# Simple totp subrequest authentication To be used with [reverse-proxy](https://github.com/nginx-proxy/nginx-proxy) ## Setup ``` # build the container image docker compose build # Popoulate .env file with an random secret and a corresponding qr-code # for your TOTP mobile app stored in secret.qr` ./new-secret.sh # Copy and adapt sample configuration cp vdi.example.com_location /opt/docker/reverse-proxy/data/vhost.d/ts.lime.s-up.net_location ``` ## Credits: - Based on [newhouseb/nginxwebauthn](https://github.com/newhouseb/nginxwebauthn) ## References: - [NGINX: Authentication Based on Subrequest Result](https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/security-controls/configuring-subrequest-authentication/)