1569669851.v9-3-gaf81262.force-creation-of-luks1-containers-in-test-suite.patch 617 B

  1. Subject: Force creation of LUKS1 containers in test suite
  2. Origin: v9-3-gaf81262 <https://github.com/latchset/luksmeta/commit/v9-3-gaf81262>
  3. Upstream-Author: Christoph Biedl <debian.axhn@manchmal.in-ulm.de>
  4. Date: Sat Sep 28 13:24:11 2019 +0200
  5. Cryptsetup defaults to LUKS2 since version 2.1, make sure to create
  6. LUKS1 containers instead by using the "--type luks1" argument.
  7. --- a/test-luksmeta
  8. +++ b/test-luksmeta
  9. @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
  10. trap 'onexit' EXIT
  11. truncate -s 4M $tmp
  12. -echo -n foo | cryptsetup luksFormat $tmp -
  13. +echo -n foo | cryptsetup luksFormat --type luks1 $tmp -
  14. ! ./luksmeta test -d $tmp