@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-Subject: Improve detection of APK files; if we find a manifest file, at least say (...)
-Origin: FILE5_44-24-gc4361a10 <https://github.com/file/file/commit/FILE5_44-24-gc4361a10>
-Upstream-Author: Christos Zoulas <christos@zoulas.com>
-Date: Wed Jan 18 16:12:38 2023 +0000
- improve detection of APK files; if we find a manifest file, at least say
- that it is a jar file (FC Stegerman)
---- a/magic/Magdir/archive
-+++ b/magic/Magdir/archive
-@@ -1511,66 +1511,70 @@
- # Starts with AndroidManifest.xml (file name length = 19)
- >26 uleshort 19
- >>30 string AndroidManifest.xml Android package (APK), with AndroidManifest.xml
-->>>-22 string PK\005\006
-->>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- !:mime application/vnd.android.package-archive
- !:ext apk
-+>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-+>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- # Starts with META-INF/com/android/build/gradle/app-metadata.properties
- >26 uleshort 57
- >>30 string META-INF/com/android/build/gradle/
- >>>&0 string app-metadata.properties Android package (APK), with gradle app-metadata.properties
-->>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-->>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- !:mime application/vnd.android.package-archive
- !:ext apk
-+>>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-+>>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- # Starts with classes.dex (file name length = 11)
- >26 uleshort 11
- >>30 string classes.dex Android package (APK), with classes.dex
-->>>-22 string PK\005\006
-->>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- !:mime application/vnd.android.package-archive
- !:ext apk
-+>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-+>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- # Starts with META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (file name length = 20)
- # NB: checks for resources.arsc, classes.dex, etc. as well to avoid matching JAR files
- >26 uleshort 20
- >>30 string META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
- # Contains resources.arsc (near the end, in the central directory)
- >>>-512 search resources.arsc Android package (APK), with MANIFEST.MF and resources.arsc
-->>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-->>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- !:mime application/vnd.android.package-archive
- !:ext apk
-+>>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-+>>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- >>>-512 default x
- # Contains classes.dex (near the end, in the central directory)
- >>>>-512 search classes.dex Android package (APK), with MANIFEST.MF and classes.dex
-->>>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-->>>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- !:mime application/vnd.android.package-archive
- !:ext apk
-+>>>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-+>>>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- >>>>-512 default x
- # Contains lib/armeabi (near the end, in the central directory)
- >>>>>-512 search lib/armeabi Android package (APK), with MANIFEST.MF and armeabi lib
-->>>>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-->>>>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- !:mime application/vnd.android.package-archive
- !:ext apk
-+>>>>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-+>>>>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- >>>>>-512 default x
- # Contains drawables (near the end, in the central directory)
- >>>>>>-512 search res/drawable Android package (APK), with MANIFEST.MF and drawables
-->>>>>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-->>>>>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- !:mime application/vnd.android.package-archive
- !:ext apk
-+>>>>>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-+>>>>>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
-+# It may or may not be an APK file, but it's definitely a Java JAR file
-+>>>>>>-512 default x Java archive data (JAR)
-+!:mime application/java-archive
-+!:ext jar
- # Starts with zipflinger virtual entry (28 + 104 = 132 bytes)
- # See https://github.com/obfusk/apksigcopier/blob/666f5b7/apksigcopier/__init__.py#L230
- >4 string \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00
- >>&0 string \x21\x08\x21\x02
- >>>&0 string \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00
- >>>>&0 string \x00\x00 Android package (APK), with zipflinger virtual entry
-->>>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-->>>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- !:mime application/vnd.android.package-archive
- !:ext apk
-+>>>>>-22 string PK\005\006
-+>>>>>>(-6.l-16) string APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042 \b, with APK Signing Block
- # APK Signing Block
- >0 default x
- >>-22 string PK\005\006
-@@ -1795,9 +1799,10 @@
- >>>38 regex [!-OQ-~]+ Zip data (MIME type "%s"?)
- !:mime application/zip
--# Java Jar files
-+# Java Jar files (see also APK files above)
- >(26.s+30) leshort 0xcafe Java archive data (JAR)
- !:mime application/java-archive
-+!:ext jar
- # iOS App
- >(26.s+30) leshort !0xcafe