123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839 |
- #!/usr/bin/env tclsh
- #
- # Extract translations from source codes into a translation template (pot file).
- #
- # Copyright 2015-2017 OpenIndex.de.
- # Distributed under the MIT License.
- # See accompanying LICENSE.txt file or at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
- #
- # initialization
- source [file join [file normalize [file dirname $argv0]] init.tcl]
- puts ""
- puts "========================================================================="
- puts " $PROJECT $VERSION: extract translations"
- puts "========================================================================="
- puts ""
- if {$XGETTEXT == "" || ![file isfile $XGETTEXT] || ![file executable $XGETTEXT]} {
- puts "ERROR: Can't find the xgettext application!"
- exit 1
- }
- puts "recreate $I18N_POT"
- if {[file exists $I18N_POT]} {
- file delete $I18N_POT
- }
- touch $I18N_POT
- foreach tcl [glob -nocomplain -directory $SRC_APP_DIR -type f "*.tcl"] {
- puts "process $tcl"
- set f [file tail $tcl]
- if { [catch {exec $XGETTEXT -j -c -o [file nativename $I18N_POT] -L Tcl -k_ --copyright-holder=$AUTHOR_NAME --msgid-bugs-address=$AUTHOR_EMAIL $f} result] } {
- puts "ERROR: Can't extract translation!"
- puts "from: $tcl"
- puts $::errorInfo
- }
- }