO_DATA=/srv/magnetic-backup/minio
  8. MINIO_DATA=./data
  9. # IP / Port Mapping for s3
  10. # IP_ADDRESS=
  11. PORT_MAPPING=9000:9090
  12. # Path to certificates, expected filenames:
  13. # - fullchain.pem
  14. # - key.pem
  15. CERT_PATH=/opt/docker/reverse-proxy/data/certs/
  16. HOSTNAME=minio.example.com